Cleveland, OH The Ohio Asian American Health
Coalition (OAAHC) is proud to present the 7th Ohio Asian American
Health Conference that is designed to educate participants about the
health concerns of Ohio’s Asian communities and how to best serve
their needs. This free conference is organized for healthcare
professionals, policy makers and the general audience.
"Educating our Communities for a Stronger and Healthier Tomorrow"
*To discuss the impact of current legislative issues and advocacy
for the community
*To understand the importance of education and screenings of Chronic
diseases that disproportionally affect the Asian population
*To understand emerging healthcare policy and how it will affect the
minority population
*Learn the factors that lead to increased health inequities among
Asian communities
*Learn about the current state of Asian mental health
*Learn about the importance and the efficacy of alternative medicine
This event is FREE, however registration is required
* Note: A limited number of scholarships are available to defer the
cost of hotel accommodations and travel expense for out of town
students. Must apply by June 5, 2015.
Sponsored by Ohio Commission on Minority Health and InHealth
For more information, go to