











Akron STEM中學成功舉辦第二屆“International Day”


位于克里夫蘭南面的Akron市中心有一所STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics的簡稱)中學,它是由Akron Public Schools, Akron Tomorrow, City of Akron, Greater Akron Chamber,Invent Now 和 The University of Akron六家機構于2009年共同籌資在位于Akron 市中心的National Inventors Hall of Fame成立的中學。顧名思義,STEM着重Science, Technology, Engineering 和 Mathematics敎學,從五年級到八年級,共有四個年級,所有學生均配備電腦,每門學科敎學都非常重視科技。STEM中學主要生源來自Akron本地,學生通過抽籤入學。
     今年,我負責的小組有14個七年級學生,他們在年初經過投票,爲小組取了一個很有意思的名字叫“Raman Noodles”。繼“Chinese Dragon”和“Kungfu Panda”,這是我第三年負責這樣的學生小組。他們經過反復討論,決定繼我第二屆的學生“Kungfu Panda”小組,籌款幫助那些住在Akron的外國移民。14個孩子最後投票決定在全校範圍內舉辦第二屆“International Day”, 目的是不僅可以讓全校學生尤其是目前還沒有機會學中文的五年級和六年級學生體驗中國和亞洲的文化,他們自己也從中可以體驗到團隊合作的精神和快樂。由於平時課時很忙,這些學生就利用放學或課後時間製作宣傳畫報,策劃具體活動。最後他們策划了包括乒乓球、羽毛球、足球等各項亞洲熱門球類比賽項目,中國沙包,跳繩、用筷子夾巧克豆比賽、京劇臉譜和中國新“年”的繪畫比賽等11個活動,更可貴的是父母來自其他國家的學生還從家中帶來自做的本國特色小吃讓學生分享。學生僅支付2美元就可以參與所有活動,並且有機會領取奬品。活動舉辦很成功,最後我們一共酬到了近550美元,捐給了位于Akron地區的Asian Services In Action, Inc.。爲了讓學生瞭解該組織的使命並且讓他們深深體會到社區服務的重要性,該組織的負責人Byun先生特地來我校和孩子們見面並且簡短了介紹了他們如何幫助社區的移民。
     To provide the highest quality education experience for students that ensures creativity and inventive thinking through a focus on science, mathematics and technology, Akron Public Schools, City of Akron, The University of Akron, National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation, Greater Akron Chamber and Akron Tomorrow forged a unique and exciting partnership. A new science, technology, engineering and mathematics school for middle schools students opened in 2009 in 199 S. Broadway, Akron, the former site of the National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation.The STEM Middle School is consisted students from fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade, with a total population of 400. All seventh and eighth graders are required to take Chinese class, which is the only world language being offered in school. In STEM middle school, all coaches are expected to complete one learning service project with his/her advisory group. We agreed that we should do something to help the community, especially someone who does not speak English, and we would like to donate all raised fund to Asian Services In Action, Inc., an international institute which helps individuals and families in the community.
    In order to motivate students and make it more meaningful, Michael Byun, executive director of ASIA, Inc. came to the school and talked to all the school students how ASIA, Inc. helps the individuals and families in this community.





