











Four Cleveland Film Premieres Attract Hundreds Followed by Cast & Crew Party


Johnny Wu 出生在克里夫蘭,他對克里夫蘭有特別深的感情,他是一位熱愛生活有激情的年輕人,在和他一群一樣對克利夫蘭有着感情的年輕人,幾年前創辦了克里夫蘭亞洲節,每年克利夫蘭亞洲節做得一年比一年出色。
Johnny Wu 他曾經任克里夫蘭美華協會主席,他是克里夫蘭各個華人社區很有名氣的一位精英。自己從事電影事業,伊利華報10周年在Agora 劇院舉辦慶祝活動,由他公司製作的慶祝影片你可以在YouTube上看到,還有早期他與伊利華報合作,伊利華報第二期到第四期就是他擔任版面設計的。

Cleveland independent film makers got the spot light with the premieres of four locally produced films on November 4 at the Atlas Lakeshore Cinemas. The films share in common many cast and crew members that have collaborated as the J-Crew film group. The films were Director Jason Wang's "Project E.1337 Alpha," Director Johnny Wu's "Wu Xia - A Martial Arts Tango" and "T.R.A.C.E. A Doctor Who Fan Film," and Keith Collins II's "Project Die Happy." All four films were loaded with action, martial arts, high production values, and impressive cast and crew talents.
About 300 enthusiastic attendees enjoyed the film screenings and spent time afterwards with the directors for a Q&A session. Jason Wang started announced that his film Project E.1337 was just signed for a distribution deal in China based on just the short trailer for the film. Johnny Wu also thanked the many cast and crew that were part of the films and especially those that were part of two, or three, or even all four films.
The following day, the cast and crew had a "Wrap Party" at Creative House Studios to celebrate the premieres and all the hard work that went into the films. The films were on display during the party along with other J-Crew short films including "Catch Them All," "Tainted," Kill World," and "Sabotage." Already, the film makers are planning and working on future film projects. With the many talents available in Cleveland, anything is possible.
Fig. 1 Directors Jason Wang, Keith Collins II, and Johnny Wu
Fig. 2 Johnny Wu, Jason Wang with Project E.1337 actors Carmen Gangale and Michael Vitovich
Fig. 3 300 in attendance give a standing ovation for the directors
Fig. 4 Cast and Crew Party to celebrate the four successful films
Fig. 5 Cast and Crew view their films at Creative House Studios









