













克利夫蘭當代中國文化協會(CCCCA)成立于1995年,是面向公衆的、持有IRS501C3資質、由義務工作人員運行的非盈利機構, 是俄亥俄州東北地區最大和最有影響力的華人協會。CCCCA的主要宗旨是提陞俄亥俄東北地區的多元文化交流與和各族裔間的和諧相處,下設“克利夫蘭當代中文學校”與“俄亥俄東北地區華人文化活動中心”。2013年,CCCCA參加了通過俄亥俄州少數族裔健康委員會推廣的“national initiative to localize the concept of racial and ethnic health equity”項目。
請你一起來加入CCCCA主辦的、免費對外開放的“廣場舞健身”活動,參加 “少數族裔健康月”活動。健康體魄是人之根本。
時間:四月6日和13日下午2:30 至5:00
地點:Solon 高中室內游泳池與大體育館之間
33600, Inwood Rd. Solon, OH44139.
(Tel. 440-223-3838 or 440-339-3877)

Street Dance Style Work Out Open House
Please join CCCCA sponsored "Street Dance Style Work Out Open House", part of Minority Health Month programs on April 6 and April 13, 2014, from 2:30 to 5:00 at the front common of main gym in Solon High School, 33600, Inwood Rd. Solon, OH44139. (Tel. 440-223-3838 or 440-339-3877)
Founded in 1995, CCCCA is a publicly supported, volunteer based non-profit organization with IRS 501 C 3 status. The main goal of CCCCA is to promote multi-cultural exchange programs for mutual understanding to serve the people in the Northeast Ohio area. It oversees a Sunday “Cleveland Contemporary Chinese School” and “Northeast Ohio Chinese Culture Activity Center”。In 2013, CCCCA joins a national initiative to localize the concept of racial and ethnic health equity through the Ohio Commission on Minority Health.
Please join CCCCA sponsored "Street Dance Style Work Out Open House", part of Minority Health Month programs on April 6 and April 13, 2014, from 2:30 to 5:00 at the front common of main gym in Solon High School, 33600, Inwood Rd. Solon, OH44139. (Tel. 440-223-3838 or 440-339-3877).
The program is free and open to the public.
A healthy body benefits socially and economically.









