














    This year I spent New Year's Eve at my dear friend, Pu Ying's home in Cleveland. It was cold with some flurries of snow but about 30 people braved the weather to celebrate the passing of 2017 and to welcome 2018 in the home of Pu Ying's on the outskirts of Cleveland. They were mostly Chinese with the exception of Pu Ying's first English teacher and a lady car salesman where Pu Ying recently bought her car. There were children as well as adults. Young and old filled the room with a festive air. We were there to say goodbye to 2017, whether it was a good year or not, it is already history. We were there to welcome 2018 and hope it will treat us kindly. The past is history and we cannot change it. We look forward with great expectation that 2018 will bring us health and happiness, prosperity and well being, that our wishes will come true and our friends will increase. With the beginning of another new year, we feel we are writing a new page on a clean slate. We who are older cannot help but bemoan the fast passage of each year. But the young people have so much to look forward to. We all greet the new year with a measure of expectation and hope. A new start is always good.
     Pu Ying prepared a lot of food and her friends also brought potluck so that the table was laden with an abundance of delicious food. When it comes to eating, one can hardly beat the Chinese! We drank the wassail bowl and wish each other good fortune in the coming year. New beginnings always portend good luck and fortune. May we start off 2018 with no regrets but only a sense of auspicious beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new.
   We hope we are a little wiser and learned from our mistakes of the past year.


   We hope we forged new friendships while renewing old ones and made wise decisions for the coming year. We pray for good health and success in business and relationships. We can hope and do our best but we know that ultimately 2018 is in the hand of God. With each passing year we pray that we grow wiser and closer to our Maker. We relinquish both the good and the bad of 2017 into his hands and know that he has a new page for us. Stepping into the future with God means we can step without fear.
   Whatever befalls, at the end of 2018, we will give thanks to Him who preserve us for another year.


   On a wintry day, my friend Pu Ying took me to Philadelphia to see her dear friend Caiwen who was blind since infancy. It was a real inspiration to meet Caiwan who is a petite lady in her early 70's. Ciawan is not one to inspire pity. She is totally self sufficient and independent. She does not view her blindness as a handicap. She lives a normal life like any of us who can see. She loves life, loves people, and is in touch with what is going on around her. She lives in a very big old house of several floors in the suburbs of Philadelphia, parts of which are rented out to tenants. On the day we visited her, it so happened that no tenants were home. So we had the huge living room to ourselves, at the end of which is an upright piano. And close to the piano is a huge Christmas tree that reaches to the ceiling. Sofas lined the opposite sides of the walls which would allow at least over a dozen people to be seated facing one another to carry on lively conversations. This living room is large and uncluttered to the right of the entrance hallway. It has clean, dark wood floor. Across the hallway from it is a smaller dining room, which leads into the kitchen. Caiwen modeled for us the green frog costume which she made for herself. This proves she sews a lot better than many people with sight. She also showed me a beautiful patchwork quilt which she has made. Amazing!
  When one's eyes are bright from within, the loss of one's sight is not too great a tragedy. One does not tend to feel sorry for Caiwen because she does not feel sorry for herself. One however cannot help but admire her indomitable spirit. She has done more with her life than many who can see.
  Her life is full and she is always busy. She is not out of touch with a world she cannot see. I am sure her heart's eyes see much and I pray they see what is beautiful and pure and be blind to what is ugly and contaminated.
    Caiwen has not only learned to cope but she has mastered her destiny so one can only be full of admiration for her but has no cause to feel sorry for her. Would that we all have vision like she does!









