











Two new ITM Strategic Alliances Dedicated to The First DragonTM Global Enterprise

The ITM/Legion, Inc. Strategic Alliance Established 1-10-15 (left to right) Annie Pu Ying, Jack Craciun III, Jonathan Apriesnig, Lorinda Laughlin, Antwain Thomas, Daniel Shuster

Antwain Thomas, President of Legion, Inc., has established the ITM/Legion, Inc. Strategic Alliance, uniting with ITM and Jack Craciun III,Chairman and CEO: ITM (China) Ltd. and ITM (US) Ltd, for a common global purpose:“The First Dragon ” Global Chinese Cross Cultural Enterprise.” The Alliance fulfills the global purpose of Legion Inc. and is a perfect pairing of American global entrepreneurial spirit.
      Under the ITM/Legion Inc. Strategic Alliance, Legion Inc. will exclusively provide the administration and management of The First Dragon Foundation, The First Dragon Publishing Company, including all intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents, and the intellectual property license rights of The Birth of The First Dragon motion picture film.
      Through the newly established ITM/Legion Inc. Strategic Alliance, Thomas helped establish The First Dragon Publishing Company which will be handling the release of The FirstDragon Music Suite , The Made in Cleveland album and The First Phoenix Music Suite , three unprecedented, culture defining albums which merge the beats and vibes of China with the multi-cultural musical legacy of The Rock & Roll Capitol of the World, Cleveland, Ohio. The albums feature the work of ITM Associate Darren Anthony, whose recent song “We Good” has been released as the second track on rapper Fabolous’ new album The Young OG Project. YouTube hits on “We Good”have soared to over800,000since the album’s release on Christmas day 2014.
     Lorinda Laughlin has chosen ITM’s expertise as a global entrepreneurial leader to establish the ITM/ LL Group, Ltd. Strategic Alliance. ITM’s agreement to form this alliance provides Laughlin with the guidance and know-how to establish and run a company with a focus that includes creating and managing consumer product licensing contracts based on the intellectual property of The First Dragon brand, spearheading cross-cultural educational programs through The First Dragon Foundation and authoring non-fiction works, through The First Dragon Publishing Company, pertaining to the lives and dedications of American innovators such as Ohio Horticulturalist Jared Potter Kirtland, and her grandfather, Dr. R.R. Laughlin, a pioneering Ohio veterinarian and World War I veteran.
     Laughlin met Jack Craciun in 2013 and, after completing significant research pertaining to The First Dragon Ltd. and the ITM/ EpAngelia Group Ltd. Strategic Alliance, including its President, Fr. George Smiga, STD., ITM (US) Global Culture & History Research Project Manager and author of “The First Dragon ” and “The First Phoenix Manuscripts,” she realized the value of The First Dragon Global Cross Cultural Exchange Enterprise, not only in economic terms, but also as a tool to educate, enrich and empower people’s lives all over the world. In 2014, Laughlin became a vested member of ITM’s Board of Advisors and holds two Gross Profit Units and two Consumer Product Licenses in The First Dragon Enterprise. She is presently completing research on “The Yin and Yang Manuscript,” a study of the balance between nature and humanity.
     The ITM / Legion, Inc Strategic Alliance with Antwain Thomas:
A Cleveland native and product of South Euclid-Lyndhurst Schools, Antwain Thomas discovered early in life that music and computer technology would have significant influence on his lifetime pursuits. A classically trained Clarinetist and jazz saxophonist, he received the highly coveted “John Phillip Sousa Award,” as well as citations for his musicianship and performance with the Tri-C JazzFest in 1995 and 1996. During this time he also was learning computer technology, internet architecture, and how the world is connected. Having attended Cuyahoga Community College, and Cleveland State University in Cleveland, he used his affinity for music and computer technology as an outlet for his creativity and set out on a lifetime path of exploring his entrepreneurial spirit.
    With Thomas’s roots deeply planted in Cleveland, making a decision to enlist in the United States Navy was a life altering experience that changed his perspective on the world. While serving in Japanaboard the U.S. Naval aircraft carrier, the USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63), he created the concept of “Legion Inc.,” a business idea that would redefine his purpose in life and return him back to Cleveland. Returning to Cuyahoga Community College in the fall of 2010, he completed an Associates of Applied Science degree in Recording Arts & Technology, marking a full circle of achievement.
    Thomas attends The Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and will complete his studies in 2015. He is President of the GW Private Equity and Venture Capital Club, a professional business association that supports and engages its members in providing education about Private Equity and Venture Capital industries, facilitating opportunities in career and job placement and enhancing the learning experience by exposing the student body to the financial community at large. Thomasbelongs to several national organizations focused on finance, including The Oxford Club, The Sovereign Society, The Palm Beach Letter, and Forbes Inc.’s The World Money Show.
    Active in national politics, Thomas works with the Ohio House of Representatives under Rep. John Barnes Jr. on matters of Economic Development and International Business. He is involved in the military community in Washington DCboth as a member of GW Veterans, an organization that fosters a supportive environment for student veterans, and working with veteran business organizations to enhance the focus on veteran entrepreneurs “vetrepreneurs” and their potential for business success.As an intern of the Reserve Officers Association in Washington, D.C., in the summer of 2012, Thomas worked with the legislative department and Chief of Staff to effect changes on Capitol Hill related to Reservist men and women.
    In his commitment to the namesake of George Washington University, Thomas is a member of the Luther Rice Society. Luther Rice lobbied U.S. President Monroe and raised funds that lead to the founding of The George Washington University over 200 years ago. The Society celebrates philanthropic leadership in Rice’s memory, and connects GW alumni, friends, and students to his legacy.
   Upon completing his first year at The George Washington University, Thomas accepted an invitation from Jack Craciun III to intern with ITM to better prepare himself for the challenges of being a business professional. As a student of global business with a global business developer, Antwain spent valuable time working with ITM in its multifaceted The First Dragon Global Cross Cultural Exchange    Enterprise,Multi-release News and Social Media, Intellectual Property Licensing and Consumer Product Branding and Merchandising Enterprise. As a result of his internship, Thomas was appointed to the advisory board of ITM (US) Ltd. as their International Business & Finance Affairs Advisor.
    During the summer of his internship, Thomas was appointed to the Community and Property Development Committee as a Director and Advisor to the church council at St. Helena Romanian Byzantine Catholic Church in Cleveland. The new committee spearheaded a "Five Year Community & Property Development Plan” focused on enhancing its local & global communities and the development of church property.St. Helena is the first Romanian Byzantine Catholic Church built in the Americas and has served as Eastern Europe’s global gateway to the world for over a century.
      After becoming involved with St. Helena’s, and having been inspired by the beauty of the liturgy of the Mass and the hospitality of the parish, Thomas decided to be baptized there, in the same church where ITM Chairman/CEO Jack Craciun III, his mentor and friend, had been baptized. On August 3, 2014, he became the first African American to be baptized at St. Helena. Blessed to serve as Godparents were Craciun and ITM Associate and friend Lorinda Laughlin.
    During his final year at GW, Thomas led an initiative of The GW Private Equity and Venture Capital Club called “Semper Startup,” a military entrepreneurship conference aimed at providing support and creating a network of “vetrepreneurs”. In addition, Thomas has been recommended and invitedto apply for the Clinton Global Initiative, a program for student innovators, considered the next generation of leaders, to develop innovative solutions to pressing global challenges.
     Thomas plans to use these experiences to support his work with the ITM/Legion Inc. Strategic Alliance and The First Dragon ” Global Chinese Cross Cultural Enterprise, to foster a global business example that will help others realize their potential in pursuing entrepreneurial objectives, using George Washington and ITM as conduits to develop pathways of new opportunities for future generations.
     In November 2014, Thomas met with George Washington University President Steven Knapp and the Dean of Student Affairs, Peter Konwerski, and has laid the foundation for ITM to deliver The First Dragon Global Chinese Cross-Cultural Exchange presentation in Washington, D.C., enabling ITM to deliver an entrepreneurial platform with economic support that will enhance the lives of veterans and future generations to come.
    The ITM/Legion Inc. Strategic Alliance has been formed to foster the growth of the cross-cultural exchange branding platform using ITM's global business model to launch Thomas’s global enterprise, Legion Inc.Through this Alliance, Thomas will utilize Legion and their exceptional resources to further develop Western and Eastern cultures and their use of resources by contributing to the global gateways and platforms ITM has developed over forty-five years of highly successful Cross Cultural Exchange enterprises.
   As ITM Group Global Project Management and Financial Engineering Advisor, Thomas is directly involved in the organization of The First Dragon Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit entity focused on international educational programs, student exchange and scholarships, as well as promoting global cross-cultural programs designed to celebrate and support veterans of the U.S. Military and their history of global sacrifice which has created prosperity and freedom for people all over the world.
     The ITM / LL Group Ltd. Strategic Alliance with Lorinda Laughlin:
Ohio horticulturalist, Lorinda Laughlin cultivated her love of plants at an early age under the guidance of avid gardener and nature explorer, her mother, Grace Annette. Torn between her love of horticulture and a keen interest in the social sciences, Lorinda graduated from Baldwin Wallace College with majors in political science and sociology. Subsequently trained at the Philadelphia Institute, and certified in Litigation Management, Lorinda spent the 1980’s in the Labor and Litigation Departments of the Cleveland-based international law firm, Squire Sanders and Dempsey.
     In the 1990’s, Lorinda stopped working to devote herself full time to the raising of her three children. It was during this time spent with her children that she rediscovered her first love, horticulture.
    The next decade found Lorinda working with horticulturist, multimedia educator and mentor, Susan Holmes Bercheck, then owner of the historical 1928 garden center, Sunnybrook Farms Nursery in Geauga County, Ohio, where she learned garden design, installation, upscale flower garden improvement and organic maintenance techniques, as well as plant propagation and retail sales. She was able to put her design skills to work in the creations department, designing custom container plantings and holiday arrangements for long-time clients and retail sales.
     Laughlin was employed at Sunnybrook until 2010. She spent the following season as consultant to a new local garden design and maintenance company, and creating custom arrangements for retail sales. From 2012 to 2014, she held the position of head designer for Perennials Preferred, Inc. in Chesterland, Ohio.
     Today, Laughlin is a nationally certified horticulture and design judge, and has judged as well as exhibited horticulture, floral design and miniature landscapes throughout Northeast Ohio, including the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. She enjoys speaking and conducting workshops on gardening related topics for nurseries and garden clubs and works with her own local club to raise funds for scholarships to horticulture students and to design and maintain gardensin her community’s public parks.
     Laughlin is a member of the Ohio Judges Council, The Cleveland Flower Arranger’s Guild, OFA Association of Horticulture Professionals, The National Garden Club Central Atlantic Region, Garden Clubs of Ohio, and the Garden Clubs of the Western Reserve. Laughlin also sits on the Board of Managers of the ITM/Legion, Inc. and the ITM/Darren Anthony Group Strategic Alliances.
      Guided by Dr. Smiga and Jack Craciun, III, Laughlin is now performing research to complete a manuscript that will perfectly complement Dr. Smiga’s work pertaining to “The Birth of Chinese Culture” and “The Early Stage Evolution of Chinese History.” The “Yin and Yang Manuscript” will deliver a study of China’s profound relationship with nature, revealing insight into their view of the world and clarifying their contributions to mankind in fields such as medicine, art, literature and philosophy, thus furthering ITM’s interest to promote a mutual understanding of cultures through education and entertainment.
       The First Dragon global enterprise is designed to promote extraordinary recognition and economic rewards for ITM, its venturers, sponsors, and their communities, and it will serve to enhance the development of consumer product manufacturing, distribution, and sales within the birth place of The First Dragon and The First Phoenix , Cleveland, Ohio.
    Both Thomas and Laughlin are confident that the spirit of The First Dragon will continue to carry it forward, ensuring success in its goal to enhance the human condition here and around the world. They further believe there is no limit to the level of positive social impact and financial reward of The First Dragon Enterprise, so long asventurers and service providers continue to come forward with the integrity and capacity to enhance its global mission.

“The ITM/Lorinda Laughlin Group, Ltd. Strategic Alliance” Established on 1-30-15 (left to right)
Jack Craciun III, Ed “Dr. Phrock” Sparks, Pu Ying, Daniel Shuster, Lorinda Laughlin, Spharos Gaines, Jonathan Apriesnig & Robert Weakley
New ITM Strategic Alliance Associates (left to right) Lorinda Laughlin, Jack Craciun III and Antwain Thomas








