











On the heels of the Republican National Convention
All Formerly Grave Enemies of the USA
The History and Evolution of the Four Number Two Economies on Earth:
England; Germany; Japan; and now China.


On the heels of the Republican National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio let us all remember “Why Ohio is the most important state in the country.” That headline and story was published by The Washington Post on October 11, 2012.

The legacy of Ohio’s leadership for filling the seat of the most powerful office on earth, the office of the President of the United States of America, is unequaled in the history of any state in the greatest nation on earth. Ohio is the home of eight (8) US Presidents and is responsible for putting many more US Presidents into the world's most powerful executive office.

China, the new number one economy in Asia,is the Asian gateway to global economic contribution and stability. Through education and cross cultural exchange at home and abroad we can eliminate ignorance & fear of China around the world.

It clearly appears;since the founding of The United States of America, the US legacy of embracing its worst enemies has profoundly set into place the global economic drivers to build a stronger USA by sharing, at home and with the rest of the world, its Spirit of entrepreneurialism and consumer market economic development and management knowhow. Advancing our nation’s interest and security at home by sharing these keys of proven wisdom, in modern terms will, as usual, deliver prosperity and freedom without
prejudice to a globe of Humanity.

I first wrote this global insight in 2015 on "Veterans Day"thinking about a world of tyrannized and economically long-suffering oppressed peoples of many cultures and races whose tyrants and oppressors, at home or abroad, we vanquished with the spirit and sacrifice to share and preserve our human dignity no matter the cost to life and limb, nor the risk to our economy.??

We are a nation born to share a rare Grace at all costs with a globe of humanity, and that Grace lives in the framework of our nation and its people to deliver the future well-being of our children through the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights.

Please consider with me that the United States of America is the most important country on earth and there have been four new number two global economies since the USA entered the Industrial Revolution in the mid-nineteenth century.

Consider that each of the four number two economies – England, Germany, Japan and China -- had been a profound enemy of the United States.

The first number two economy on earth was England. Its king tried to kill the American dream the minute it was born and continued trying for decades until the Industrial Revolution, when the USA became the number one economy on earth.

The second number two global economy became Germany, whose emperor of WWI and whose tyrant of WWII delivered two World Wars in twenty-five years to a globe of humanity, both of which the US stopped and then proceeded to rebuild Europe (and Japan). After WWII, the USA, through the bi-partisan co-operation of a Democratic held White House and a Republican held Congress established theMarshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP). In today's dollars this US investment to rebuild Europe was the equivalent of approximately US$182 Billion. The USA then helped to develop Germany into the number one economy of Europe to this day.

The third number two economy the US rebuilt was Japan, the German ally who attacked the USA during WWII. The US also defeated Japan, confirmed to its people that the Emperor was not a God, and then proceeded, as in Europe, to rebuild Japan’s economy. Soon thereafter Japan became the new number two economy on earth after Germany and the number one economy of Asia.

The new and most recent number two economy on earth is China. The US did not win the Korean and Vietnamese “Conflicts” (Not Wars) due to the intervention of the Chinese Military. ?Keep in mind, the USA played a major role along with a minor role by Russiabefore and duringWWII to end the horrific Japanese occupation of China.(Reports estimate as many as 35 million Chinese military and nonmilitary casualties occurred during the Japanese occupation of China.)

USA Poised to Repeat its
Global History of Shared
Grace to Deliver Prosperity
At Home and Around the World.

44 YEARS OF U.S. and P.R.C. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS:In 1972, President Richard Nixon was the first US President to visit Mao Zedong in China after WWII to establish the beginning process of thawing Sino-American relations.? The evolving diplomatic relations spurred on by US Republican Presidential visits ultimately led Deng Xiao Ping to create the profoundly transformational China “Open Door Policy,” which was required to efficiently produce new capitalistic derived consumer market and economic development reform programs to feed and clothe one-fifth of the world’s population.

Five Republican Presidents visited China eight times and two Democratic Presidents have visited China three times: Richard Nixon (1972), Gerald Ford (1975), Ronald Reagan (1982), George H.W. Bush (1989), William J. Clinton (1998), George W. Bush (2001, 2002, 2005, & 2008), and Barack Obama (2009 & 2014).

Thanks to America’s globalallies andtheir economics generators, and entrepreneurial investments into third world economies, in 2010 China became the new number two world economy.
Today, China is questionably viewed as the new number one economy on earth if one chooses to ignore the global economic, manufacturing, political and military fabric the United States and its allies have established around the world and in Asia during the last 150 yearsof striving to eliminate man’s inhumanity to man and promote, by its example, the values of freedomand individual human rights.

At this perfect moment in history, the Republican and Democratic Parties are now ideally suited again to strengthen our nation’s domestic and global interests, the same way our leaders did in the past regarding the cultures of England, Germany and Japan, by guiding the people of our nation and the world, at this time in history, to learn about China, the oldest surviving culture on earth.

China, thanks to America and its allies, has now replaced Japan as the leading Asian contributor to a global economy that America and its allies have developed to educate, feed and clothe, by delivering economy driving entrepreneurial opportunities which have never failed to enhance the human condition around the world and at home, one person at a time.

Appreciation of the ancient history and culture of China will establish a global foundation from which the cultures of both East and West can “see more clearly” paths to mutual understanding and cooperation.? The focus of this endeavor should be to highlight both the similarities and differences of their parallel traditions in ways that clarify their contributions to human culture and promote those ideas which foster understanding and respect required to secure the future of our children.

Jack Craciun III
ITM (China) Ltd. ITM (US) Ltd.

ITM Introduction Link to: Jack Craciun III & ITM (China Specialists):
The above ITM Introduction ends with an ITM Introduction Link to:
The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise.









