











修煉內在工程 打造身心凈土


6月12日中午我去參加音樂家 Myles Alexander Keaton Smith 的結婚,在婚禮現場一位穿着十分特別的小伙進入我的眼球,因爲他的服裝和他走路的樣子與衆不同,他的名字是Imani box,我們開始聊了起來,他説他是一個瑜伽老師,他吿訴我他的老師是有名的Sadhguru.看着他燦爛的微笑和他的舉止,想他一定是一位練得很久的瑜伽老師,他説他只練了三年,但他全世界跑,學到比其他人更多的課程。

   Imani box 學的是 Inner Engineering,它的創始人是Sadhguru(薩古魯.加吉.瓦殊戴夫),它能增長人的心靈情感和生命能量。據説學習Inner Engineering能讓人在很短時間里滌凈心靈塵土,找回純眞本性,有助靈性成長,揭示生命本質。
   Inner Engineering有一套專修課程,據説是用物理科學營造外部世界福祉,也有一套完整的內部科學締造內在的福祉。我稱其爲內在工程。內在工程是專注個體的成長。該課程及其周邊環境爲探索生命的更高境界提供了可能,藉助瑜伽內在科學,使人們的健康、內心成長以及成功等各個方面都得到改善。瑜伽Inner Engineering,是一把心靈鑰匙,幫助人們處理好工作、生活、交往的各類關係,爲你打開實現自我的大門,以通向自我內心世界。

   現在的人們忙碌奔波于工作事業,渴望得到內心平靜。瑜伽Inner Engineering能幫助改善健康與活力,減輕壓力,改善專注力與記憶力,能促進心智的純凈與情感的平衡,提陞並保持全天精力的高度充沛。還能避免慢性疾病,如哮喘、過敏、竇炎、高血壓、糖尿病、肥胖症、風濕病、關節炎、癲癇、腰背疼痛、皮膚病、眼疾和偏頭痛。
   我本人練習瑜伽也有十幾年的時間,記得早期上課的時候幾乎都是女士,現在有許多男生加入瑜伽課程,它可以幫助人血脈相通,增加身體的柔韌。 文:浦瑛


My name is Imani box, I'm 22 years old and born here in Cleveland Ohio. I've been apart of the Isha foundation for about 3 years now and I've taken the introductory program called inner engineering. Inner engineering is a program that teaches you a very powerful , ancient yogic kriya called shambhavi mahamudra. The benefits are immense ,?For centuries, the ancient science of yoga has been used to cultivate physical and mental health. Practitioners of this potent discipline testify to its enormous benefits. Modern medicine has acknowledged the impact that regular practice of yoga can have on overall health and wellbeing.
While yoga has become synonymous with physical postures and exercise, it is not limited to that alone. Yoga means that which takes you to a higher dimension or higher perception of life. Yoga is a holistic approach that encompasses overall human wellbeing; body, mind, emotions and energy.
Inner Engineering offers a comprehensive process to align your body, mind, emotions and energy. The course includes a daily practice called?Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, also known as?Shambhavi Kriya. Shambhavi Kriya?is a simple, but transformative practice which brings about immense physical and psychological benefits, and much more.
Inner Engineering combined with the regular practice of Shambhavi Kriya provides significant benefits for a large variety of health conditions. It doesn’t just relieve superficial symptoms but addresses the root cause of ailments, providing you with holistic wellbeing.









