













The NIHF STEM Middle School employs a full immersion Mandarin Chinese Course for 200 students in grades 7th through 8th. The students have the opportunity to continue their study of Mandarin Chinese at the STEM High School. Studying Mandarin Chinese has allowed STEM Middle School students the experience of performing at Confucius Institute Programs at The University of Akron and Cleveland State. Also, because of their study of Mandarin Chinese the students had the wonderful opportunity to travel to China these past years.
----Dreama Mason Whitfield, Counselor

The China Experience

My name is Kareemat Melaiye and I am in the 9th grade. This past summer, I went on the trip to China with a few of my classmates. I was very excited because I have wanted to go on this trip since the 7th grade. I found learning Chinese very interesting; I was interested in the language, the culture, and actual Chinese food. At the Chinese Speech Competition in my school, I won 1st place twice in a row! This encouraged me even more to learn Chinese language and go to China. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to go for the Chinese trip and took advantage of it. It was exciting to finally get out of the country and explore new places and cultures. When the day came, I prepared myself for the trip and headed to the airport. The flight was very long, but it was worth it when our plane landed in Beijing, China.
   In China, I was amazed at what I saw. There were colors everywhere, there was a lot of traffic, the shopping malls were very big, and the food was very delicious. I don’t think I had culture shock, but there were definitely things I would only see in festivals in America. For the first two days, everyone who attended the trip went to the Beijing Royal School and attended their opening ceremony. The next day, the Cleveland cluster and a few other schools from cities had gone to Ningbo in Zhejiang Province and we were placed in the Ningbo Foreign Language School. I was happy that I had eventually made not only new American friends, but new Chinese friends. We went to see the ancient attractions such as the Baoguo Temple, TianyiPavillion, and Liang Zhu Park. We also participated in a Chinese vs. American Basketball game, Taichi, and Ping-Pong, and were guests at some of the Chinese volunteers’ houses. Unfortunately, we had to leave Ningbo and go back to Beijing. I still miss my Chinese friends. In Beijing, we went to the Forbidden Palace and walked up the Great Wall of China! I will never forget walking up the Great Wall of China, it was such an experience! I really enjoyed this trip and would love to have another opportunity to go again next year!

My name is Leila Sims. Never in a million years did I think I would be going halfway across the world. It was completely out my comfort zone. Now, here I am telling you what an amazing experience I had this past summer in China. When I was 13 years old, I learned Chinese at a middle school I went to. Learning Chinese definitely helped me feel better about going to China; even though I’ve only been taking it for one year. I at least had some sense about the country I was travelling to. Going with my closest friends especially made me feel a lot better because I knew I wasn’t going to have go through this amazing experience alone.
This had a huge impact on me because I have never, ever, been outside the North American continent. This is an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. I am now 14 years old, so I’ll remember when I’m 20 years old, 25, 30, 40. I will tell my children and grandchildren about this, and I will show the amazing, beautiful jade jewelry I brought back. Especially going at a young age, because it makes the experience that much greater. It makes you grow up a little, because it brings you to a whole new culture that you have never seen before. It also makes you realize that there is, so much more to see out in the world besides your native country. Forget what the media says; why experience a different country through the TV, when you can get up and see if for yourself, so you can have something to take away. If you want to travel the world, don’t sit there, do it, because I guarantee you that you will truly be amazed.

My name is Nathan Dort and I’m in 9th grade this year. I went to China this summer with my school friends. There are many things that happened in China. First of all, just the plane ride over was a great way to see the different sights. Right when we landed in China, there were so many differences. The airport was busy and crazy; I could tell it was going to be a fun experience. We got on the bus and went back to the dorms; we were greeted very nicely and then led to our rooms. The next day we went down to breakfast and had authentic Chinese food. They were very tasty and interesting. After breakfast, we had a little bit of time to explore the campus. Afterwards we went to the auditorium and they gave us a great opening speech that informed us about all the local customs and what we needed to know in China.
After the opening ceremony, we went to the headquarters of Han ban. That was the first experience in China and actually being able to interact with Chinese people. The next day, we flew to Ningbo where we would spend the next week and a half.
When we got to Ningbo we were greeted again and they showed us to our rooms. They also showed us where we would be taking classes. That night we had a lovely meal and went to bed. The next day we got to meet our teachers and went to the auditorium. The school gave us a great welcoming and told us how excited they were to have us. Then we got into our groups and learned a lot of different things about China and the language. We went to a lot of different sights and had plenty of fun experiences.
The best experience of all was performing Chinese opera. We did this as a final performance for the closing ceremony. We did a lot of fun things that had a lasting impact. It was a great experience. I met new friends that I still talk to today. I will never forget the time I had in China.









