











“第一火龍TM 全球中華文化傳播交流公司”


   活動理念: ITM硏究、著作以及開發團隊共同協作並創造了以跨文化交流爲核心的企業實質,挖掘高雅藝術,文學以及音樂作品潜在價値並轉化爲電子商務運營以及知識産權創新,最終實現敎育一代人,娛樂一代人的目標

   集團背景介紹:ITM 集團已經多次成功舉行以跨文化交流爲核心的商業活動,對外宣傳美國的文化與國力,並向世界展示美國致力于造福世界的承諾。這些嘗試不僅成功創造了融合多元文化特色的廣播媒體,也增益了相關第三世界新興國家甚至是發達國家的敎育與娛樂,對其産業鏈的豐富以及國民收入的提陞做出了巨大貢獻。


“The First DragonTM Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise” Introduction


It is important to view and read the content in the following link, prior to viewing the formal Presentation:
Video Link: http://itmltd.com/Intro-The-First-Dragon-&-TFD-Foundation.pdf
We earnestly believe you will agree that the global cross cultural exchange project and its educational and entertainment driven recognition and economic driver programs are viable, complement each other, and represent a myriad of long-term opportunities that will help shape the global future of the communities and cultures of Cleveland, Ohio, the United States, the People’s Republic of China (Asia) and the world.
Introducing: “The First DragonTM” Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange News & Social Media Consumer Product and Intellectual Property (IP) Branding & Licensing Campaign.
Global Purpose: Together, the ITM research, authorship and production teams have created the enterprise essence of cross cultural exchange in fine art, literature, and music to deliver eCommerce consumer product sales and intellectual property licensing that will educate and entertain a globe of humanity for decades
Venturer / Licensee / Sponsor Interests: To benefit from newsworthy global market “Recognition and Economic” reward factors produced by “The First DragonTM” Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, The First Dragon FoundationTM Ltd. (in organization), and The Future of Medicine, Inc.
The ITM Teams will be the first to tell the story of the birth and evolution of Chinese Culture and Belief that precedes by millennia, and then parallels, the Culture and Belief of Judeo/Christian tradition.
The unique phantasmagoria of intellectual property highlights the similarities and differences of the parallel traditions in ways that clarify their contributions to human culture and promote those ideas which foster understanding and respect.
Branding: The International News and Social Media Multiple Release Campaign will serve to introduce the world, through education and entertainment to “The First DragonTM” Enterprise, its copyrighted 19 Golden Fire Characters, their Collectable Consumer Product lines, and related Intellectual Property Licensing Programs.

Historically: ITM has accomplished similar complex entrepreneurial cross cultural exchange objectives in the past which have delivered new broadcasting medias that merged cultures, which, through education and entertainment, established new manufacturing and expendable income ratios within industrialized and third-world nations around the world. Such endeavours included marketing US culture and even its military contributions to advance a global appreciation for our nation’s commitment to enhance the human condition around the world.
Validates: The global viability, newsworthy values, frequency and sustainability of the “recognition & economic” reward drivers of "The First DragonTM” global branding and merchandising of its proprietary fine art / Calligraphy (limited editions in multiple medias), literature, music suites, and related eCommerce consumer product sales and IP licensing of its 19 Golden Fire Characters, their stories and cultural contributions.
In-Deed: In this new ITM enterprise, ITM is producing a global cross cultural exchange that includes the greatest nation on earth, the United States of America, and the new #2 economy on earth, China, which the USA and its allies have supported with purpose...to protect not only their global interests but also the future of hard-fought-for global freedoms -- on behalf of our children and the children of the world.









