











President Obama speaks to the City Club of Cleveland

by Wayne A. Wong

President Barak Obama along with other Ohio congressmen arrived in Cleveland on Air Force 1 on March 18, 2015 to attend a City Club of Cleveland event with about 500 attendees held at the Global Center for Health Innovation. President Obama gave a prepared speech for 37 minutes, and then answered questions from the audience for an additional 40 minutes. The speech was about the importance of middle-class economics and he talked about the significant economic recovery in the USA over his two terms so far. In his speech, the President highlighted the decrease in unemployment, the healthy stock markets, reduction in the National deficit, the lower gas prices, healthcare coverage, advancements in renewable solar and wind energy and lower reliance on fossil fuels, and the recovery of the automobile industry. The question and answer session was particularly interesting with some very good questions, many from students. President Obama is known for giving very good speeches, but his charisma, charm, and humor especially came through during his unscripted responses.
      City Club Tickets for the event, while free, were hard to get and quickly "sold out" due to the smaller capacity venue. The City Club extended an invitation to Cleveland AsiaTown community leader Lisa Wong, President of OCA Cleveland Asian American Advocates and Co-Founder of the Cleveland Asian Festival. Lisa attended along with her three guests, OCA VP Wayne Wong, OCA VP Deborah Yue, and Alex Alarcon - host of OCA's AsiaTown Voice weekly radio show. While OCA is a non-partisan non-profit organization, the OCA Cleveland leadership very much welcomed the rare opportunity to attend the memorable and impressive Presidential visit. Thank you to the City Club of Cleveland.









