











回國軼事Returning to China


圖中:浦瑛,女兒陸穎Dianna Lu(本文作者) 和浦瑛

Returning to China is like going to a different planet. It has it's out of the world aspects like not really knowing where I belong and just a completely different atmosphere where it's uneasy to breathe. However, like many experiences where you become familiar, memories and feelings are created and bond truly unforgettable. My journeys to China have been more frequent lately as I am growing older, I am now aware of the immense potential what china has to offer and can see my future in the land of possibilities.

I am a banana. For people that have not heard of this term, basically it means I am American born Chinese. Growing up in a pretty non diverse Asian community and with an Asian household, the two different cultures have made who I am today. Many say its best of both words being "ABC", having a strict upbringing to strive for a semi perfect education path and with the combination of a out of the box imagination creates a well rounded individual. The biggest sacrifice being Asian American is probably not really fitting in as a child. As many children don't feel as they fit anywhere growing up, it's particularly tricky for Asian American kids to find their place because with moral standpoints with family teachings versus American culture conflict. Going to Asia, twice in the span of two years, first time for three months as a coming out of high school experience and just recently a short eleven days. I realize I don't belong in any country however, that doesn't matter at all. I love both places. America is my true home, but china is my future.

My parents came to America twenty years ago for a better life for not only them, but for the future of our family tree. Coming over for my parents was nothing to easy for them as they left their whole entire life to start a brand new one as they were merely adults themselves. When they come back to their home town of the rapidly expanding Shanghai, they themselves have a difficult time processing of how in the world the culture and atmosphere has changed since they were kids. As for my parents, home is in the States as they created life and accustomed to the lifestyle in the States. Going back to china is in a way scary for them as they were not present in the last twenty plus years of when China is developing into a top tier country. I am more aware of navigating and the lifestyle than my own my mother that I have stayed in China for a longer time recently than she has and have traveled to more places than she has. For me, I am more likely to bring my future back to china as I feel like it’s a challenge that I could be very proud of for my family as my parents did twenty years ago.

Education is power. Without proper education, money is wasted, but most importantly time. Time we don't get back, money cannot buy time. Power is what runs the world nowadays. China can go in two ways. At this rate of how rapidly the country is growing economically without really taking time to really process what stress it's putting on the young generation and the lower class, the country will go down the garbage. We need balance. There's no such thing as a perfect world, everything has a good and bad side in every situation. We cannot depend on the upper class and the wealthy for everything, more so we need to work together. In the end of the day, we are in this together. Money is sparkly. It grabs attention, a sense of awareness, eye catching. However, it only can get so far. Money makes people stupid. That's a fact, it has its pros, but without a sense of awareness and in the hands of the uneducated, that's where chaos is spent and wasted. China could be the most powerful country in the world as of now it's the most populated country in the world with so many brilliant minds and hard working individuals that will do anything to survive. Yet, nowadays with such an economic boom, more and more unnecessary luxuries are being spent, buildings are being built with no one to purchase or live in. Millions spent on empty towers for what? For the people with money? Where are the people with the money? It's the people with power in china that need to lead.

Last year I spent about three and a half months in china. For a month I traveled to Shuyang, Jiangsu, where I taught basic English to about thirteen to fourteen year olds. As for me, I just graduated high school, naive to the world outside of my hometown, I adventure off to the unknown. Being a student up to that point, I had no idea what it takes to be a teacher. Not only was I in other country at the point, I was in the opposite side of what I have been for my whole life. Staying with my home stay family has reflected on how blessed my life has been and how easy my life has been compared to the students and family I experienced in Jiangsu. The school was an utter culture shock mentally and physically as it was a developing area itself.

The students at Yinghe School, Shuyang were brought upon themselves. They saw an opportunity in itself as Americans were coming to their hometown and were their few chances to be in the presence of outsiders. At first, like most situations where the unfamiliar break the form of conformity, the students were not as diligent and willing to learn. Time and bonds were formed in the span of us Americans being present. We saw how eager and willing the children were after we spent just a couple of weeks with them.

If the upper class spent more time with their own country it would seem it would balance out any distraught in the system. We cannot forget about the middle to lower class as it makes up for majority of the society. And by doing so education is the most important goal in a human life.

Parents, teachers alike who educate the next generation have power to change for the better. Every person on this planet has potential. China needs leaders to help the middle and lower class to rise to their full potential and with so many people, the country could really make an impact on the world than it already is doing.









