(本報訊)2月11日晩上6點在Ariel International Center – 1163 E.
40th Street舉辦了第一次亞裔于各個族裔負責人會議。本次會議由新任于克利夫蘭市政府社區關係部門(Community
以後每月的第一個星期三舉行一次會議,陳女士願意爲華人盡責,她的聯繫電話是216 664 2319.
Hello Chia,
Thank you very much for arranging the last night's get together.
Meeting so many talented, dedicated?and helpful people under one roof
was certainly a rare opportunity. And this was all because of your
foresight and vision of how to make Cleveland a better place to live,
raise families and avail of the many opportunities that exist and are
being created.
You brought together people from diverse backgrounds and
ethnicities?and showed them a common purpose, helping?each other and
their host city. I wish you much luck and look forward to more such
meetings. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Best wishes,
ZahidSiddiqi |