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      Ms. Wong’s professional successes grew from her personal challenges as an immigrant to America. Her work ethic, entrepreneurial spirit, and resourceful nature combine with her great compassion for people in need-especially immigrants to America. In fact, Ms. Wong has written a highly praised book on immigration entitled The Immigrant’s Way. Ms. Wong works tirelessly to help turn Newcomers into Americans. That dedication to diversity is why Ms. Wong spoke at Lincoln-West’s High School graduation. Students attending Lincoln-West’s International Studies Academy comprise more than 41 nationalities and speak more than 25 different languages. It is the most diverse academy in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, perhaps even in the state of Ohio. The academy, led by Dr. Irene Javier, offers a rich bilingual, multicultural, language acquisition and development program. Lincoln-West celebrates its international heritage every fall with a parade of flags, ethnic food, music, and dancing. For this reason, Lincoln-West is often referred to as a Little United Nations.
Both students and teachers felt the strain of leave-taking. Kleenex was passed out as families and instructors entered the auditorium. The solemn air of graduation was threaded with breaches of protocol as families and even teachers cheered for their students by name. The teachers and the administrators were privy to many human interest stories the audience did not know. For example, senior Kendra Coyne, a cancer survivor, almost didn’t make it to graduation. Struggles with health, finances, and family almost made her drop out of high school. With the help of teachers and administrators, Kendra persevered and stood on that stage with regal diction and poise. When she was finished speaking, she blew her weeping speech coach and teacher, Ms. Gale, a kiss. Valedictorian Hung Le told of his father’s imprisonment in South Viet Nam and his family’s subsequent immigration to the U.S. from a refugee camp in 2008. Two years ago, Le’s oldest sister graduated from Lincoln-West with honors. As Le watched her on stage that night, he vowed to be valedictorian someday. That someday was here. Le remembered coming to high school with very little mastery of English; he thanked his science teacher Angela Bruehler for meeting him where he was and taking him all the way to graduation. Shasheen Reed’s mother avidly watched the deaf interpreter to hear every word as her son walked the stage to receive his diploma. There were students in wheel chairs, students in walkers, and students who needed a helping hand to grasp that diploma, but they were there. And, everyone present managed to smile through their tears. Yes; one door was closing, but many more were opening. The future was calling these children into adulthood.
     It was with this spirit in mind that Ms. Wong addressed Lincoln-West’s graduating class of 2013. Facing them; treating them like members of her own family, Ms. Wong dispensed real-world advice to the young people in front of her. Ms. Wong referred to herself as “an older woman with an accent” who might look out of touch with today’s youth; then she proceeded to reveal herself as a dynamic motivational speaker. She said the first general rule of success is to know what you want from life. Realize that life is filled with passages; navigating these passages is crucial to achieving goals. Once a year, write your goals out and put them in a box. Review these goals every year revising them to achieve them. Remember the Rule of Three. In three minutes, your life can change for good or for bad. Review your decisions every three hours, every three days, every three months, and every three years.
     Ms. Wong’s real-world advice included pearls of wisdom: save every penny in the bank; remember if you make six dollars an hour, it is not wise to spend six dollars on one coffee; look for bargains; don’t eat too much; when your boss yells at you, remember someday you want to be the boss; don’t yell back; learn from your mistakes; don’t do anything you’d be ashamed to tell your mother you did; value who you are; write a daily journal; read; write; speak. Read the newspaper every day. Read a book a month. Feed your brain. Get up early and go to work every day. Don’t get drunk and don’t do stupid stuff. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go; but, the three most important components of life are your brain, your heart, and your gut. When you do what is right you will know it in your gut.
      When Ms. Wong finished her speech, she was treated to a heartfelt standing ovation. She had given her audience priceless advice and poignant wisdom. Still, she wasn’t done giving to this community. As a symbol of the challenges and glories ahead of them, Ms. Wong gifted each graduate with a talking toy tiger. Ms. Wong knows that the tigers are much like life itself: full of grace, mystery, fierceness, and the overwhelming desire to achieve that lives in the heart, the brain, and the gut.









