











OCA Cleveland Inaugurates President Lisa Wong and New Board


    當日克利夫蘭市長Frank Jason 親自到會並表彰了美華協會,還有克利夫蘭美華協會前任多屆主席也參加當日活動。


OCA Cleveland celebrated the Inauguration of new President Lisa Wong and the New Board on February 8, 2014 with a reception at the Offices of Margaret W. Wong & Associates. The inauguration was conducted by the Honorable Ron Falconi, Mayor of Brunswick. In attendance were the Honorable Frank G. Jackson, Mayor of Cleveland; Councilman Brian J. Cummins; Ariella Brown, office of Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge; President National OCA Sharon Wong; President OCA-Columbus Linh Ta; and many other esteemed community leaders and guests. The Inauguration Speech given by new President Lisa Wong is below.

OCA Cleveland New Board:
President - Lisa Wong
Secretary - Harold Hom
Treasurer - Shan Chan
V.P. of Administration - Wayne Wong
V.P. of Membership - Deborah Yue
V.P. of Organizational and Public Relations - Johnny K. Wu
V.P. of Education and Culture - Huili Shi
Past President - Ray Chan
Past President - Ray Hing

Inauguration Speech
OCA Cleveland President - Lisa Wong
February 8, 2014
I am humbled, and honored to have this opportunity to serve as the president of OCA Cleveland. This is an organization that I have been a part of for over 20 years. My commitment to OCA is because I truly believe in the importance and necessity of this organization.
I was born here in Cleveland, to an immigrant mother and American-born Chinese father. Growing up as an American of Asian descent, I was always in search of my identity. Always feeling not quite American enough yet reminded by my relatives from China and Hong Kong that I was not quite Chinese enough either.
Growing up on Cleveland’s west side, my family and I faced all sorts of discrimination. We were often ridiculed as foreigners even though my father, siblings, and I were born in the US. It was a constant struggle just trying to fit in. It wasn’t until college when I met other Chinese Americans and became friends with many international students that I embraced who I was and found pride and full acceptance of my dual culture. I felt a desire to make a difference by bridging the cultural gap caused by ignorance and prejudice.
In particular, I wanted to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of all cultures, especially my own. By sharing what we know to be good with others who may not have seen, heard, or tasted what other ethnicities have to offer, we can begin to break the cultural barriers.
OCA and Community Leadership
During my college days, I joined the local OCA chapter looking for ways to make a difference. It is within this organization that I met long time advocates Fran and Dave Namkoong. Many of you here know the numerous contributions the Namkoongs have provided for the Asian community in the last couple of decades. They have been a true inspiration to me along with many other leaders like Alex Mark, Anthony Yen and Margaret Wong.
Through OCA, I grew in my enthusiasm to serve the Asian community and there I met a number of talented and dedicated Advocates.
It was about five years ago I co-founded the Cleveland Asian Festival. Previously OCA and other Asian organization would put on events that were culturally rich, but yet had increasingly declining attendance. So at one of these events, the three of us: Vi Huynh, Johnny and I had a discussion. And Vi posed the questions “How can we get more people to experience all of this?” My response “We can close down the streets like they do in Little Italy. Put on an ethnic festival outdoors like the Greeks, Italians, and Irish do."
So we reached out and partnered with other community leaders and organizations. Together in 2010, we put on our first Festival. To our surprise, 10,000 people attended our first one-day Festival. The Festival is now a two day event and it brings up to 40,000 people each year into the heart of Cleveland’s AsiaTown, serving as an economic catalyst for the neighborhood while showcasing and bringing awareness to the various Asian cultures in Greater Cleveland.
As OCA Cleveland President, and co-founder of the Cleveland Asian Festival, I intend to build on the Festival's momentum so that AsiaTown becomes a destination not only once a year but throughout the year. So that AsiaTown becomes an establish part of the colorful fabric of Cleveland.
Future Vision for OCA
As I embark on my term as President, the focus of OCA Cleveland will be on Education, Cultural Awareness, Outreach, Civic engagement, and the Growth of our AsiaTown.
With our board of experienced and dedicated leaders, we are planning a new multi-faceted series called "Grooming for Success in America" that will be aimed at new immigrants, college students, young professionals, as well as parents.
We will continue to support cultural awareness and understanding by sustaining events such as the Cleveland Asian Festival and build on our partnerships to educate the greater community about the rich and diverse Asian cultures here in Northeast Ohio.
We will continue to increase voter engagement activities, and address the well being of Asian Pacific Americans through partnerships and programs such as ASIA Inc’s Project RAISE.
My beginnings as a community leader started when I was in college, so I believe it is essential to reach out to college students in order to train up new leaders. We plan on building on OCA’s college affiliate programs in the Greater Cleveland area. We will also implement a Board Development Committee to identify potential members and prepare them for leadership roles.
I look forward to serving the community as president of OCA Cleveland. I hope to work with each of you, our members, and partner organizations to accomplish great things for our community.
I Thank you for your support.

Lisa Wong

President 2014 - 2018 Today, the White House released a video message from President Obama welcoming in the Lunar New Year.
Echoing the President’s message, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) and the President’s Advisory Commission on AAPIs send our abundant best wishes to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year.
2014 is the Year of the Horse. The horse is a great and strong symbol. Many associate this symbol with “swift success” for all facets of one’s life. We wish that everyone fulfills his or her potential and achieves success in 2014. In his State of the Union address, the President declared 2014 to be a year of action so it seems only fitting that it is also the Year of the Horse.
The AAPI community is also great and strong, as our shared heritage spans from immigrants to refugees to native people. AAPIs have worked the land for generations. AAPIs literally built this land, connecting the East Coast and the West Coast via the Transcontinental Railroad. We have more recent immigrants coming in as business owners, students, laborers, educators, and workers from all fields. Our nation has benefited from our immigration system, and that means we all have a stake in building a strong and better immigration system for future generations. For instance, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Asian-owned businesses increased 40.4 percent to 1.5 million between 2002 and 2007, growing at more than twice the national rate and bringing in more than half a trillion dollars in sales.
However, we have more than a million undocumented Asian Americans living in the shadows. Passage of commonsense immigration reform will afford our undocumented brothers and sisters, many who are young and students, an opportunity to fully live the American dream.
The Senate has already acted in a bipartisan manner to fix our broken immigration system, and we hope that the House will do the same. By fixing our broken immigration system, we will give young people a chance to become future leaders of our nation. In the meantime, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program provides DREAMers an opportunity to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization. To find out more information about DACA, please visit www.uscis.gov.
In this Year of the Horse, we hope that all of us can pursue opportunity and success. We wish you and your loved ones happiness, prosperity, and good health.
Below is the transcript of the President’s video message:
Michelle and I join millions of people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent – here in the United States and around the world – in welcoming the Lunar New Year.
The Lunar New Year reminds us that this country has always drawn strength from the rich cultures and traditions of people from all different backgrounds. It’s at the heart of who we are. It’s why we’re fighting to make sure everyone has a chance to get ahead. And it’s why we’ll continue to make sure that new ideas and new people are always welcome in America.
Today, my Administration is working harder than ever to fix an immigration system that doesn't serve America as well as it should. We’re committed to a comprehensive plan that will continue to strengthen border security and reunite families, while creating a pathway to earned citizenship and a stronger system moving forward. We’ve already taken an important step by lifting the fear of deportation from young people, DREAMers, who are Americans in every way but on paper – kids who just want a chance to study and serve and contribute to the nation they love. And if you’re a young person who feels like you’re living in the shadows, take advantage of this opportunity. Because America needs your talent.
It’s the aspiration and optimism of the next generation of New Americans that inspires us – and gives us hope for this Year of the Horse. So, I want to wish everyone celebrating a Happy New Year. May this be a year of prosperity for you and your families, and a year of progress for this country that we love.
Daphne Kwok is Chair of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
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