











一曲“We Good”在YouTube上點擊1,138,388

WE GOOD” Delivers a CLE Attitude& a Million Hits

“We Good” Song Hook: Written by Darren Anthony sung by Rich Homie Quan

“Been a couple years since a nigga got put on
That boy a star,he out of here, he gone
There ain’t much that you can do that I can’t do for me
I already got my team
I tell ‘em
We good (4x)
All my niggas from the hood
I tell ‘em
We good (7x)”

    與ITM合作的歌手Darren Anthony 一曲“We Good”在YouTube上點擊1,138,388,這是The First Dragon Music SuiteR& “Made in ClevelandR Producer,關於第一條龍ITM 與伊利華報合作5年,這一條龍能早日搬上世界舞臺,這也成爲克利夫蘭搖滾向世界展示中西文化又上了一個新的台階,這不是一件容易的事情,但有夢就能朝着夢想去實踐,我們期待克利夫蘭又有一天再現過去的輝煌。

     當我在採訪 Darren Anthony 的時候,他吿訴了我,從小我們家條件不富有,但我們家人很快樂,因爲父母爲了生計要做幾份工,工作的勞累,讓我們兄弟姐妹很少與我們父母溝通,但在家里,只要父親在家,家里就有音樂,古典,現代和搖滾,是音樂給家里帶來歡喜,我也就在8歲的時候學校有義務音樂敎學,我選擇了薩克斯風,還有我喜歡唱歌,我開玩笑問他,搖滾之父麥克杰克對你人生有沒有影響,他説有。他還説其實別人對您影響只是吸引您朝一個方向,但還是要靠自己。15歲的那年改變了他的命運。他開始學習鋼琴與作曲,對音樂有了更高的追求。
    今年28歲的Darren Anthony,他高中畢業就開始工作與在音樂中尋找生活與快樂,人要吃飯要生存,沒有經濟條件讓他去專業音樂學院去學習,音樂是他自己摸索與實踐中得到的,但有一個信念在Darren Anthony心靈里深根,:“我要成爲一名藝人“ 
    明確的目標是向前走的步伐:我到底想要什么?我想成爲什么樣的人? 不給自己任何限制,每天對自己説: 這是我要的未來。當你專注于自己眞心想做的事情時,那么只剩下你和你想要走的路。
    伊利華報即將迎來第五屆伊利杯,我們等待Darren Anthony來爲大家展示他的音樂才華,伊利華報也期待itm 早日將第一條龍搬上舞臺。 浦瑛


Darren Anthony is evolving into a “Man for All seasons” of American music and entertainment with a global twist. Born in the Rock and Roll Capital of the World, his natural artistic instinct has driven him to advance Cleveland’s global musical legacy with a unique musical Cross Cultural Exchange. Darren is merging his modern music cultures with Chinese culture and history to advance the future of modern music in global terms.
   After the USA’s R & B and Rock fed “British Invasion” of50 years ago, the world as we knew it changed forever. The recent global ascent of urban music, the new horizon of global entertainment is awakening to a new USA led “China invasion.” And that invasion is unique. It is a first in global demographic terms! There are Chinatowns located in almost every major and secondary market on earth.
    Introduced to itmltd.com & “The ITM Pacific Rim Broadcast Entertainment Enterprise,” Darren, learned that China is now recognized as the New Number Two Economy on Earth; that Fifty percent of the world’s 7 billion population is under the age of 30; that in-fact, very few people on earth, if any; understand the creation story of Chinese Culture & the evolution of its history. (Global Media boycotted the marketing of China’s 9000 plus year old Culture leading up to and during the 2008 Olympics).
   Upon studying the ITM Presentation of The First DragonR Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange EnterpriseR, ITM (China)’s decades of pioneering, research and development of newsworthy consumer product lines & intellectual properties, and the value of delivering it all to a new globe of “connected” humanity. Darren was compelled to join with broadcasting & entertainment industry veteran, and China Specialists, Jack Craciun III & ITM Ltd, to tell China’s story in harmony with ours through a “phantasmagoric” News and Social Media enterprise known as “The First DragonR Ltd.
    To deliver The First Dragon? to a broad based global demographic clamoring to learn more so they can embrace the Culture of China and guide its roll on behalf of humankind into the future. ITM, its Associates, and Strategic Alliance Affiliation, have produced the required tools of Fine Art and in this case, Calligraphy (by Ms. Aiqin Zhou, “A Living Treasure of China”),Literature (Historian and Author, Fr. George Smiga STD, Commissioned by the ITM / Smiga EpAngelia Group Strategic Alliance), and music (The First Dragon Music Suite, the “Made In Cleveland” Album and The First Phoenix Music Suite).
    Darren has dedicated his life to pursuing a music career that transcends cultural boundaries. To advance this interest, DA joined ITM to write lyrics/manuscripts, arrange vocals, and co-produce,The first of three new CLE / Chinese Cross-Cultural Exchange albums,The First Dragon Music SuiteR of 11 songs, for the first time in history, tells the birth story of China’s culture and its evolving history through the Mythology and lore of the Dragon and the Phoenix.
   Guided by the entrepreneurial spirit and research of ITM, Darren and the ITM production team has successfully merged Cleveland’s multi-cultural modern music with Chinese traditional instruments and language themes to deliver a new spirit, energy, and brand, of Rock & Roll, never before felt or heard.The global “China Invasion” willnaturally be kicked-off musically from The Rock & Roll Capital of the World.
    This first of three new CLE / Chinese Cross-Cultural Exchange albums, The First Dragon Music SuiteR, features accomplished Rock vocalist David Merriam, Hip Hop & Rap vocalist Daren Anthony and was produced by ITM, Darren Anthony, Jackie Bertolette, David Merriam, and world renowned music composer and musician, Akron nativeJohn Stevens.
The second album, "Made in Cleveland" by Electrikk Sparks and The Children of the Rhyme. Produced by ITM, Ed Sparks, Darren Anthony, Larry Gaines, and Mel Hinchin, and featuring Rock & Roll inductee Mike "Kidd Funkadelic" Hampton on lead guitar, the “Made in Cleveland” Album tells the musical story of Cleveland's multi-ethnic Rock & Roll legacy.
   Completing the First Dragon Music SuiteR is The First Phoenix Music SuiteR, will feature 11 songs that tell the story of China's contributions to mankind as humanity seeks to find balance with nature in all things.
   Leading up to The First Dragon Enterprise, in 2008, Darren was signed to an exclusive recording and production contract. As a member of the Chicago based record label, Darren produced and released “The Restaurant,” which was hosted by DJ Mick Boogie. “The Restaurant” tells an embracing story in song, over twelve tracks, which envelop the spirit and heart of a working class young man trying to find his way in the world. The album earned critical praise throughout the underground community and is a favorite amongst hip-hop fans worldwide.
   DA, as his friends and fans refer to him, is a self-taught musician, producer, composer, writer & vocalist, who has worked in all niches of the music industry and its modern cultural evolutions. Beginning at age 8 to 15, Darren taught himself how to play the saxophone, piano, guitar, and began writing songs, poems, and making music with computer software. Today Darren is a performing artist who is well versed inlive sound mixing, recording, multimedia studio productions, and audio engineering. These eclectic sets of talent and experience have made Darren a sought after producer for musical artists from around the world. Darren is a Clevelander who is a part of an elite group of gifted artist and producers in the world who can create, write, and produce, all genre of modern music.
     DA has also chosen ITM’s critical expertise as a global entrepreneurial business leader to establish a Strategic Alliance. The Alliance is designed to guide the early-stage developments of his music production company into a global recognition and economic reward generator for its aritst. The new Darren Anthony Production Group’s licensing and creative abilities are catered specifically to the digital and global market exchanges that enhance the future of all cultures.
    DA has dedicated his life to pursuing a music career that transcends culture boundaries. With the first major placement of his song hook, “We Good” and his involvement with The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross Cultural ExchangeR, Darren is well on his way to establishing himself as a creative force capable of producing intellectual property relevant to globally diverse cultural demographics.
   Soon the whole world will know why “He Good”” and why Jack Craciun III has always said, “Where Cleveland Goes so goes the globe!”

Ed “Dr. “Phrock” Sparks
Creator & Composer of the “Made in Cleveland" Album
And producer of Electrikk Sparks and The Children of the Rhyme


Larry “Spharo” Gaines
David Anthony’s first music mentor and producer
And the Co-Producer and Guitar player on the “Made in Cleveland” Album

Mike “Kidd Funkadelic” Hampton,
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee: Class of “97”, with Parliament Funkadelic
Is the lead guitarist for “Made In Cleveland”!








