











攜手傳播中華文化 感恩奉獻愛心敎育



Dr.Vilma Seeberg & (Jack) John J. Craciun III

我認識(Jack) John J. Craciun III已經有五年多了,因爲他是一個地地道道的美國人,70年代去了中國, 70年代中國太窮,許多地方還沒有旅店,Jack 他可以與中國的老人睡在同一個床上,五年來他一直在爲中國龍找一個“家”,他的夢想要這條中國龍走進世界,最近我帶了一位來自中國的訪問學者蕭學良先生去認識(Jack) John J. Craciun III,第一次的相認,蕭先生吿訴了他的感想:
     五年來,Jack做了許多學習與硏究,在他的身邊有過許多才華橫溢的人,有的留下了有的走了,當然留走都是有原因。今年感恩節我帶了Jack 和目前就讀George Washington University 的Antwain Thomas一起去參加了The 10th Annual Seeberg-Jacobs Thanksgiving Morning Pie & Coffee。在那里他們相互交流,交流的內容離不開中華文化。
  讓Dr.Vilma Seeberg與Jack Craciun認識,是因爲他們心里都裝着中華的文化與敎育,這是創辦伊利報紙的眞正目的,給更多想傳承宣傳中華文化的人提供一個交流的機會。Dr.Vilma Seeberg親自做的Pie 讓ITM總裁Jack Craciun十分激動,他説:今天他再次品嚐到他奶奶做的Pie味道。

    Dr.Vilma Seeberg對中國有着一份獨特的情懷,她熱愛中國, 她自己是12歲從德國到美國來讀書,後來她想留在美國繼續深造。她從事敎育,于1979年第一次去中國講課,那個時候她就希望能幫助中國,幫助那些偏僻貧窮地區的孩子,讓他們受敎育。她2000年在中國陝西設立了觀蘭奬學金基金會, 專門幫助貧窮女生接受敎育。先生Tom Jacobs從事了35年的新聞工作。他倆在18年前在中國領養了一個女孩,現在女兒也上了Kent State University,他們明年暑假將再去中國。
Dr.Vilma Seeberg心想讓更多的中國女孩有機會受敎育,Jack心想着中國震撼的龍走進世界。

   ITM 與伊利華報已經合作了5年“第一火龍”項目,我非常理解也明白ITM爲什么要做這“第一火龍”,那是因爲ITM總裁Jack Craciun的父親在70年代就説了:未來的世界是東方。Jack一個出生在美國的第三代人,他帶着夢想在中國創業了20年。
   2010“第一火龍”正式啓動,2015年年底將“第一火龍” 全球中華文化傳播交流新聞發佈,並做産品介紹及知識産權申請活動。ITM 5年的第一條龍基金會也創立了,目的就是弘揚淵遠流長的中華文化,因爲龍早在猶太基督敎文化誕生千年之前就已存在,ITM集團將宣傳中國這條龍,他們將承擔第一個在世界面前展現中華文化誕生與發展的重任。
   在感恩節里,華人身處異國,我感恩Dr.Vilma Seeberg和ITM總裁Jack Craciun,他們心系中華,關心中國文化與敎育。

以下是中國陝西的觀蘭奬學金基金會網站www.guanlanscholarshipfoundation.org,通過網站,您可以更加瞭解Vilma Seeberg和Tom Jacobs,請您支持中國的敎育事業。同時也希望您能關注網站www.itmltd.com 做更多的瞭解。
   ITM 1984年成立于香港,公司目前主要項目是娛樂敎育與醫學,最近,第一條龍基金會的懂事之一- Dr. Dwight McKee 新書After Cancer Care剛剛出爐,我也在電話採訪了- Dr. Dwight McKee ,本月還安排了著名醫生OZ ,下次一起刋登採訪文章。

Summary of:“After Cancer Care”
By: Lorinda Laughlin

本文作者:Lorinda Laughlin

Part One: The End of Treatment
Chapter 1: “What Now?” The book begins by addressing the plight of the post-treatment cancer patient who, 95% of the time, is not engaged in any after-care or rehabilitation program following his release from treatment, despite evidence that lifestyle changes made after treatment can save lives. The initial relief of beating cancer, therefore, turns into fear, uncertainty and debilitating stress as the patient has no action plan for post cancer treatment, other than anxiously awaiting the results of periodic blood tests to signal the return of his cancer.
Two different approaches to cancer treatment are explained: “Conventional Oncology,” which seeks and destroys the cancer, and “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” (CAM) which seeks to increase host resistance to tumor cells by changing the internal terrain of the body.
Chapters 2 – 3: The reader is offered explanations as to why his oncologist has offered little in the way of post-conventional treatment, including a lack of education, and adherence to specific protocols prescribed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the American Society of Clinical Oncology in order to keep out of “uncharted waters,” avoid litigation and insure reimbursement from insurance companies. The book offers advice on how to get the oncologist and the general practitioner to cooperate in establishing an after-care program. Valuable practical advice is given in specific terms regarding what to expect in terms of post-treatment testing, such as blood tests, x-rays and scans, and the reader is coached in how to prepare for follow-up visits with the oncologist and how to keep a CA Rehab journal which outlines strategies in the areas of nutrition, exercise, detoxification and life balance.
Part Two: Physical Health
“Remission is something like the proverb in which a grandfather tells his grandson that all people have two wolves raging inside them. One wolf is kindness and one is hate. The grandson asks which wolf will win, and the grandfather answers: the one you feed.” (After Cancer Care, p. 39)
Chapter 4: Part Two begins with an explanation of the principle of “Epigenetics,” in which genes respond to the external stimuli of food toxins, environment, stress and exercise by either suppressing or promoting the increase of enzyme and protein production which, in turn, drastically affects wellness. Epigenetics may trigger a cell to become either a cancerous cell or a “natural killer” cell which will work to eliminate cancer cells. Feeding the natural killer cell with healthy lifestyle changes will better equip it to eliminate the CA cell. In the alternative, feeding the CA cell with a diet high in inflammatory products, little exercise and stress will make it the winner.
The importance of the “grossly overlooked” lymphatic system is also explored because of its importance in the creation of degenerative disease and, alternately, in the decrease of the development of chronic inflammation which can lead to cell mutation and cancer.
Chapter 5: The role of obesity, sedentary lifestyle and food chemistry in facilitating CA growth is explained, and specific instruction is given on what to eat and why (i.e. what are the specific chemical effects on the body), what foods to avoid, how to shop for and prepare food and when to eat it.
The book next discusses the use of nutritional supplements(micronutrients, phytonutrients and herbs) and explores why we should use them, the reasons why studies don’t always show their effectiveness, and how they are absorbed in various parts of the body. Specific nutritional supplements and their dosages are given for treating residual symptoms from chemotherapy, including peripheral neuropathy, cardiomyopathy and “chemo-brain,” and there is a special section on the benefits of Vitamin D.
Chapter 6: This chapter on exercise explains the relationship of obesity and activity levels to cancer recurrence. Exercises specific to the CA patient are outlined and include cardio workouts, resistance training and stretching, along with advice on how to get motivated and started on an exercise program.
Chapter 7 outlines common and lesser known internal and external toxins and discusses how one should approach the confusing mass of available data regarding the carcinogenic potential of tested chemicals (which represent only a fraction of the 80,000 chemical substances to which we are exposed.) Specific advice is given on how to avoid these toxins, how to detox the home, and cook safely.
Chapter 8 gives treatment protocols for each of 9 major types of CA (breast, colon, prostate, lung, lymphedema, melanoma, renal, leukemia and thyroid). Each protocol outlines basic facts, causes and contributing factors, relevant diagnostic testing, definitions of each level in the cancer staging system, nutritional supplement programs with explanations and dosages, dietary action plans and lifestyle interventions.
Part Three: Emotional Well Being
Chapters 9 – 12: This final section of the book explores emotional well-being and addresses stress and mental health as real physical conditions. It explains how Western medicine has historically separated emotional issues from physical health even though research shows stress can weaken the immune system and facilitate the metastatic process. The book outlines stress management techniques such as yoga, “heartmath,” meditation and guided imagery and gives further guidance in how to seek out a social support system, and how to create a new definition of a balanced life in mind, body and spirit.
The conclusion of the book contains a “Quick Hot List” of 28 lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of CA recurrence along with 34 recipes. The book is also interspersed throughout with personal stories from cancer patients.
Prepared by:
Ms. Lorinda Laughlin,
ITM (US) Domestic Business Development & Culture Research Advisor

本書作者:Dwight -nb









