











Third Annual Preparatory Commencement

    The Preparatory & Continuing Education division, led by Dean Sandra Shapiro,will honor its graduating seniors in a private commencement ceremony on May 18.
   Trustee Carl E. Baldassarre will serve as master of ceremony. Dr. Gary Ciepluch, conductor for the University Circle Wind Ensemble and founder/music director of the Cleveland Youth Wind Symphonies (CYWS) will give the address.
    “Dr. Gary Ciepluch has been a vital part of this institution for more than 25 years, establishing one of the strongest programs within our Preparatory division,” said Shapiro. “We draw more than 345 wind, brass and percussion students from all over Northeast Ohio because of the CYWS.”
    This season, CWYS celebrates their 25th season with Ciepluch at the helm.
     Violinist Ann Yu will be presented with the Outstanding Senior Award. She is concertmistress of the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra, recently won CIM’s Preparatory Concerto Competition, is a regular attendee at music festivals and performs in numerous community outreach performances, exemplifying the qualities that CIM seeks in a Preparatory musician.
    In addition to recognizing the graduating seniors, the division will present the Excellence in Teaching Award to Dr. Sean Schulze (chair of the Preparatory piano department).
    “Dr. Schulze has distinguished himself not only in his role as a prominent and respected teacher, but as a strong leader in our Preparatory piano department,”Shapiro said. “His students have won numerous local and national competitions and he continues to attract some of the finest talent to his studio.”
    Just like its Conservatory counterpart, the Preparatory Commencement ceremony will feature performances by students.C

Gary Ciepluch
Ann Yu
Ann Yu 目前就讀于WRA高中,祝賀她 5月9日(星期五)晩上8點在克利夫蘭Severance Hall 舉辦小提琴獨奏音樂會
Sean Schulze








