












5月16-17日克利夫蘭迎來了第六屆亞洲節(Cleveland Asian Festival)本次2天慶典活動,超過45000人參加了活動, 給來自各界對亞洲文化有興趣的人提供了愉快的周末。
    第六屆亞洲節,2天活動提供亞洲美食、免費健康檢查,商品和諮詢展台、文藝節目、太極、氣功表演,並安排遊覽亞洲城、世界市場和信息展台,並有適合全家參加的遊戲和活動,如充氣相撲摔跤、充氣式彈跳城堡、工藝美術等。當日市長傑克森(Frank Jacson)及各區市議員也到每一個攤位問候。

6th Cleveland Asian Festival Welcomes 45,000 to AsiaTown
by Wayne A. Wong

The Annual Cleveland Asian Festival held May 16-17 was another success as it drew 45,000 attendees to Cleveland's thriving AsiaTown neighborhood. The all-volunteer run Festival included two performance stages, over 100 exhibitors and vendors, over 20 vendors in the Food Court, a Health Pavilion with free screenings, and a Children's Pavilion. The Festival which highlights all Asian cultures and attracts a very diverse crowd was recently voted #1 Best Festival in the Cleveland Hot List 2015. The national act this year was the "Mona Khan Dance Company" from San Francisco who energized the crowd with a fusion of Bollywood Dance and their Bombay Jam fitness performance.
Popular events returning this year included the OCA Cleveland Dragon Dance Team (in partnership with Confucius Institute CSU), the Kwan Family Lion Dance, many excellent cultural performances, exciting martial arts demonstrations, Colors of Asia fashion show, sumo wrestling, and egg roll and sushi speed eating contests. Saturday also including a fun Cosplay where about 35 participants dressed as characters from popular anime and video games. New this year was a Trivia Challenge featuring local celebrity Arthur Chu, the "Jeopardy" TV Show Champion.
The Cleveland Asian Festival is made possible by the partnerships of many of Cleveland's best organizations, generous sponsors, over 200 volunteers, and the many vendors and exhibitors that travel to Cleveland from as far as Florida. Next year, the Festival will be May 21-22, 2016. Photos from Edmond Wong and Wayne Wong.









