











The Great Wall of China

I was alone, or thought I was.I was born March 29th 1950, on a Wednesday.That may not sound important, but in the Akan, (one of the earliest known monotheist), tradition-a male child born on Wednesday is called Kwaku -‘The bringer of the sweet message that is good to hear, he who brings success to others’.I came into this world thinking I had to learn how this world works, and why.The reasons were always really clear to me - so I could teach others a better way to live. I thought that everyone felt a certain impulse to learn and teach that learning to others.
    At the age of 12, I found out how wrong I was. It was about that time I discovered that most people didn’t see themselves as explorers & discoverers of the whys and hows of humanity. I saw for the 1st time, that most people were only concerned about their lives, wants, needs, and desires. I felt, for the very first time, alone - because I didn’t. I saw this world as an unbroken pathfrom the beginnings of mankind - on, into the future - far ahead of my own living. I had to learn that path and prepare for that future, by teaching others the good/bad, right/wrong, enabling/disabling means and methods of living. So that a future generation would have a record of some sort, a kind of map - that shows where we were, where we are, and where we should try to be. That purpose led me to research the first civilizations, the ones who taught the Greeks, who gave rise to knowledge and culture in Egypt, India, China, and Persia.

    In Kemet, (Egypt), 3500 years ago they taught that man is composed of a non-tangible part called a soul, (it was identified as a marang or ptho depending on what aspect you used), a tangible portion known as a ba, (body), and a partially tangible - partially intangible part known as a ca, (mind). Effectively, mankind was trivalent, (three powered). These 3 parts could be harmonized to do great feats -that otherwise would seem impossible.
    This was added to by the culture of India who understood and taught the importance of diet, exercise, and exposure to clean air and sunshine. Mental health was also found to be very important and free mental health clinics were established throughout the country 500 years B.C. It was in China where means to affect the non-material portions of our beings were perfected and taught from about 6000 B.C.E. The naming of this life force, “chi” or “qi” and the physical mapping and characterization of the effects of blocking or stimulating these centers were carried on for centuries.
    Any research on health, education, or knowledge will reveal that Western (European), interest in and activities toward teaching the most effective ways to live, lagged far behind most of the world for most of known history. But….one of my old teachers at University of Kentucky School of Medicine, (I did an externship in Family Practice with Dr. Henry Morgan-whose Ancestor created the Morgan quarter horse), told me, “Woods, never be the first to try something new that comes out.
Let others try it, work out the kinks, and perfect it. THEN, you use it”. It sounded like good strategy and as such, NOW is the time for westerners to use several new incarnations of time proven techniques that our Ancestors have given us.I would like to highlight two of these techniques and the people that practice/teach them, that make me feel that I am not so very alone.The first person is Dr. Wenning Zhaoborn in Yongni in North China and Director of Able Chiropractic and Alternative Health Care Inc. Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Zhao was born into health care since his mother was a physician, (a rare thing for a woman at that time). He went to medical school at Sanchi graduating in 1982, then Dr. Zhao went to Beijing to study Western internal medicine along with traditional
    Chinese Therapeutics including Acupuncture at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute. Dr. Wenning Zhao In Beijing, Dr. Zhao also taught western physicians the traditional Chinese concepts of medicine as his knowledge of English and Americans grew.He was attracted to the similarity between traditional Chinese medicine and the western concepts of chiropractic medicine.So after arriving in the U.S.A., Dr. Zhao graduated from the Palmer School Chiropractic Medicine in 1994.
The Able Chiropractic and Alternative Health Care Clinic was established in 1995, in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Its philosophy was in keeping with traditional Chinese treatments as well as harmonizing with today’s trends toward natural cures for illness. “Getting well through natural ways is the best, wisest choice for health. All natural healing methods in our office such as acupuncture, chiropractic, food supplements, and herbs will benefit many different conditions and will not have the side effects common to drug or operative trauma”.

   Dr. Zhao teaches and passes on his knowledge at the famous Cleveland Clinic and is recognized/utilized by many western health institutions such as the Veterans Administration as an effective alternative to western treatments of injuries and dis-ease. His patients often have long histories of little to no success dealing with various conditions that the very best western treatments have not improved. I have read many personal accounts of Dr. Zhao’s clients who have a medical history of pain and disability unresolved by western treatments that have all improved or resolved entirely by his use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.). T.C.M. involves acupuncture, herbs, qigong exercises and therapies involving the Yin-Yang-(bright/dark), principles as well as the Theory of the five elements.Chinese philosophy uses yin and yang to represent a wide range of opposite properties while the 5 elements theory is used to interpret the relationship between the physiology and pathology of the body and the natural environment.

   Dr. Zhao’s clinic is one of the best places in the world to pursue a life free of pain and dis-ease without the side and dangerous effects of drugs and surgery.His personality and bright spiritual energy is one of the main reasons why. His uplifting attitude and real desire to make a difference-not just a dollar, changes the pursuit of comfort to the pursuit of life and how it is best lived.
     I first met Dr. Zhao when I was referred for a fall down a mountain in Korea when I was 18 years old. I was at that time in my late 60’s and had one of the worse cases of spinal stenosis most physicians had ever seen. Within a month I was almost pain free with more energy, focus, and comfort than I had known in years. His treatments and encouragement changed the direction of my life and knowing him I now don’t feel so alone. To contact Dr. Zhao you can call at: (216) 581-0321 his center is 15751 Broadway Mapletown Shopping Center, Maple Heights, Ohio. Visit his website at: www.getwellnaturally.us Next time:The second profile - P.E.A.C.E.*(Proper Education Always Corrects Error)
L. Carlisle Woods RN M.D.MetD1









