











Lift-a-Glass & Toast! Two CLE Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Dreams
The Benedictine Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Summer School Team

The CLE USA-China Investment Cross Cultural Exchange Team

At Benedictine High School’s recent 15th Annual Blue & White Crystal Gala, alumnus Mr. Ross Farro, Founder of Premiere Development Partners (www.premierdevelop.com), generously donated the use of his beautiful Richfield, Ohio home for a Wine Tasting party. Andrew Smith, Chairman of Benedictine’s Board of Trustees, and his wife Annie Smith purchased this live auction item as part of the evening’s successful fundraising effort, where over $350,000 was raised in support of Benedictine and financial aid scholarships for its students.

The Smiths made generous use of their prize by hosting a wine tasting party with Mr. Farro for approximately 40 friends, associates, and family on Saturday July 15, 2017.Among the guests joining them were Benedictine High School Principal, Sue Zulandt; Abbot and Chancellor, Rev. Gary Hoover, OSB; ITM Chairman/CEO, Jack Craciun III (www.itmltd.com); Properties Magazine Publisher and Member of the Board of Directors of ITM’s The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd., Ken Krych (www.propertiesmagazine.com); and Erie Chinese Journal Publisher & President of Chinese Global Service, Anne Ying Pu.

All were brought together with purpose and dedication to help support the financial future of Benedictine, which now is significantly enhanced by Benedictine alumnus and Board of Trustees Member, Dr. Rubin Cockrell (www.drrcockrell.com) and his invitation of ITM Ltd. to establish a Chinese Student Cross Cultural Exchange program at Benedictine High School (www.cbhs.net) in association with ECJ and Chinese Global Service. Dr. Cockrell is directly associated with ITM as member of the Board of Directors of The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd,the ITM non-profit entity developed to advance the interests of The First DragonTM Ltd. Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange to enhance the human condition around the world one person at a time.

Numerous meetings have been held over the last several months with Dr. Cockrell, Andrew Smith, Jack Craciun III and Anne Ying Pu to identify ways to introduce a cross-cultural exchange between students from China and Benedictine.Anne Ying Pu visited China for two weeks in April to discuss program viabilities, while ITM China-based associates contributed to similar research and planning regarding the marketing of a successful, economically rewarding cross-cultural exchange program for Benedictine High School. ITM, ECJ & Benedictine have now established that the phase-one Benedictine High School Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Education Initiative will be a Benedictine Summer Camp program

Dr. Rubin Cockrell will lead summer camp program developments in association with the ITM/ECJ/Benedictine team, along with ITM Associates Rev. Dr. George M. Smiga, S.T.D, and Antwain Thomas, President of the ITM/Legion Inc. Strategic Alliance. All involved ITM Associates are Founder/Members of the Board of Advisors of The First Dragon Foundation.

As a China Specialist who pioneered on “the ground” in China for twenty years, ITM Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III brings decades of experience in cross-cultural technology, manufacturing, educational & entertainment exchanges from both a US, European and Mainland China perspective, and in Cleveland specifically, where ITM conducted a successful Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Program with the Cleveland School of the Arts. ITM and its Strategic Alliance with Ms. Ying Pu and her company, Global Chinese Service, have vast experience in introducing US and Cleveland culture to the Chinese, and vice versa, including ECJ establishing a cultural exchange educational program with Hathaway Brown.

- ECJ Article: http://www.ecjweb.net/PDF_FILES/ECJ198/ECJ198-12_13.PDF
- English translation: http://itmltd.com/The-First-Dragon-Cleveland-School-of-Arts-Student-Cultural-Exchange-Project.pdf

It is anticipated that this initial Benedictine Chinese cross-cultural exchange will grow into a full year of programs that will provide many opportunities, such as a two-way student exchange, for Benedictine students to become exposed to and appreciate the local Chinese culture within Ohio and abroad. The program will also provide opportunities for Chinese students to experience US culture through Benedictine and its 90 year history.

The second Chinese cross-cultural exchange global business development that brought guests at the party together is the ITM Ltd. / Houlihan Capital / Premier Development Partners / Assurance Health Systems EB-5 Immigrant Investment Visa Program. Understanding the value of the long-standing relationships that globally recognized China Specialist Jack Craciun III has developed with ITM Ltd Founding Chinese Associates since 1985, including Chinese leaders and investors in China and abroad, Andrew Smith Co-Founder and President of Houlihan Capital (www.houlihancapital.com) requested the opportunity to work with ITM and its China Associates, including Bi Io “Pat” Weng, (ITM Group Founder,/COA, Hong Kong, Macau, SAR, & China) to explore USA and Chinese cross cultural exchanges in the fields of Real Estate Property & Intellectual Property focused on developing capital formation and private equity investment opportunities. Resulting profits, in part, will further underwrite the Benedictine High School and The First Dragon Foundation’s global Chinese cross cultural exchange programs.

ITM is now working with Houlihan Capital and Mental Health Partners Hudson, LLC, a company founded by Ross Farro, to assist with Chinese investment into the construction of Geriatric Psychiatric hospitals for Assurance Health Systems, a company dedicated to providing the total spectrum of acute Psychiatric care for the elderly. The potential of these medical health facilities falls in line with the interests and dedications of ITM’s The First Dragon Foundation and The Future of Medicine, Inc., as they are ideally suited to contribute to the future of medicine by providing specialized medical service environments that promote the development of new technologies, research and clinical trials from an Integrative Medicine perspective.

ITM’s preparation of the Chinese market for this and other dynamic investment opportunities will be China town media-driven (feature story coverage in both languages of the Number-One & Number-Two Economies on Earth -- The US and China), through the ITM/ECJ Strategic Alliance, and Properties Magazine, America’s premier publication which has provided over 70 years of highly respected coverage within the Construction, Realty, and Investment and Property Management industries.

These dynamic global cross-cultural exchange opportunities will deliver spectacular recognition followed by economic rewards that will fuel the mission of The First Dragon Foundation. The primary purpose of The First Dragon Foundation and The Future of Medicine, Inc. includes the merging of Traditional Chinese Medicine with western pharmacology, the advancement of Integrative Medicine into the forefront of mainstream medicine, Integrative Cancer and Degenerative Disease Research, and related Clinical Trials. These are among the programs being designed by ITM in association with members of The First Dragon Foundation, its strategic alliances, advisors and service providers for integration into and funding by The Future of Medicine PPM.

“Service to Humanity is the Best Work of Life”

By: -Lorinda Laughlin:
ITM (US) Business Develop
ment & Cultural Research

By: -Andrew D. Smith:
Co-Founder & President of Houlihan Capital









