











Jack Craciun III Honored to give Keynote Speech
Celebrating the Merger of Dr. Tang Jinlong’s Law Firm
Dehuai with Jingsh, China’s Leading Law Firm


   今年九月是Jack自2005年從中國回美國後第一次再踏上他心中愛的中國,如果您常看伊利華報,那么你對Mr. Jack J. Craciun III(約翰. J. 克勒瓊三世)不會陌生,因爲我們時常報道他的故事。而我認識他是在2007年10月,整整10年,他熱情豪放,尤其他在中美建交之前在他父親強行要求下1985-2005年到了中國和香港生活了二十年,10年來,我看着他對中華文化有着獨衷情懷,我自己在做一份中文報紙,當然也就是儘自己的義務和能力做我該做的事情:因爲我明白,在這個世界上,有人幫是幸運,無人幫,是公正的命運。因爲生命是你自己的,你得爲自己負責。浦瑛

On December 8, 2017, the renowned Dehuai Law Firm, headed by Dr. Tang Jinlong(Golden Dragon)唐金龍博士,and the Jingsh Law Firm, China’s first and largest domestic and international law firm,made their merger official at a Signing Ceremony held in the Jingsh headquarters in Beijing. Dr.Tanghas joined Jingsh Law Firm as Chief Partner and Honorary Director.
Dr. Tang Jinlong founded the Bank of China Law Firm in 1993. Since that time, BOC Law Firm has been established as a leading team in the legal profession of financial and securities lawyers in China. In November 2016, People's Daily, China Financier Magazine, China Investment Association, China Electronic Commerce Association and China Enterprise Culture Association jointly awarded Dr. Tang Jinlong the title of "China's Most Influential People in the Financial Sector".Dr. Tang has served to establish and /or operate more than 300 publically listed companies, supporting and cultivating hundreds of new generation China millionaires and billionaires.
The Jingsh Law Firm is a leading full service law firm in China, with over 4,000 lawyers working in 53 offices throughout China and 73 offices spanning Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and the US. Jingsh has gained a large client base of over 60,000 Chinese companies and offers both local insight and comprehensive cross-border services in all major regions around the world.
Among the requested speakers at the Signing Ceremony was globally recognized China Specialist, Mr. Jack Craciun III, Chairman/CEO of ITM (US) Ltd. (www.itmltd.com), who lived and pioneered in China for twenty years, beginning in 1985. Mr. Craciun returned to China 3 months ago to advance the global business interests of two USA ITM Strategic Allianceaffiliates in association with ITM China Alliance, the Maslink Group(www.Maslink.com).
Through its ITM Chinese Ambassador Program, the ITM USA Immigrant Investor Visa Cross Cultural Exchange initiative is bringing powerful Immigrant Investor opportunities to China and the USA to advance the primary interests of the“ITM China-US Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Programs”, The First Dragon Ltd, The First Dragon Foundation Ltd, and The Future of Medicine, Inc., and The First Dragon Publishing Ltd. (http://itmltd.com/Introduction-to-The-First-Dragon-Foundation-Ltd-&-The-Future-of-Medicine-Inc.pdf)
ITM is working through Strategic Alliance associates Mr. Andrew D. Smith, co-founder & President of Houlihan Capital (www.houlihancapital.com)and Mr. Ross Farro, Founder of Mental Health Partners (MHP) (http://www.premierdevelop.com/), a leading US real estate developer whose most recent ventures are with Assurance Health Systems (AHS) Geriatric Mental Health Centers www.assurancehealthsystem.com/, and Blaze Pizza Restaurants (www.blazepizza.com/press/)(“the fastest growing restaurant chain ever” according to Forbes Magazine), to contribute to the development of China-USA cross cultural investment opportunities relating to the expansion of these highly successful ventures.
Because of his life’s work and dedications to market the culture of China throughout the world, Mr. Craciun was honored by the opportunity to make the following keynote speech celebrating the merger of two of China’s most dynamic law firms: (Jingsh press conference speeches, viewed by over 66,000 people, can be seen, with Chinese translation at: http://bit.ly/2Cd64Om or https://item.btime.com/531kttlbev39qcqmk98 tla5b39c&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0)
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a real honor for me to be standing here. I say that is because I am from Cleveland, Ohio, where we are known as the number one law firm city in the world – think of Jones Day. In my father’s family, there have been three lawyers and two judges of the State of Ohio. So my life has been attached to law. And I see the function of law contributing to the building of a nation when I consider China. In fact, when I arrived in China in 1985, and was welcomed by leaders of the People’s Republic of China in a way I never could imagine, and when I found out that the reason I was welcomed was because I was Romanian-American, that blew my mind.So this relationship between Romania and China, my grandfather and his grandfather’s relationship with China affected my life forever.
Let me tell you a story about 1985. I was told by Chinese leaders that the most important contributors to the building of this nation were taxi drivers! That the humblest workers were the ones that would build the greatest nation on earth – China.I think about lawyers – how important were lawyers in 1985? Do you know? Zero! In 1985, there were no cars on the roads in China. We were building a new nation. In less than 15 years, there were millions of cars on the roads.
The last 30 years has developed China into the number two economy on earth. You lawyers are the future of not just China’s economy, but a global economy. And in order for that to occur in a powerful and efficient way, China and USA political and business leaders...we have to consolidate, we have to merge.
Today I am humbled, and I can’t understand how God got me here, but I’m very proud of all of you. Doctor [Dr. Tang Jinlong] – I am so proud of you! Jingsh bosses, what you have built in 23 years, Jones Day, the number one law firm in the world took 125 years to do. And now the globe is your responsibility.
What makes me most excited are the young lawyers here, because you are the future of the Jingsh Law Firm. And you must learn by their example [indicating Jingsh leaders]. Grow the firm, grow the nation into the globe!” – Jack Craciun III
Dr. Tang Jinlong has expressed an earnest interest, and has held numerous meetings with his associates and Jack Craciun to establish the “ITM / China Finance and Industry Group Strategic Alliance.” Mr. Craciun has
now returned to the USA for three weeks to lead strategy meetings with US Strategic Alliances Houlihan Capital and Ross Farro Enterprises --in video conference with Dr. Tang and ITM Alliance associate, Jason Xu Li, Chairman of the Maslink Group (www.maslink.com).
While theITM US Alliance leaders are prepared to visit China at the invitation of Dr. Tang and Mr. Li,ITM is also extending the opportunity to Dr. Tang and Mr. Li to visit the US to further discuss ITM China-USA Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Programs and tour Assurance Health Systems facilities and Blaze Pizza restaurants.
ITM: 國際技術市場有限公司董事長兼總經理:










