











華裔殺妻案:GLENN WONG 獲無期徒刑終身不釋


    [本報訊]2013年2月24日,正當各地華人歡度傳統的元宵節的時候,在克里夫蘭南郊Twinsburg一個高檔社區里,卻發生了一起令人震驚的兇殺血案:時年50歲的華人丈夫華裔Glenn Wong當着他們兩個年幼孩子的面殺了他的46歲的西人太太Tami Mitchell Wong。事件中華裔Glenn Wong被警方逮捕,她的妻子身中100多刀被送往醫院但後最終因傷重醫治無效于當日死亡。
     法庭經過18個月的調查,7月21日星期一在Summit County Count 舉行最後聽證,Glenn Wong因被控謀殺罪、綁架罪和家庭暴力罪等多項罪名,終審被判無期徒刑終身不得假釋。在法庭上Glenn Wong痛哭流涕地説“我想對俄亥俄州道歉,對岳父道歉。我眞後悔我所做的事情,我對不起自己的父母,我很抱歉讓他們這樣的失望。我最大的道歉是對我的小女兒和我的小兒子,我自私地把他們的母親從他們的生活中奪走,我深感遺憾我對他們做了這一切,我想他們得到最好的,現在我只是想讓他們知道我非常愛他們。如今法庭給這起殺妻案件的罪犯判了無期徒刑,看上去一個案子已經結束,但在案件的背後留下的是永遠抹不掉的悲傷。
當案件發生後,本報希望能夠向廣大讀者報道案件詳情以揭示Glenn Wong是如何從一個默默無聞的普通華裔居民變成一個窮兇極惡的殺人犯所經歷的心路歷程,爲此記者曾經找到Glenn Wong 的父母,想向他們瞭解一些案件中的背景資料,但因爲家庭中出現這樣的事情,誰都不願意接受媒體的訪問。之後本報又找到Wong常去的中國餐廳與車行向他們瞭解情况,中國餐廳老闆表示:他常常去吃飯,但很少講話,幾乎連一個招呼都沒有打過,是一個很安靜的人。而這個安靜的人做出了很不安靜的事情,Glenn Wong説他殺人的起因是妻子詆毀他,録下他們夫妻爭吵的的録音片段準備起訴他並謀劃與他離婚的做法激怒了他,就這樣在他一個10歲另一個8歲孩子們的面前,用利刀瘋狂砍殺妻子,兩個小孩眼睜睜地看着自己的母親倒在血泊中…….

嫌犯GLENN WONG 痛哭稱對不起孩子 讓他們失去母親

Akron -- Nearly 18 months after an early morning argument resulted in the violent stabbing death of Abrams Drive woman Tami Mitchell Wong, her husband, Glenn Wong, was sentenced July 21 to life in prison without the possibility of parole for her murder by Summit County Court of Common Pleas Judge Paul Gallagher.
Wong, 52, was found guilty by a Summit County jury March 28 of two counts of aggravated murder, one count of murder, one count of felonious assault, one count of kidnapping and one count of domestic violence in connection to the Feb. 24, 2013, killing of Mrs. Mitchell Wong, 46. She suffered more than 100 stab wounds, and authorities say she was killed in front of her two children.
Gallagher merged the six charges into a single count of aggravated murder at the sentencing.
Wong will be sent to Lorain Correctional Institution to be evaluated. The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections will then decide on an appropriate institution for him to serve his sentence.
As Wong rose to address the court for the first time -- he did not take the stand in his own defense -- he claimed that his wife, for months before her death, had been inciting arguments with him and recording them.
He told the court he suspected she was planning to file for divorce and intended to use the taped arguments to discredit Wong in custody hearings.
"There were some thoughts that overcame me," Wong said. "She was painting a bad picture of me, deliberately antagonizing me. She was provoking me to commit this bad act."
Wong went on to publicly apologize for his crimes.
"I would like to apologize to the state of Ohio," Wong said. "I would like to apologize to my father-in-law, Bill Mitchell. I really regret what I've done. I am very sorry I've become such a disappointment to [my parents]. My biggest apology is going to go to my young daughter and my young son. I selfishly took the life of their mother from them. I deeply regret what I've done to them. I wish them the best and I just want them to know I love them very much."
The Wong children, a daughter, 11, who called 911 as the stabbing was occurring, and a son, 9, who also was home at the time, remain in the custody of family members in Oklahoma.
Dawn Harrison-Drasner, a Twinsburg resident and close friend of Mrs. Mitchell Wong, pleaded with Gallagher to assign the maximum sentence, calling Wong's offense "monstrously violent" and "unfathomable."
"Respectfully, anything less than life without parole would be an insult to my friend Tami," Harrison-Drasner said. "This man made his children orphans the moment he pulled those knives from the block."
Michelle McAllister, another friend of Mrs. Mitchell Wong, said "justice was done March 28."
"He knows what he did and as a human being, I want to see the maximum penalty and then some given to him," McAllister said.
"You will not steal another moment of our lives," she added, addressing Wong directly. "You are not worth the spit on the dirt."
During a mitigation hearing prior to the sentencing, defense attorney Brian Pierce appealed for parole eligibility after 20 years, arguing that Wong continues to suffer from delusional disorders and paranoia, as evidenced by psychological examinations performed on Wong before the trial by Dr. John Fabian, a Cleveland-based clinical psychologist.
"It's clear to me he suffers from a mental disease," Fabian said July 21, adding that the defendant "lacked a clear motive based in reality" at the time of the offense.
Two other psychologists ruled that Wong was competent to stand trial (Wong had attempted to change his plea from not guilty to not guilty by reason of insanity in October 2013) -- and that he understood the wrongness of his actions at the time of the crime.
Pierce also cited Wong's lack of any criminal record.
"This is a complete tragedy," Pierce said. "This is a case that leaves me scratching my head. [Wong is] convinced today that [Tami] was having some sort of affair."
Assistant Summit County Prosecutor Thomas Kroll argued against mitigation, pointing to the calculated, targeted nature of several of the 103 knife wounds Wong inflicted on his wife of 11 years.
"The only thing that works in the defendant's favor is his lack of criminal record," Kroll said. "This was not an offense that required significant strength or youth to perpetrate."
"The murder of Tami Wong shocked the community with its brutality," said Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh. "It is, sadly, an example of the tragic end to the cycle of violence in the worst domestic violence cases. Now that Glenn is heading to prison for the remainder of his life, I hope his young children and the many friends and family Tami left behind can begin the healing process.


    2月24日我到克里夫蘭大學參加長城中文學校慶祝元宵節活動,長城中文學校辦了一台十分成功的晩會,當晩的晩餐也好吃,一路上我都沉浸在歡慶中國年的喜悅之中,可是一到家兒子就説,她朋友家附近Twinsburg今天有一個男人殺了一個女人,具體他也不很清楚, 我打開電腦一查發現這個殺手姓Wong Glenn,是華裔,因爲新聞很短,沒有多少內容,只知道他殺了他的太太Tami Wong。我的心里十分沉重,想今天是元宵節,中國年最後一天,當我知道他還有兩個小孩一個10歲一個8歲時,我更不好受,我對我的總編輯元華説:心情不好,今晩不要做報紙了!
    2月25日上午,我來到Twinsburg 市政府,去見了女市長Katherine Proop和警察局局長Michael Nakata,Michael Nakata十分沉重地對我説,這是他做了20年警察以來從未見過的慘案,他説他馬上給我傳他掌握的新聞資料和911電話録音,女市長表示這件事情發生在她27日就要前往中國考察的前夕讓她很不安,我們三人沉默一會,還是警察局長説話了,他願意吿訴我他知道的所有情况。我在感謝他們後去了Wong的兒女學校,由於法律規定,她們不能給我任何資料,我剛到家克里夫蘭電視台3台和5台接連打來電話,他們想伊利華報也許有更多資料,尤其是有關Wong的家庭和親戚朋友的,我吿訴他們我跑了快一天了,我有的您們也都有了。


       2月25日上午7:06分,911的電話在Twinsburg警察局響了起來,一個女兒童求救的聲音讓我感到就像站在冰天雪地里又被一盆冰水從頭澆下的寒冷,我雙腳發抖我的眼淚也就再沒有停下來:“我的爸爸殺了我的媽媽” ,警察局和藹的接線員用溫柔安撫的語言問女孩,你們家有槍嗎?女孩説沒有,説爸爸媽媽在衛生間里。女孩急促地説:我們需要幫助,警察什麼時候來?救護車……我爸爸拿着刀……請幫助我們……在911的電話里可以聽到背景里有撕心裂肺的哭救聲。女孩的不斷呼救,讓911接線員的聲音變得顫抖起來。這就是無常,有誰會想到24日晩上一家人還能在家睡覺,第二天,一家之主的男人殺了女主人?倆個孩子眼看着母親流着血被送往醫院,幼小的心靈能承受多少?這段慘痛的記憶會給這倆個小孩留多久,我實在不敢往下想。
     警察局長給我的資料有限,我想再到圖書館去瞭解,而我唯一得到的資料是這倆個孩子常常來圖書館,姐姐Sophie Wong,弟弟Max Wong,他們是一對十分好的姐弟,她們的媽媽工作在Akron。我想還有一絲希望,因爲我的兒子對我説他的朋友住在Wong家隔壁,他讓我下午5-6點去採訪,可惜當他朋友知道我是中文媒體就不願意被採訪。這件事發生後我通知了華人社區的中文學校,希望能找到一點線索,因爲警察局長問我Wong的父母是不是在Cleveland,我説沒有,當我去問華報報社樓下洗衣房時,店主説,Wong來洗過衣服,但互相沒有講話。親愛的讀者,如果您認識Wong或者是他的家屬請您與華報聯繫。這是一個血的敎訓,警察局長説了這個姓Wong從來沒有任何記録!
文:浦瑛 2013年2月

     2月24日在Twinsburge,OH 發生了一起華人殺妻案。50歲的Glenn Wong 刺殺了他46歲的妻子Tami Wong。本報聯繫克利夫蘭華人律師蔣磊律師事務所,蔣磊律師幫助查詢了案件的最新進展。
   Glenn Wong 已于24日當日被當地警方逮捕。她的妻子被送往醫院後醫治無效于當日死亡。Glenn Wong 的法庭記録顯示,他的罪名爲AGGRAVATED MURDER(嚴重殺人罪),程度爲一級重罪。









