











第六世札瑪法王DAKMAR TULKU零距離的解答

DAKMAR TULKU In Cleveland 他喜歡克里夫蘭,這里的環境很好,白玉很安靜是很好修行修心的寺廟。

      第六世祖古札瑪法王DAKMAR TULKU介紹説:我六歲的時候被確認是活佛轉世,我九歲那年媽媽就送我去了寺廟,在那里我學習與生活。我傳承握洛沙灌頂也就是拙火,它是密宗六種成就法。這次來美國主要在加州敎學,那里華人很多,每個學生學習一個半月,以國語敎學。我11月6日至17日在白玉寺,18日還繼續回加州敎課。


Dragmar Wangchen Ling Monastery in Tibet

Ngagyur Dragmar Wangchen Ling was (one of biggest branch monastery of Khatok and Payul) founded in the 16th century by the geat meditation master Sala Rigzin Gyatso. During a retreat of many years in a nearby cavern, this renowned geat Master had a vision of the monastery as being a place a great benefit for the generation to come. Soon after, many students gathered and the first monastery was built. It is said that, at the moment of his death, Sala Rigzin Gyatso's enlightenment was such that he attained the state of rainbow body.
Since then, in the following centuries th e monastery expanded under the guidance of 13 Successive great masters who gave profound teachings on meditation. In the past, there used to be over 1000 monks and nuns living there but now the number has dropped to approximately 200.
Life at the monastery is totally devoted to study and practice. From early in the morning to late at night, all monks and nuns spend their days into prayer and study of holly scriptures. Besides, each season they also take part in the Gongdu Kagye Dorsem Shitro, an extremely Elaborate religious ceremony that last up to 8 days, w hich is performed for the benefit of all Sentient beings.
The young monks and nuns also take time to learn how to write and read. A retreat center is provided way above the monastery for the monks and nuns who wish to practice solitary meditation in prolonged retreats. And for the most experienced caves in the near by mountain provide a difficult and challenging environment indeed, but the benefits of such a retreat have been demonstrated repeatedly over the centuries by many great meditation masters.
Dragmar Wangchen Ling Monastery was on the top of wrathful deity Tamding (Hayagirva) holy land with many deitys pilgrimage place, such as GreenTara water fall, Yidham Vajarkilaya and Tamdin meditation cave etc. At an elevation of 3800 meters, it takes 2 days to get there from Chengdu,in China. Sometimes roads can be quite challenging especially nearby the monastery. The monastery stands above the mountain side village of Samar. Village people often come to the monastery to ask for blessings and help in difficult situations and also receive spiritual advices. They also gather with the monks and nuns in the main temple at each religious ceremony.
Although Dragmar Wangchen Ling plays a very important role in its community, its Situation needs a lot of improvement. Even if since 2004, H.E. Dragmar Khentrul has built main Temple, Stupa and new road. H. E. has brought electricity and has built a Gondue Temple and dharma protector temple, a lot still needs to be done in a near future, the most urgent help needed is to built school and houses for monks and nuns. As for the village, H.E.Dragmar Khentul also plans the construction of a school, a medical Clinic and a house for the elderly people over the course of the future. This is Dragmar Wangchen Ling Monastery Life in Tibet is hard and its people are brave and enduring. As they get older, their faith grows even stronger, so does their practice. So in these modern times, monasteries are more than ever needed as true holders of the spiritual and cultural life of Tibet. Dakmar Tulku humbly requests your help in keeping a live this ancient tradition of wisdom and compassion. The above mention was history of Dragmar Wangchen Ling Monastery in Tibet. He also has new plan in north India to built branch of Dragmar Wangchen Ling Monastery of Tibet. The main aim is to built Buddhist School and retreat center for international students from all over the world.









