











The First Dragon Foundation, Ltd
Service to humanity is the best work of life


Through a series of twenty-one front page articles, Erie Chinese Journal Publisher Annie Pu Ying has chronicled the delivery of a dream born many generations ago by immigrants to this country who envisaged a global cross cultural exchange that would one day serve to enhance the human condition around the world, one person at a time. Through the pioneering of three generations of the Craciun family, the dream is about to become a reality, beginning here in the “Rock & Roll Capital of the World.” Recent powerful developments in ITM’s “The First Dragon Global Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise” and The First Dragon Foundation are setting the stage in Cleveland, Ohio to deliver education, entertainment and social service that will fulfill this dream by promoting a mutual understanding of cultures on a global level. ITM is producing a global cross cultural exchange that includes the greatest nation on earth, the United States of America, and the new #2 economy on earth, China, which the USA and its allies have just established with purpose...to protect not only their global interest but also the future of hard-fought for global freedoms -- on behalf of our children and the children of the world.
The First Dragon Enterprise is advancing this powerful legacy of cross cultural exchange by delivering a phantasmagoria of newsworthy cross cultural exchange stories featuring non-fiction and mythological intellectual propertydesigned to produce global recognition and economic rewards by branding and merchandising unique fine art, calligraphy, literature, e-commerce consumer product sales, and intellectual property licensing.
The fine art and calligraphy of artist of Aiqin Zhou, “A Living Treasure of China,”spirited the development of literature that tells the story, for the first time in history, of the birth and evolution of Chinese culture.“The First Dragon Manuscript”by Dr. George Smiga, STD explores the formation and evolution of the universe & the earth. “The Yin and Yang Manuscript”, by Lorinda Laughlin, defines the Chinese unique relationship with nature that seeks balance in all things.“The First Phoenix Manuscript”, by Dr. George Smiga, STD, explains thenever-ending beginnings of man and the universe. Inspired by the art of Aiqin Zhou and based on Dr. Smiga’s research, ITM Associate and lyricist Darren Anthony wrote“The First Dragon Music Suite(s)’ Lyrics & Manuscripts,”an evolution story of Chinese Culture that bridges the past with the present.
Through The First Dragon Music Suite(s),the ITM production team has dramatically merged Cleveland’s multi-cultural modern music with Chinese traditional instruments and language themes to deliver a new spirit, energy and brand of Rock & Roll never before felt or heard, in three unprecedented, culture defining albums: The First Dragon Music Suite, “Made in Cleveland(TBT)” and The First Phoenix Music Suite(presently in development).The First Dragon Music Suite(s) are among the unique phantasmagoria of “The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange” project’s intellectual property that highlight the similarities and differences of both cultures’ traditions in ways that clarify their contributions to human culture and promote those ideas which foster understanding and respect.
Completing The First Dragon Music Suites is the Made in Cleveland(TBT) album by Electrikk Sparks, featuring Ed “Dr. Phrock” Sparks and “The Children of the Rhyme.” It contains 10 new songs that dynamically merge Cleveland’s Rock and Roll beat and vibe with the spirit of China. Title song “Made in Cleveland (TBT)” delivers the heart, soul and spirit of CLE rock history and ITM’s dedication to transcend cultural boundaries and promote a mutual understanding of cultures through education and entertainment in its “The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange” Enterprise.
The fact that Cleveland is recognized as the “Rock and Roll Capital of the World,” the “Medical Capital of the World,” and is the birth place of The First Dragon, The First Phoenix and their 19 collectable characters, ITM and its advisors decided that its early stage Founders, Venturers and Service Providers would all reign from Cleveland and be recognized “exclusively” as the Founders of The First Dragon Enterprise, The First Dragon Foundation Ltd, and The Future of Medicine, Inc. The first edition of The First Dragon business plan successfully established the critical Cleveland-based Board of Advisors to The First Dragon Ltd. Now, the second edition business plan currently is being finalized at George Washington University through ITM Associate, Antwain Thomas, President of the ITM/Legion, Inc. Strategic Alliance and President-Emeritus of the GW Private Equity and Venture Capital Club.The First Dragonhas now entered its third and final stage of development before its worldwide release.
The First Dragon’sdedication to cross cultural exchange is also being advanced through developments in the First Dragon Foundation. At the invitation of George Washington University (GW) President Steven Knapp, ITM Chairman / CEO Jack Craciun III with Antwain Thomas and Lorinda Laughlin recently appeared at GW to introduce The First Dragon Enterprise in association with the school’s interest to expand entrepreneurship, which has now grown to include social service. The formal presentation will take place during spring semester. The focus is to complete the second edition business plan of The First Dragon and enhance its faceted global marketing and promotion branding tools.
The three purposes of The First Dragon Foundation, Education, Social Service and Medicine, have been spectacularly advanced by its Board of Directors, Trustees and Advisors during the first year of its development. This is evidenced by the White House invitation to Dr. Rubin Cockrell, Founder/Director of The First Dragon Foundation, to the Presidential Task Force “My Brother’sKeeper", the lead social service project of The First Dragon Foundation and its new association with Cleveland’s global music and social service Internet radio station VoiceItRadio.com. The Foundation, VoiceItRadio and the Presidential Task Force are dedicated to ensuring that our nation’s youth can overcome barriers to success through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Entrepreneurship. In addition to delivering “The Future of Medicine” as it pertains to Critical Care Transport, Stratospheric Repatriation, the Fourth Dimension Medical Center and Fourth Dimension Nursing University, including Integrative Medicine and related research, education and patient advocacy, the early stage focus of the Foundation is to market and promote the unique and news worthy developments of Dr. McKee(After Cancer Care) and Jamie Reno (The China Lymphoma Project), both Founders of The First Dragon Foundation.
The purpose of the After Cancer Care book falls harmoniously in line withThe Jamie Reno China Lymphoma Patient Project,“Hope Begins”,of which The First Dragon Foundation is a sponsor.A Founder and Trustee of TFD Foundation and an award winning Newsweek correspondent, cancer patient advocate and Stage IV non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor, Jamie Reno has written two books, Hope Begins in the Dark and Snowman on the Pitcher’s Mound,which are currently being translated for distribution in China. Lymphoma cancer diagnosis is alarmingly on the rise in China, particularly among its youth. The Reno project will bring to China's cancer patients, for the very first time, messages of hope, and information about their disease, including treatments as well as helpful emotional and psycho-social aspects of the disease which will help the patient and their loved ones cope. The global launch for “Hope Begins”is on January 26, 2016 at the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine in La Jolla, California.
The spirit of The First Dragon will continue to carry its legacy of global cross cultural exchange forward, ensuring success in its goal to enhance the human condition here and around the world. There is no limit to the positive social impact and financial reward of the First Dragon Enterprise, so long as venturers and service providers continue to come forward with integrity and the capacity to enhance its global mission. Pioneers and Entrepreneurs: We invite you to explore the evolution of our global legacy and contribute to its future. Global cross cultural exchange delivers spectacular recognition and economic rewards. To express an interest to become involved, or to receive further information, please contact Pu Ying, the Publisher of The Erie Chinese Journal and new Member of the Board of Advisors of The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange.









