2013 Summer Potluck Picnic 夏天自助野餐會
Reply-To: CWA <chinesewomenassociation@yahoo.com>
Dear Members:
2013 Summer Potluck Picnic 夏天自助野餐會
Date: Sunday, August 25th, 2013
Time: 11am to 3pm
Place: Lakewood Park, The Kiwanis Open Pavilion 湖木公園
Phone: 216-529-5697
Address: 14532 Lake Avenue, Lakewood, OH 44107
Potluck-Free admission
Program: Senior Living information from St. Clair Place Senior
* 請自備一道菜來分享, 水及杯盤刀叉紙巾婦女會提供, 公園有烤肉爐, 您如要烤肉請帶自備肉及烤肉所需用品Potluck-bring a
dish to share. Women Association will have plates, utensils and
napkins. Please bring your meats and grill supplies to the park if
you would like to grill on your own.
* 公園有網球場沙灘排球及兒童遊樂廣場Tennis Court, Sand Volleyball and Playground.
* 利用連誼聚會來認識朋友, 現場並有老人獨立居住的相關資料. 我們有請專人從市區聖克萊老人公寓為您中英文解說. 與其讓爸媽整天關在家,
您或許可幫他們增添多一點機會與其他銀髮族參與社區辦的活動, 生活也會多彩多姿Take this opportunity to make
friends. We have English and Chinese speaking specialist from
Downtown St. Clair Place senior apartment to provide you information
of senor independent living.
* 請扶老攜幼全家一起來參加野餐Bring your entire family to the picnic.
祝大家夏天快樂! Wish you have a Happy Summer!
Questions and Direction, please call NancyNie at 216-357-8984 or
Grace Lin-Fadel at 216-664-1246.
Hosted by the Chinese Women Association of Cleveland
克里夫蘭中華婦女聯誼會 |