











Treasures of Cleveland

Featuring Musical Treasures Laura Pedersen, Soprano and Calvin Stokes, Harpist
 -by Cynthia Marek Lundeen

我與伊利華報撰稿人Cynthia 總是會談起一個話題:克利夫蘭是一個有寶藏的地方,克利夫蘭歷史人物洛克菲勒影響整個世界。
    3月26日晩上在Cynthia家,我們一起採訪克利夫蘭著名歌劇演員Calvin Stokes 和 soprano Laura Pedersen. 他倆著名的Harp and heels在全球演出,4月8日,他們再次在克利夫蘭歌劇院一年一次地回家鄉爲觀衆獻藝。
     Calvin Stokes 他是第四代移民,祖輩二代人都是奴隸,當奴隸解放的時候,原農場主想方設法讓自己的奴隸成爲主人,這是人的胸懷,胸懷有多大你的財富就有多大。
   Laura Pedersen從小就喜歡唱歌,她從小就知道她聲音的魅力。高中畢業幾乎所有的美國高等藝術院校都要録取她。她的高中老師畢業于克利夫蘭CIM,對她説不要去紐約,去克里夫蘭會對你更有機會。

   Calvin Stokes 到CIM是因爲敎授在克里夫蘭,Laura Pedersen
    是因爲老師的指點。一個人一生有機會能遇上貴人加上自己的選擇而注定了命運,這個世界沒有絶對的好與不好,只要找到合適自己的舞臺。  浦瑛


Treasures of Cleveland

 -by Cynthia Marek Lundeen

Treasures of Cleveland Treasures of Cleveland is a series of articles featuring the exceptional and talented people of Cleveland.
 Cornelia, a revered lady of ancient Rome and mother of the Gracchi, when asked where were her jewels, pulled her two young sons close to her and replied that they were her jewels.
 So to, the people of any community are its treasures, and it is hoped that this series of articles may both celebrate the Treasures of Cleveland and perhaps inspire you to discover your own hidden talents. Dear Readers,
 Allow me to introduce to you two extraordinary Musical Treasures of Cleveland, soprano Laura Pedersen and harpist, Calvin Stokes.Classically trained, with international careers, the good news is that you won’t need to travel the world to see them, for they make their homes in Cleveland and have an up-coming concert on April 8th at The Music Box in Cleveland.
 Sublime performers, who make their art look effortless, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with them to learn the secrets of the magic they create as well as how they discovered their own talent.
 Calvin revealed that he learned to play the harp on a dare. Studying the flute, he had a debate with a harpist as to which instrument was the more difficult to play. While he thought it would be the flute, he came to discover that the harp is exceedingly complex,yet yields rich rewards and he has since gone on to be an award winning international harpist, has played with major orchestras, appeared on television and has released his own solo recording “Free” on the ChiliDog? record label.
 And what of his friend the harpist who challenged him? They are still friends to this day and she has gone on to a career of teaching the harp to other talented students.
 Laura’s story is quite different, and she recalls that with poor vision as a child, her hearing seemed to be more acute. Laura could pick up subtle differences in rhythm, cadence and tone and would often imitate the voices of others. Laura tells me that this imitation caused her mother to think that she was making fun of others, which was not her intent, for recognizing subtle differences in sound came so naturally to her. (Incidentally, I tell this story with some apologies to Laura’s mother, who I have met, is a lovely lady, and may I hasten to add that it might not be uncommon for this to be a mother’s first thought!)
 The reality, however, was that this was Laura’s hidden talent, veiled no more, as her voice has been hailed internationally as an exciting lyric soprano and she has to her credit solo performances at Carnegie Hall as well as leading roles in such beloved operas as Romeo and Juliette, La Traviata, La Boheme and Tosca, among many others.
 Laura and Calvin, friends since their days as students at The Cleveland Institute of Music, despite their remarkable solo careers, felt that there must be other ways to reach people through music, and have combined forces as a duo known as Harp & Heels. Performing as a duo, they present to their audiences a breathtaking range of music including Classical, Jazz, Country, Broadway and Pop, and it is as the duo Harp and Heels that you may see them in concert on April 8th at The Music Box.
 Both passionate about their art, they agree that creating music to touch the lives of others is extraordinarily fulfilling. Laura explains that she believes her gift of voice carries with it a responsibility and obligation to be a conduit sending out the joy and beauty of great musical compositions and she is humbled to be an ambassador of her gift. Calvin concurs, noting that before each performance he says his own little prayer, asking that he personally may be “out of the way” so that the music itself may be free to touch the audience.
 So I am grateful to the forces which drew Calvin and Laura to Cleveland, the exceptional education of The Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM), for Calvin also, the draw of family, and for Laura… did I mention romance? While she came from Iowa for the classical training of the CIM, she stayed for love, marrying another treasure of Cleveland, Brad Roller, now Chair of Vistage Worldwide… and that my friends, is a charming testament to the power of music to inspire love!
 To purchase tickets ($40.00 per ticket) to the Sunday April 8, 2018 concert of Harp and Heels call (216) 242-1250 or visit http://www.musicboxcle.com/event/cleveland-opera-apr8/
 Performance 7:00pmMusic Box Supper Club1148 Main Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113
 To learn more about Harp and Heels, visit http://www.harpandheels.com/
 To learn more about soprano Laura Pederson, visit http://laurapedersen.com/
 To learn more about harpist Calvin Stokes, visit http://www.theharper.com









