














    湯杰明1997年9月4日出生,三歲時開始學習小提琴,13歲就進入了音樂學院的大學預科班 。 他從六歲起開始在中國的全國性小提琴比賽中屢獲殊榮,包括2007年“金色北京“全國少兒小提琴比賽第一名,2006年“走近莫扎特“全國少兒小提琴比賽第二名,以及2009年第九屆全國靑少年小提琴比賽第四名。來美之後湯杰明又于2013年獲得Cooper國際小提琴比賽第五名,在2014年克里夫蘭POPS交響樂團JeanL.Petitt音樂奬學金比賽中獲金奬。2012年,他被授予Jack Kent Cooke少年藝術家稱號,並受邀參加全國廣播公司著名廣播節目From the Top的録制。湯杰明也是Starling Award, Sullivan Scholarship的獲得者,並于2015年獲薦爲全美優秀學生。
   湯杰明2010年由中國來美國留學,參加了克利夫蘭音樂學院Young Artist Program,師從Jaime Laredo和Jan Sloman學習小提琴。2010至2012年期間跟隨PaulKantor學習小提琴。2012年起湯杰明加入了克利夫蘭靑年交響樂團,並在2014-2015音樂季擔任樂團首席。湯杰明目前爲克利夫蘭SaintIgnatius高中12年級學生,在此之前就讀于Metro天主敎學校。湯杰明將於今年秋季赴紐約市Juilliard音樂學院學習。
    克利夫蘭靑年交響樂團是北美地區高水平靑年交響樂團之一,同時也是少數幾個直接隸屬於頂級交響樂團的靑年交響樂團,多年來榮獲過大量的榮譽。2015-16音樂季是樂團進入成立以來的第三十年,同時也是在BrettMitchell先生執棒指揮下的第三年。2012年,克利夫蘭靑年交響樂團進行了首次的海外巡演,演出音樂會城市包括Prague,Vienna, and Salzburg。2015年六月,樂團遠赴中國的北京、天津、上海、寧波四座城市巡迴演出,取得了巨大的成功。

   享有國際聲譽的華人指揮家林望杰在2005年8月離開克里夫蘭,當時本報特地爲他在BLOSSOM舉辦了歡送晩會,當日晩會是由克城著名女鋼琴家,後來獲得葛萊美大奬的張安麟小姐主持的。目前他在San Diego 交響樂團做音樂總監指揮。


Jieming Tang Performs in His Final Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra Performance
  On Mother’s Day, May 9, 2016, a young man from China made his parents very proud, and many mothers of young women so pleased that such a fine young man is coming of age in Cleveland, at his solo violin performance with the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra at Severance Hall.
  Jieming Tang began studying violin at age three years, in Hefei, China, with Tian Feng. At eight years old, Jieming moved one thousand kilometers north to study violin with Zhao Wei at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. And at the thirteen, he entered the Conservatory’s pre-college division.

  That same year, Tang came to the United States to the Cleveland Institute of Music, entering the Junior Young Artist Program. While in Cleveland, Tang has studied violin with world renowned musicians, including Paul Kantor, Annie Fullard, Joel Smirnoff, and most recently Jaime Laredo.
  During his study at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Tang joined the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra, one of the premier youth orchestras in the world.
  Jieming amazed everyone while playing solo violin on Sunday. Mark Satola wrote in the Plain Dealer the next day, “His mastery of technique is impressive … and it was fully tested by Korngold's demanding but lovely Violin Concerto in D major.”
  Satola continued, “[Tang] navigated with great confidence the concerto's perilous technical heights and its challenging artistic depths. He was brilliant and precise in the violin's highest reaches, and brought to the expressive romantic themes a rich and sometimes husky tone.”
  Jieming’s solo was met with a standing ovation, and he was called back to the stage three times. Four bouquets of flowers were presented to him: from Erie Chinese News, from Margaret Wong, and from Anthony Yen.

  We were invited back stage during the intermission, to the Humphrey Green Room, to witness presentation of proclamations and photos with Jieming Tang. Anthony Yen, Chairman of the board of trustees of the Confucius Institute at Cleveland State University made the first presentation. Dr. Li Li, Director of the Mary Ann Swetland Center for Environmental Health at CWRU School of Medicine, presented Tang with a statement proclaiming him an “honorary son of Cleveland, and of the Chinese American community of Northeast Ohio.”
  Margaret Wong presented Jieming with a scholarship to support his education at the Juilliard School, at Lincoln Center, New York, where he will be studying starting next fall. The proclamation said: “I do hereby recognize your rare combined qualities of natural born talent and subsequent years of hard work to hone and refine that talent, and do hereby proclaim you to be the first recipient of the Margaret W. Wong Scholarship for Extraordinary Foreign Born Students, for the duration of your study at the Juilliard School.”
  Jieming had only a few minutes to meet during the intermission, but we had more time in the reception following the second half of the concert, in the Smith Lobby. We met Jieming’s father, and learned more of his plans in New York City. There were many fine women and men in the Youth Orchestra, but Jieming Tang was a shining star among them.
  Gordon Landefeld, Marketing Manager
  Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC
  MWW Immigration Center
3150 Chester Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
  gordon@imwong.com 216-566-9908









