











Erie Chinese Journal Celebrates Fifteen Year Anniversary

Kicks off third and final stage leading to the release of The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange

A familiar and welcomed figure throughout the State of Ohio and Northeastern America, Publisher Anne Ying Pu celebrated the 15 year anniversary of The Erie Chinese Journal and the 5th Anniversary of Erie Cup, LLC, surrounded by family, friends and community leaders on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at the Punch Bowl Social in Cleveland, Ohio.
Among the guests honoring Anne Ying Pu at the 15th anniversary celebration were ITM Chairman & CEO, Jack Craciun III, and other associates from ITM Ltd., where Anne Pu Ying sits on the Board of Advisors of The First Dragon Ltd., and The First Dragon Foundation Ltd., including: Dr. Rubin Cockrell, CEO of Positive Image & Associates and a Founder /Vested Member of the Board of Advisors of ITM’s The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange & a Founder / Director of The First Dragon Foundation Ltd.; Brandi Hunter, ITM (US) Chief IT Advisor & Audio Visual Content Director; David Van Horn, ITM Social Media Content Production & Management Director and Global Business Advisor, and founder of The Cleveland Writer’s Press and Group; and Ed Sparks, ITM (US) Music Production Advisor & Performing Artist.
Entertainment at the 15th anniversary celebration was provided by Cleveland’s own violinist and “hip-hope” artist, “Humble G The Fiddla”, who originally was introduced to Anne Ying Pu in 2015 by Jack Craciun. Attendees were also surprised with an impromptu performance by P-Funk alumnus Ed “Dr. Phrock” Sparks and Jack Craciun of “Made in Cleveland (TBT)”, the title song from the second album of The First Dragon Music Suite(s) , a trilogy of albums that tell the story of the birth and evolution of Chinese culture. “Made in Cleveland (TBT)”, by Elektrikk Sparks with lyrics by Jack Craciun, merges thebeats and vibes of Cleveland's Rock and Roll, Funk, and Hip Hop with the spirit of Chinese music themes, while telling the true musical story of Cleveland’s Rock & Roll heritage and how it changed the world.
“CLE Rock Spirit changed the world,
In “19”- Seven-O,
At that time we gave birth,
To Rockin FM Radio”
“Truth be Told”
The ECJ celebration was covered by celebrity videographer J.T.Thomas of FashionTV News, whose background includes filming the world’s biggest entertainers for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum/ Hall of Fame Series with Director Angelo LaMarco. J.T., who has a long association with ITM and ECJ, has covered over 450 of the world's biggest artists from Al Green and Nile Rogers to Grand Master Flash, Chuck D and Mandy Moore.
Dr. Rubin Cockrell attended the festivities on the heels of his recent speaking engagement at his alma mater, Cleveland’s Benedictine High School, where he is a member of the Board of Trustees, and their 15th Annual Blue & White Crystal Gala, where over $100,000 was raised in scholarships for Benedictine students. Chairman of Benedictine’s Executive Board of Trustees, Mr. Andy Smith, joined Dr. Cockrell to congratulate Anne Ying Pu and celebrate their upcoming association with ITM and ECJ to work together to create cross-cultural exchange programs for Benedictine and mainland Chinese students.
In 2002, through hard work fueled by her profound American / Chinese entrepreneurial spirit, Anne Ying Pu founded The Erie Chinese Journal (ECJ), ), a bi-monthly Chinese and English language newspaper with readerships throughout the Northeastern United States and globally through the ECJ website, was established in 2002. The versatile and highly motivated Anne Pu served as reporter, photographer, editor, publisher, ad salesman and ECJ regional publication distributor.
Fifteen years later, Anne Ying Pu’s ECJ is one of the most highly respected non-mainland news media publications in China. ECJ continues to grow and serve the Chinese and English speaking community regionally and globally by providing a platform for traditional and contemporary cross-cultural exchangeswhile delivering local and national news stories relating to politics, business, education, entertainment, sports, healthy living and human interest in both English and Chinese.
Today, Annie Pu Ying is a well-known and respected presence throughout the City of Cleveland and is active in numerous organizations and cultural and social service philanthropic endeavors. She can be found covering nearly every major event for ECJ, both in and outside of the Chinese community. She is also President of Global Chinese Service, LLC.
In 2008 Anne Ying Pu and Jack joined forces by establishing a globally focused strategic alliance dedicated to market the Culture of China to the world. As Jack Craciun’s father had predicted in 1985, “by 2010, China will become the new number two economy on earth.”
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Jack Craciun III is globally recognized China Specialist (CNN News Hong Kong, “CNN Newsmakers Special - China Specialist Jack Craciun III”) whose literally earth-shaking work in the fields of FM Radio broadcasting, live event and film/video productions, Media communications, cross cultural exchange, cross-over artist development, and third-world market economic development, has consistently and repeatedly redefined international consumer product manufacturing and branding based on defining new media networks and related demographic groups to deliver new consumer expendable income ratios. His hallmark humanitarian endeavors and initiatives perpetuate the pioneering spirit of his family name, “Craciun,” Romanian for “Christmas.”
During his 30 years of global pioneering in the fields of broadcasting and communications, Jack arrived inChina in 1985. He spent 20 years on the ground pioneering in China before returning home to Cleveland, “The Rock and Roll Capital of The World” to establish The First Dragon Foundation Ltd. and complete production of The First Dragon Ltd. Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange, a news and social media driven non-fiction and mythological intellectual property branding and consumer product merchandising and licensing enterprise.
Anne Ying Pu first met Jack Craciun in 2007 during an Asian Leadership Luncheon with Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, where Mr. Craciun addressed the forum. They learned very quickly of their mutualinterest to market Chinese culture to the world. Her dream to grow her newspaper into a global internet news, education and entertainment media fell directly in line with ITM’s global broadcasting and entertainment accomplishments and its present Cleveland based enterprise, “The First Dragon Ltd.
The First Dragon enterprise, through ITM’s creation and production of a phantasmagoria of unique proprietary cross-culturally defined intellectual property content in the fields of fine art, Calligraphy, literature and music, will deliver the culture of China to the world and, as in the past with the “British Invasion” of fifty years ago, the delivery and success of the cultural exchange will be fueled from Cleveland, Ohio, the Rock & Roll Capital of the World, by merging Chinese musical culture and tradition with that of the West.
The people of color,
The Roots uh Rock-&-Roll,
Like the birth of mankind - we all lie,
In their DNA & soul;
“Heights High will hit Deep Blues”
Yo-British Invasion - sailed in,
On Muddy Waters DNA,
Put 3 trillion green backs into the EU,
And PRC today;
“Truth be Told”
The world’s population is now 7 billion, with half under the age of 30. In the United States alone, expendable non-discretionary income for 8 to 22 year olds is approximately $120 billion annually. ITM research has now defined and confirmed a new global demographic with new and profound expendable income ratios that never existed before in human history – the Asian population on earth is now in excess of 4 billion people.
Since 2007, The Erie Chinese Journal has published over 28 feature stories covering the evolution of ITM’s pioneering work in and around the world, including its 30 year focus on China that began in 1985.
ECJ’s 15th anniversary celebration kicks off the third and final stage of intellectual property and eCommerce development productions leading to the release of The First Dragon Global Enterprise.
The global strategic alliance established by Anne Ying Pu and Jack Craciun has merged two significant business cultures in Cleveland: The Erie Chinese Journal LLC. and Global Chinese Service, LLC with ITM Ltd (Group), The First Dragon Global Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, The First Dragon Foundation , The Future of Medicine, Inc , and The First Dragon Publishing Ltd. are working together to educate and entertain a globe of humanity while producing spectacular recognition and economic rewards,not only for their venturers and service providers, but also for the City of Cleveland, now recognized as the Rock and Roll Capital of the World and The Medical Capital of the World。

By Lorinda Laughlin










