











ITM 美國移民跨文化交流投資幫助創造醫學的未來


    今天有籃球皇子LeBron James 雖然他與洛克菲勒是完全不同的職業,但他也向往與籃球不同的事業,LeBron James 食品合夥人Ross Farro.他也是ITM一條龍的合作者, Ross Farro 是Mental Health Partners 創始人,Ross Farro先生是一位出色的企業家和地産開發商。他有着豐富的醫療地産開發的經驗。他聯合創建的公司 Premier Development Partners, LLC, 是美國中西部最大的地産開發和設計承包商之一。
   最近Ross Farro 和他的團隊有多項中美合作的計劃,其中有LeBron Pizza,還有面臨老人公寓的多項投資計劃,伊利華報將再度搭橋讓老人們度過一個幸福的晩年。        浦 瑛

Assurance Health Systems聯合Mental Health Partners, Houlihan Capital,和 ITM 共同合作來滿足嬰兒潮一代對老年精神病醫院的市場需求。
   作爲一個擁有數十年引領國際交流和貿易的,並得到廣泛認可的中國專家, ITM知道成功不僅僅基于口口相傳,而是通過新時代媒介來傳播。ITM 榮幸的宣佈一個獨特的 ITM-唐人街媒體項目,該項目將創建一個美國唐人街居民和移民大使基地來在中國大陸,台灣,韓國和土耳其推展優秀的投資移民項目。
   通過中國媒體大使項目的支持,ITM主席兼CEO Jack Craciun III先生將于九月造訪部分中國城市,並開展有關在美國建立30多家老年精神病醫院的投資移民項目的宣傳講座。
   ITM對於本次中國市場以及其他跨文化投資機遇的準備將會由中英雙語的特色故事報道來展現,通過ITM和Erie Chinese Journal戰略合作以及一家名爲Properties Magazine的雜誌出版社合作推廣,該Properties Magazine雜誌爲建築,房地産,投資和物業管理行業提供了70年的報導。
   ITM 先與Houlihan Capital (http://www.houlihancapital.com)的聯合創始人兼總裁Andrew D. Smith先生以及Mental Health Partners, LLC (MHP) 的創始人兼Premier Development Partners (http://www.premierdevelop.com)的聯合創始人及榮譽主席Ross Farrow先生合作來共同協助Assurance Health Systems (AHS)的中國資金投資等事宜,AHS是一家致力于爲美國老齡化的嬰兒潮一代提供急性老年精神病護理的全套服務的公司。(www.Assurancehealthsystem.com).

   AHS 醫院所創造的潜力與 ITM旗下的第一條龍基金會TM Ltd. 以及醫學未來Inc.的宗旨相符合。他們都旨在爲未來醫學提供專業的醫療環境並促進新技術的開發,硏究和綜合醫學視角的臨床實驗。
   Assurance Health Systems (AHS)由兩位醫療行業的企業家共同創立,他們計劃在美國開展一系列連鎖老年精神病醫院。當AHS在印第安納州的第一家醫院開業之後,他們雇傭了Andrew Smith先生的投資銀行來進行2500萬美元的發展融資,用于在印第安納州,俄亥俄州,賓夕法尼亞州以及德克薩斯州的業務發展。
   Smith先生隨即聯絡了Ross Farro先生。在認眞瞭解AHS在印第安納州開業的第一家醫院的詳細指標和財務業績之後,Farrow先生親自造訪了那家醫院並親眼見證了AHS爲其病人提供的尊重與照料。這促使他做出要與AHS建立長期合作投資的決定。
   在與AHS的董事討論過後,Farro先生同意創立Mental Health Partners (MHP) 來通過租賃開發協議來建造5家AHS醫院。在2017年6月,MHP在俄亥俄州的哈德森市開始破土動工建造一個新的AHS醫院並計劃于2017年11月開張。哈德森這家AHS醫院是第一家運用EB-5投資移民項目融資的醫院並達到了良好的效果。下一家位于俄亥俄州托雷多市的AHS醫院計劃于2017年秋天開展建設工程。另外在俄亥俄州首府哥倫布市的醫院將于年底宣佈具體計劃。

   AHS現有三家醫院的出色的經營業績以及顧客反饋和與MHP的成功合作使得AHS的股東們決定開展加速發展計劃,在美國再建25家新醫院。MHP的Farro先生,Houlihan Capital的Smith先生以及ITM的Craciun先生將是本次發展計劃的重要組成部分。
   由於 Jack Craciun III先生與中國領導者,投資者以及ITM Ltd. 中國合夥人建立的始于1985年的深厚關係, 剛加入第一條龍基金會TM, Ltd.顧問委員會的Andrew Smith先生要求與ITM 和其中國合夥人,其中包括WengPat Bi Io, 畢耀潁 (ITM 集團香港,澳門特區及中國大陸的創始人/首席營運顧問Zhi, Jim Li Yong, 力勇支 (ITM 集團中國大陸創始人/顧問及首席運營顧問), Anne Ying Pu,Erie Chinese Journal的發行人,以及第一條龍基金會TM 的董事Ken Krych兼Properties Magazine發行人來共同開發ITM Ltd./Houlihan Capital/Premier Development Partners/Assurance Health Systems/的EB-5 投資移民項目,來在美國建立更多新的AHS老年精神病醫院。ITM Ltd.的 Jack Craciun, Pat Weng, and Jim Zhi將非常榮幸將這份具有價値的投資移民項目介紹到中國大陸,台灣,韓國和土耳其。
   “這個項目的宗旨在于保護和償還投資本金並獲得美國緑卡”-Jack Craciun III
   ITM 的AHS老年精神病院投資移民項目將會是直投項目。由於每個新醫院都將位于TEA 區域(目標就業區域) ,即EB-5項目必須在一個鄉村或者高失業率的區域開展。該TEA的名號對於ITM的EB-5投資者尤爲重要,因爲這將使最低投資資金從100萬美元降低到50萬美元,而且建立的醫院幾乎創造了要求工作崗位數目的兩倍。另外直投項目往往可以馬上執行,相比之下不在TEA區域中心的項目可能會延期並且因爲吸引不到足夠的投資而取消。
   同樣需要瞭解的是美國聯邦醫療保險項目(一個專門爲超過65歲的美國公民提供的政府醫療保險)包括了對於精神疾病治療的報銷。90%以上的AHS的收到的醫療費用是由美國聯邦保險項目(www.usa.gov/medicare) 以及美國本土保險公司來支付的。美國政府提供給老年人的聯邦醫療保險被評爲世界上最好的保險服務。
“我們的團隊是爲中國投資者投資AHS項目的理想準備”-Andrew Smith
    根據DementiaCare China(http://www.dementiacarechina.com/#myworld):中國也同樣需要老年精神病的專業護理的服務,就如AHS提供的這樣。

   爲將近1000萬患有痴獃症的人提供服務將會是中國所面臨的前所未有的挑戰。經過預計,在中國大約96% 的痴獃症患者都是在家由家人和雇傭醫護人員照看。家庭比例爲‘2:1’ 意味着當獨生子女長大後,他們沒有兄弟姐們們可以共同負擔父母養老問題。在中國絶大部分家庭,專業護理和養老院只給提供最基本的喂食,穿衣,洗浴等服務,專業的護理在中國仍非常罕見。
   Mental Health Partners創始人Ross Farro先生是一位出色的企業家和地産開發商。他有着豐富的醫療地産開發的經驗。他聯合創建的公司Premier Development Partners, LLC, 是美國中西部最大的地産開發和設計承包商之一。

   在過去的30年里,Farro先生和他的公司建造了數以百萬平方英尺的高檔商業,工業及辦公室地産。這其中包括了俄亥俄州東北部的一些企業總部。在1997年,Farro先生把她的地産公司賣給了Duke Realty (NYSE: DRE),然後在2006年他是一樁收購330 英畝本地商業園區的未開發的土地的項目合夥人之一。Farro 先生在餐飲行業也有着積極的運作。他是若干家美國T.G.I. Friday的擁有者,並持有其在俄亥俄州東北部的加盟權。他還是火爆的Blaze Pizza 的賓夕法尼亞州的加盟商。

   Andrew Smith作爲投資銀行家是一個土生土長的克利夫蘭人。畢業于俄亥俄州Wesleyan大學和Benedictine 高中。他最近剛剛成爲該高中的董事會主席。他聯合創立並擔任了Houlihan Capital的總裁,Houlihan Capital是一家創立于1996年的一流的資産評估和企業金融咨詢服務公司。Andy先生還是一名注冊會計師並常年致力于中型企業的合資並購及融資等事宜。在這期間,他完成了超過200起合資並購的項目。
   Andy最近加入到了ITM旗下第一條龍基金會TM Ltd.的顧問委員會。這是ITM 非營利性公司,旨在提高第一條龍TM Ltd. 全球中華文化交流的利益,來增強世界各地人文狀况。Andy先生和本篤會董事會與ITM及其戰略夥伴 Anne Ying Pu和她的公司Global Chinese Service來共同在本篤會建立一個中國學生跨文化交流項目,將于2018年夏天開展第一個訓練營。
   Jack Craciun III 先生於1984年創立了ITM Ltd. 集團,這是一家位于香港的國際交流平台,用于高管們爲其專有項目開闢新市場。已經爲許多特殊需求成功的完成了市場滲透,內容從建立企業實體到産品創立和經銷。ITM已經成爲國際市場營銷企業,主要服務中國大陸並致力于向亞洲帶來歐美的營銷技巧和訣竅。ITM被視爲其獨有的項目和客戶群在亞洲工作場所文化和政治現實的橋樑。
第一條龍基金會TM Ltd. 以及未來醫學,Inc的簡介:


由 Lorinda Laughlin編輯
ITM (US) 商業發展與文化硏究顧問/作者


ITM USA Immigrant Investment
Cross Cultural Exchange

Helps Deliver the Future of Medicine Assurance Health Systems is joined by Mental Health Partners, Houlihan Capital, and ITM to meet “Baby Boomer” Demands for Geriatric Psychiatry Hospitals
As a recognized China Specialist with decades of trendsetting global communications and business expertise, ITM knows that in today’s world, success is not based upon word of mouth, but on world of mouth. ITM is pleased to announce a unique ITM-Chinatown media program that is creating a US- Chinatown resident and established immigrants ambassador base to promote powerful Immigrant Investor Visa Program opportunities in China, Taiwan, Korea and Turkey.
Supported by the Chinese Media Ambassador Program, ITM Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III, will be traveling to select cities in China [in September] to deliver introductory presentations of Immigrant Investor Visa Program opportunities relating to the development of more than 30 acute care geriatricpsychiatric hospitals in the United States.
ITM’s preparation of the Chinese market for this and other cross culturally dynamic investment opportunities will be driven by feature story coverage in both languages of the Number-One and Number-Two Economies on Earth -- The US and China, through the ITM/Erie Chinese Journal Strategic Alliance, and Properties Magazine,a publication which has provided highly respected coverage of theConstruction, Realty, and Investment and Property Management industries for over 70 years.
ITM is working with co-founder &President of Houlihan Capital (http://www.houlihancapital.com), Mr. Andrew D. Smith,and Mental Health Partners, LLC (MHP), a company founded by Chairman Emeritus and co-founder of Premier Development Partners (http://www.premierdevelop.com), Mr. Ross Farro, to assist with Chinese investment into the construction of geriatric/psychiatric hospitals for Assurance Health Systems (AHS), a company dedicated to providing the total spectrum of specialized and compassionate acute geriatric-psychiatry care for the growing population of aging baby boomers in the United States. (www.Assurancehealthsystem.com).
The potential of the AHS facilities is aligned with the interests and dedication of ITM’s The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd. and The Future of Medicine, Inc., as they are ideally suited to contribute to the future of medicine by providing specialized healthcare environments that promote development of new technologies, research, and clinical trials from an Integrative Medicine perspective.
Assurance Health Systems (AHS) was formed by two healthcare entrepreneurs with plans to open a chain of acute care geriatric-psychiatry hospitals in the US. After A HSopened its first hospital located in Indiana,they engaged Andrew Smith’s investment banking firm to secure $25 million or more of investment capital to expand into Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Smith contacted Mr. Ross Farro, who studied the detailed metrics and financial results of the first AHS hospital in Indiana. He visited the hospital location and, seeing the tremendous respect and patient care provided to AHS patients, began exploring a long-term investment with AHS.
After discussions with AHS owners, Mr. Farro agreed to form Mental Health Partners (MHP) to construct up to five (5) new AHS locations under a lease and development agreement. In June 2017, MHP began construction of a new AHS location in Hudson, Ohio. Targeted to open in November 2017,AHS Hudson was the first to involve a US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program, realizing a successful result for all involved.An additional location in Toledo, Ohio is expected to begin construction in fall 2017, while a location in Columbus, Ohio will also be announced by year end.
The tremendous financial results and patient outcomes of the three AHS locations operating in Indiana and Ohio and the success of the partnership with MHP, led AHS owners to recently announce an accelerated growth plan to open more than 25 new US locations. Mr. Farro of MHP, Mr. Smith of Houlihan Capital, and Mr. Craciun of ITM will be significant partners in this growth.
Because of the relationships that Jack Craciun III, a globally recognized China Specialist, has developed with Chinese leaders, investors and ITM Ltd. Founding Chinese Associates in China and abroad since 1985, Andrew Smith, who recently joined the Board of Advisors to The First Dragon FoundationTM , Ltd., requested the opportunity to work with ITM and its China Associates, including Weng Pat Bi Io, 毕耀潁(ITM Group Founder/COA, Hong Kong, Macau, SAR, & China),Zhi, Jim Li Yong, 力勇支 (ITM Group, Founder/Advisor, COA, China), Anne Ying Pu, Publisher of the Erie Chinese Journal, and The First Dragon FoundationTM Director Ken Krych, Publisher of Properties Magazine to develop the ITM Ltd./Houlihan Capital/Premier Development Partners/Assurance Health Systems/EB-5 Immigrant Investment Visa Program,to build additional AHS geriatric-psychiatry hospitals in the United States. ITM Ltd., Jack Craciun, Pat Weng, and Jim Zhi are proud to bring this valuable Immigrant Investor Visa Program to China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Turkey.
Demand for geriatric-psychiatry services in the United States far exceeds supply. Occupancy rates for each of the three (3)operating AHS facilities consistently exceed 95% each month, a testimony to the high demand for AHS’s behavioral health care services. In July 2017, AHS realized its highest average occupancy rate for its 3 locations of 98.7%.High occupancy rates result in consistently profitable operations for AHS and its immigrant investors with preferred returns. All immigrant invested funds are Class A Preferred Stock, which has a priority and preference on all cash distributions.
“This program is entirely dedicated toprotect and return the immigrant investment & secure a US Green Card” -Jack Craciun III
The ITM Immigrant Investment program with AHS geriatric-psychiatry hospitals is a Direct EB-5 Investment, as each new facility will be in a TEA Zone (targeted employment area) which requires that the EB-5 project must be located in a rural area or in a location that has high unemployment. The TEA Zone designation is important for the ITM EB-5 investor, because the required investment amount ($500,000) is reduced (from $1,000,000), and the hospitals create almost 200% more jobs than required. In addition, the direct hospital investment is available immediately without delays that are common in non-TEA Zone projects that may fail to attract sufficient EB-5 investment.
AHS has created a highly profitable business model that delivers services to the fastest-growing U.S. demographic population, age 65 and older. In the US and in the AHS market locations, this demographic is growing at a rate approximately 400% faster than the overall US population. Therefore, patient demand for the type of facilities that AHS operates continues to increase. A significant number of qualified patients are unable to receive the care that AHS offers due to the limited number of facilities currently available. At present, there are no competitors that exclusively serve the behavioral health needs of geriatric-psychiatric patients, and AHS is well positioned to meet the market demand of this growing demographic.
Of equal importance,is to understand that the US Medicare program (the national healthcare system for U.S. citizens age 65 and older) includes psychiatric treatments for Medicare reimbursement. Ninety- percent (90%) of all health care costs paid to AHS for patient care are billed to the US Medicare Program, (www.usa.gov/medicare), and/or US-based health insurance companies. The US Medicare Health Program for the elderly is considered to be among the finest in the world!
“Our Team is ideally prepared to assist China’s need for AHS hospitals -Andrew Smith
China is also facing a dire need for the specialized services that geriatric-psychiatry hospitals, such as AHS provides. According to DementiaCareChina(http://www.dementiacarechina.com/#myworld):
Providing care to nearly 10 million people with dementia is an unprecedented challenge for China. It is estimated that 96% of people with dementia in China are cared for at home by family members or paid caregivers….The family structure of ‘2:1’ means that when the only child grows up, he or she has no brothers or sisters to share the burden of caring for the parents….Most family, professional caregivers and nursing homes in China only provide basic care to assist eating, dressing and bathing, whereas specialized dementia care… [is] still very rare in China.
Mental Health Partners Founder,Mr. Ross Farro, is an award-winning entrepreneur and developer with significant experience in developing real estate for health care providers.The company that he co-founded, Premier Development Partners, LLC, is one of the largest real estate developers and design-build contractors in the Midwest United States.
In the past 30 years, Mr. Farro and his firm have developed millions of square feet of high profile commercial, industrial, and office buildings that include some of Northeast Ohio’s premier corporate locations.In 1997, Mr. Farro sold his real estate company to Duke Realty (NYSE: DRE) and then, in 2006, he was a partner in the purchase of 330 acres of undeveloped land in four local business parks. Mr. Farro is also active in the restaurant industry and is an owner of numerous T.G.I. Friday’s locations with rights to develop the Northeast Ohio market and he is also a franchisee in the fast-growing Blaze Pizza for the state of Pennsylvania.
Investment banker Andrew Smith is a native Clevelander, a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and Benedictine High School, where he recently served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He is the co-founder and president of Houlihan Capital, which a leading provider of valuation and corporate advisory services since 1996. Andy is a certified public accountant and has been active for more than 30 years in mergers &acquisitions and financing middle-market, private and public businesses. During this period, he has completed more than 200 M&A and financing assignments.
Andy recently joined the Board of Advisors of ITM’s The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd., the ITM non-profit entity designed to advance the interests of The First DragonTM Ltd. Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange, to enhance the human condition around the world, one person at a time.Andy and the Benedictine Board of Trustees are working with ITM and its Strategic Alliance with Anne Ying Pu and her company, Global Chinese Service, to establish a Chinese Student Cross Cultural Exchange program at Benedictine, beginning with a summer camp program in 2018.
Jack Craciun III founded ITM Ltd. (Group) in 1984 as a Hong Kong-based international network of communications executives acknowledged for opening new markets for its proprietary projects, and has successfully established market penetrations of varied and specific requirements, from the establishment of a corporate entity’s presence, to product branding and distribution. The ITM Group has become a global marketing organization with a primary focus on China, predicated on the concept of bringing Western know-how and marketing techniques to Asian populations. ITM is recognized for bridging the cultural and political realities of the Asian workplace for its proprietary projects and a select client base.
Introduction to The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd. & The Future of Medicine, Inc:

By: Lorinda Laughlin
ITM (US) Business Development & Cultural Research Advisor/Author









