











暮春驚蟄久蓄勢 終見金龍始騰飛


     第一條龍讓我看到了一個開端,這是一個敢於做夢人的堅持, Jack Cracium III,經歷千辛萬苦,久經蟄伏, 終於在2014年的春暖花開季節我看到了一群人他們不同膚色,但有天賦和共同愛音樂,愛舞蹈,愛搖滾和愛時尙的人,在一起群舞——第一條龍開始正式排演。
     認識JackCracium III 有6年,一個增經擁有自己的私人飛機享受榮華富貴的人,一下變得一無所有。他靠的是信仰上帝與那份堅持,要他編織一個夢,完成他家三代人對中國的那一份情結。這個夢不僅是關於他自己,而是一群人一輩子把一件事做好!這樣的夢才能做的長久。



The First Dragon Global CLE/China Global Cross Cultural Exchange is a three Generation Craciun Dream that is coming true now.
It took three generations of Craciun “Pioneering” Dreamers to deliver their Dream to the world. And it took all of that time for everything in the world to become prepared, including me, to deliver the dream of my immigrant ancestors to the world,
It began when Grandpa Craciun first arrived in the USA to “pioneer” 111 years ago and he met with the Chinese immigrants on West Third Street where they bonded to protect and feed their families. At the time my grandfather was starving to build the first Romanian Orthodox church in the Americas, across the street from where I was born at 62nd Street on Detroit Avenue. The history of Chinese and Romanian friendship has evolved earnestly over many centuries and the Craciun’s, throughout our history, have reveled in it with their Chinese friends.

The Dream was kept alive in his son, my father, John J. Craciun Jr. Late in his life my father, who suffered greatly as a veteran of WWII, shared his father’s and his Dream with me, which I did not understand. My father, to say the least, was very forceful where his ancestral Dreams were concerned. To fulfill their Dream, in 1985, my father sent me to China to “Pioneer” and to study Chinese Culture. My father & mentor died 11 months after I arrived in China. But not before I received his final letter to me in Macau where I was studying Mao, Sun Yat Sen, the Father of China, and Deng Xiaoping. In it he demanded that I die working to fulfill his and his father’s Dream.
He told me, before my departure into the unknown, that China, after England, Germany and Japan, would become the new Number Two Economy on earth. His Dream was that me or my son, John J. Craciun IV (Dad named him before he was born), would market the culture of China to the world before or after China became the new Number Two Economy on earth. He explained to me that the global cross cultural exchange would include only American and Chinese cultures and that it was absolutely necessary to enhance the human condition around the world, one person at a time. He further explained that Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds prejudice. Prejudice breeds hate. And Hate breeds carnage in all of its forms.
Before my departure to China dad gave me a poem to read, I have never forgotten it and when I think of it I think of my Grandfather and his Dreams for America, Romani, and China. As I understand it now, Grandpa and Dad took care of America, my Brother Jim took care of Romania, and I have and continue to care for China.
The Dream Poem: “Great it is to believe the Dream when standing in youth by the starry stream,A far greater thing is to fight life through and say at the end, the Dream came true.”
Let me ask you, if dreams come true, does it prove there is a God that makes all thinks happen? Not until I prayed to fulfill this Dream which I did not understand and yet dedicated my life too, only after living the amazing five year death to life miracle of my 8th child, Baby Grace Noelle Craciun, was The First Dragon born in Cleveland, Ohio.
Within Cleveland, it’s cultural and human resources, it has taken years to prepare for such a global dream to be fulfilled and released to the world at this time in our global histories. In the Erie Chinese Journal series of feature story coverage of ITM and The First Dragon? Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange, you have read about the Literature, Chinese art and Calligraphy, and the music that has been prepared and merged with western art to tell the story of Chinese Culture and its living Mythology and lore which is found in its Zodiac characters and the deep insights they share with the human race.
We are now entering the last phase of preparation before ITM releases The First Dragon to the world from The Rock and Roll Capital of the world, Cleveland. ITM Associate and Venturer Lorinda Laughlin Plank is now completing a new Manuscript that will reveal western misconceptions regarding China’s profound relationship with the natural world throughout the millennia. A focus on Eastern horticultural practices reveals profound insight into their view of the world and how to live in it and will serve to clarify their contributions to mankind in fields such as medicine, art, literature and philosophy, thus furthering ITM’s interest to promote a mutual understanding of cultures through education and entertainment.
Which brings me to the last phase of modern entertainment ITM is now producing new music and dance in Cleveland and New York City and which this new Erie Chinese Journal feature story is presenting to you. Keep in mind, The First Dragon Chinese Cross Cultural Exchange is all about education and entertainment on a global level.
Love with Purpose & Follow Through on Your Dreams,

Jack Craciun III
CEO of ITMLtd.com









