












1: 2014年你做了两部很强烈社会题材的电影,你希望观众借由你打工老板的电影接收到什么样的讯息。


Among my films, “Factory Boss” took the longest time. A lot has changed during the past seven years. But theoriginal ideas that I wanted to express remain unchanged. I intended to objectively present these familiar scenarios to the audience, and let them know there is such a group of people who are manufacturing products for the world in a special way. I wish to shed light on the fact behind “Made in China”, which is part of the real China. From Montreal, Silicon Valley to Cleveland, I know from the feedback of the audience that they have grasped what the film was about.



You are right. The two films could have been depicted bydocumentaries and then debut at international film festivals via some underground, unofficial channels. But that is not my dish. I respect all directors of documentaries, but I prefer aboveboard approaches. Undoubtedly, to screen films publicly can woo more moviegoers. As we all know, China’s film market is growing rapidly and has leapt to top positions in the world. If these subjects are presented in narrative films,they will reach a wider audience. I hope more ordinary people will watch my films and get inspired, instead of opting only for “The Avengers” and “Transformers”.

3. 39届克利夫兰电影节的主题是,启示!谈到启示,是什么让你想到做打工老板这部电影?是有什么事件或想法启发你才做了这部影片吗?

A: 我拍摄<打工老板>的想法要早于我当导演的想法.这跟我自己的经历有关.当我后来结束制造业的经历后转型当导演,<打工老板>的故事就成为我考虑的第一候选.因为我太了解了.不否认有很多感情的因素.但后来经过几年的沉淀之后,反而发现它正是我想要的.正向你说的本届电影节的主题:启示.<打工老板>的故事对于我自己,对于中国,对于世界都是一个很有趣的启示.启示不是答案,所以我的影片最后也没有答案.其实只是告诉你一个新的思路,我们或许可以从”剥削”\”压榨””产品质量””血汗工厂""财富"等等信息之外,找到其他的出口.这是这个影片的价值所在.

The idea of shooting “Factory Boss” came even before I decided to work as a film director. It was related to myown experience. When I became a director after my manufacturing career had ended, “Factory Boss” became my first option, because I was too familiar with the factory life, and there were emotional factors as well.Several years later, I found it was exactly what I wanted. As you just mentioned, the theme of this film festival is “inspiration”. The story of “Factory Boss” is an interesting inspiration in itself, not only for me, but alsofor China and even the world. Inspiration is not an answer, and no answer was given at the end of my film either. In fact, it just shows you a new way of thinking, that is, we may find ways to break out of “exploitation,” “oppression,” “product quality,” “sweatshop”, “fortune,” etc. And that is the value of this film.

4. 启发你创作的灵感来源是什么?


As I said earlier, I used to work in the manufacturing sector for two decades. So I know it just too well. But this is not to say I am the prototype of the protagonist. He is a combination of many characters. For example, the plot where he attempts to jump from a building was based on a real case in Shenzhen. In real life, we also found the prototype of the undercover journalist in the film. The episode about the lost needle at the factory was sourced from an interview by our screenwriter at a factory. During the seven years’ preparation, we engaged many screenwriters for the script of the film and all of them contributed to the final version.

5. 有没有什么你觉得拍摄过程中有意思的事情你想要分享?


The film was shot in a newly deserted factory premises. Instead of being shut down due to bankruptcy, the factory was forced to relocate as the government intended tobuild a university campus and roads on the site. The factory buildings and dormitories were still there, but leftempty. In such a scene, which can be seen almost every day in Shenzhen, actors get into characters fast. There are some other interesting sidelights. We hired up to 1,000 extras, among whom were actors while many were real workers. They were rendered jobless as their factories went bankrupt, and started to work as extras for actor recruitment agencies. When they play their roles, they would quickly get into character. Such experiences may not be achieved in other sites or for films on other subjects.

6. 下一步作品是什么?

A: 我现在有两部电影在筹备,一部叫<天籁梦想>,讲的是一群西藏的盲童孩子参加选秀节目的故事,有点像<贫民窟的百万富翁>.还有一部叫<肋骨>,是根据一个中国的变性人的经历改编的故事.

I am now preparing for two films. One is called “Sound of Dreams”, which is about a group of Tibetan blind pupils on their journey to attend a reality TV show. The story is somewhat like the “Slumdog Millionaire.” The other is named “The Rib,” which is based on the experiences of a transgender Chinese citizen.


A:克利夫兰电影节的观众大家好,我是<打工老板>的导演张唯.如果你家里有MADE IN CHINA的商品,那么就来看我的电影吧,它会告诉你中国制造的真相.

Hello! I am Zhang Wei, director of “Factory Boss.” If you are using products MADE IN CHINA at home, go and watch my film. It will tell you the fact.









