













       如果是實況轉播,在小孩說了那麼幾句“不該說”的話的時候,如果你是ABC的負責人/主管,你該怎麼辦?立即叫停嗎?!如果是,那麼,你又是什麼?同時,作為主持人,你不說“有點意思”這樣非常普通和標準的不帶色彩的禮貌回答,難道你應該說︰小毛孩,閉上你的臭嘴!甚至是將他們和他們的父母去關進監獄里面去嗎?或者像薄煕來一樣,對不聽話的手下來個“莫須有”罪名? 如果你只是說了一句“有點意思”,那麼,你又為什麼需要道歉?道歉什麼呢?在國內,今天的中國,很多地方可還是在這麼做的!他們喜歡這樣,也能夠做到這樣,你覺得這是他們的能耐,還是中國公民的悲哀和中國國家與中華民族的悲哀?!
      可是,這里是美國,所有人都擁有言論自由。如果孩子們在ABC的節目里面說奧巴馬是白痴,你作為奧巴馬的白宮雇員和國安部的主管,會採取什麼樣的行動?又有多大的權力採取多少行動?恐怕,除了一聲嘆息之外,你什麼都做不了,也不敢做。 這就是美國,這就是美國公民的權利和自由所在。我們是美國人,我們是華裔。但是,如果我們必須在兩者之間選擇一個和唯一一個,那麼,我們到底是誰?!。。。
  提到印尼美籍華人邢永瑞 (Ray Hing), 43年前他來到美國,他曾經困惑了,他旣不是美國人,也不是印尼人,他也不是中國人,他到底是誰? Who am I?邢永瑞說,有一天他明白了:我是中國人,無論我生活在印尼,還是美國,無論我的身份是什麼,這都改變不了我的黃皮膚,黑頭發。“我是中國人,我的根始終屬於中國”。
    另外邢永瑞覺得,對中國30多年來的發展,他是持肯定態度的。未來中國的發展,邢永瑞提出了自己的看法。因爲他經常在美國和中國二地來回跑,建立了他的人脈網絡,他信仰基督已有40多年, 他要發揮他的能力爲中美的經濟文化做一個橋樑。

OCA Seeks Accountability with ABC and
the FCC for Co-Option of Children in Hate Speech WASHINGTON, D.C. OCA Asian Pacific American Advocates, a national membership driven organization dedicated to advancing the political, social, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans (APA), continues to pressure Jimmy Kimmel Live representatives and American Broadcasting Company (ABC) executives to hold themselves accountable for the "kill all the Chinese” comment by pushing for an Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigation and directly contacting sponsors of the show.
As previously mentioned, on October 16, 2013, Jimmy Kimmel Live aired a skit titled "Kids Table” where a child proposed "kill all the Chinese” as a political solution to the United States’ debt. Since then, the Asian Pacific American community held various protests and petitions calling for apologies, disciplinary action, and investigations into the incident. One petition launched on "We the People”, the official petition website for the White House, has gained over 100,000 signatures.
Since the broadcast of the "kill all the Chinese” comment on Jimmy Kimmel Live, OCA has been in active dialogue with ABC executives; filed a formal complaint with the FCC to address the xenophobic rhetoric and the community’s concern about the welfare of all children involved in the segment; and engaged the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders to support efforts seeking to ensure that similar incidents are not repeated in the future. Over 30 days have passed since the incident occurred, and while phone calls and e-mail communication have been exchanged between OCA, partner organizations, and ABC, OCA has yet to receive a definite commitment to an in-person meeting with ABC executives and Jimmy Kimmel representatives.
"Prejudice, discrimination, and racism against Asian Pacific Americans in the media are not isolated incidents. This Jimmy Kimmel segment is only the latest event containing hateful language and negative portrayals of Asian Pacific Americans. We have been, and continue to be, the target of hate, both on-screen and in our personal lives,” says Sharon M. Wong, OCA President, "We are tired of being used as convenient scapegoats and demonized by the media. It is for this reason that our community has come together in such large waves to protest and petition Jimmy Kimmel. This incident has even gained the attention of the Chinese Canadian National Council. We want justice, and ABC and the Jimmy Kimmel show must be held accountable for their actions.”
The Asian Pacific American community continues to demand accountability from ABC and Jimmy Kimmel. OCA will meet with FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai in the coming week to continue pursuing a formal investigation and will actively discuss OCA’s concerns with the sponsors of Jimmy Kimmel Live.
"This incident is not about challenging the Freedom of Speech,” says Tom Hayashi, OCA Executive Director, "It is about perpetuating hate by broadcasting offensive remarks from children who have yet to fully understand the difference between right and wrong. When minors are used in non-scripted programming and respond in hateful ways to prompted questions, the network has an obligation to remove the material. They should also debrief the children and their families to ensure that such ideas are not promulgated. In order to accomplish this, our community must continue to put the pressure on ABC, Jimmy Kimmel Live, their sponsors, and the FCC to ensure that they are responsive and that this never happens again. It took 200,000 complaints to the FCC before they investigated the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction incident during the 2000 Super Bowl. We need to exceed that number and demand action from the agency. And while the e-petitions and the demonstrations have helped us get to where we are, we will continue to be rendered invisible in their eyes if we do not raise our voices through action.”
OCA chapter members, lay advocates, and interested individuals can file a form 2000e complaint with the FCC HERE. Additionally, individuals can support OCA’s efforts to pull sponsorship from Jimmy Kimmel sponsors by contacting the corporations listed on the OCA website. A sample message that can be used when contacting sponsors is as follows:
"Jimmy Kimmel Live continues to harm the Asian Pacific American community through the usage of children to promote hateful ideas and language. I am not only deeply concerned about my community but also about the welfare of the children co-opted as part of the program and how the show perpetuates hatred by exposing children to this sort of dialogue and language. Please stop sponsoring Jimmy Kimmel Live until they are held to account for their actions.”
OCA National Center
1322 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
P: (202) 223 5500 | F: (202) 296 0540








