











I am a “Cleveland VS Everybody” Fan

By Dianna Lu

Last year, I wrote behalf the win at the Eastern Final Conference against the Atlanta Hawks saying,"During the end of the game, where everybody was cheering and crying and many shouting, "I can't believe it." There was a sensation in not only myself, but many others that the Cavs are not satisfied. I know the cavs are not done. We know our boys are going to work hard and do anything to win, we deserve to win. Instead of saying, "I cant believe it." we deserve to tell ourselves to believe it.”
Though the Cavs didn’t win last year, all the hype in 2016 was an un-shattering feeling in all the hearts of Cavalier fans. After a 52 year hiatus. The Cavs have finally won Cleveland the championship they deserve.
From the earliest time I can remember, I have been a “Cleveland VS Everybody” fan before it was ever a popular slogan. Basically, I liked Cleveland before it was cool, And I reminded everyone I met I was born in the same hospital as Lebron James.
Then, it happened…the inevitable, “Cleveland Curse.” The sad part, is that for so many years, we Cleveland’s believed we would always be the underdog team in the NBA. We accepted mediocrity and in a way we never thought the day would come for a Cleveland team to win a championship. However, we still stayed true to the Cavs, to Lebron James. We are a special place in Ohio where nothing is given and EVERYTHING is earned.
Since the win, we Cleveland’s have risen to the challenge, not only in the sports world, but in the city and surrounding areas as a whole. The city has some of the brightest schools and upcoming best workplaces in the country. Business is booming and the city is growing personally and professionally as we now have: Fortune 500 companies, Development Groups, The RNC, even Hollywood!
As we shall stay as our humble winnings, for one day, we are all “family”. We are “All In” but most importantly we are ALL CHAMPIONS for our city!









