











華報之友:印尼出生美籍華人Ray Hing 致信浦瑛

Hi Pu Ying:
Your Erie Chinese Journal was the first newspaper I read after I returned to Solon Ohio from 6 weeks Asia Pacific.
I read the latest 2 editions from cover to cover. I found 5 articles and ad that caught my eyes. Below are my comments.

I. 2012 Olympic in London UK
The article you wrote, or some one els wrote, was quite good and fair. I do have concerns on treatments of Chinese Badminton players. I was in China/Hong Kong when they were disqualified. They did not get the needed support from their coach, Chinese Government and Chinese blogger as well as CCCTV-5 that broadcasted around the clock on Chinese Team in London.
Unlike the Korea and Indonesia, the Chinese received no support until the 2012 Olympic Man Single Badminton Champion (I believe Liu Dan) spoke out two or three days later. He spoke from his hearts. I was very angry and hurt by this lack of suport by Chinese government. If PRC believes Olympic is "友誼第一,比賽第二“ then it kidding itself and its people. Everyone that worked and trained very hard and made it to Olympic is only for one thing - TO WIN A GOLD OR METAL, meaning top three place. So, the pair of Chinese Badminton Players were no different. The bloggers and Chinese media changed their tune and went to the extreme after International Herold, owned by NY Times, published an article outlining why sometimes you need to purposely to loose in order to win. The article sited USA Baseball and Football as well as why Japanese women soccer team did not want to score a point when they played the S. Africa team - to rest and force the US players to travel back to London, a journey of more than 3 hundred kilometers.
Without the support from anyone, the pair decided to retired. I hope one day you have a follow-up write up with them.

II. 釣魚島
Your article did not mention the Chinese Students (mainly from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Oversea and ABC) took to the street in Washington DC in protect against US government transferring 釣魚島 administrative rights to japan. There were more than 18,000 participated in 2 days of demonstration in May 1972. I was there along with now President of Republic of China, 馬英九!
In my opinion, 釣魚島 is not the issue. China in conjunction with Taiwan, should "internationalize" 流球群島。If I am not mistaken it does not belong to Japan. The US just transferred its obligations and responsibility to Japan. Once it is "internationalize", 釣魚島 will fall out of it.

I saw the ad and went to Berea Cuyahoga County Library to see the performance. WOW!, we were very happy that we went. We learned the history and the meaning of:
a. Sheng
b. Zhong Hu, Er Hu, and many other Hus.
c. Di Zi
d. Gu Zhen
Compare to the profesional performance we saw in Beijing, the Ensemble haa a way to catch-up. Nevertheless, they are quite good, particularly the invited kids from audience to participate at the end of the show. You can see that Americans are very interested when it comes to Chinese music, folks songs paly by Chinese instruments. Too bad there were only few of Chinese in the audience, although the room was packed and some have to stand-up. My wife said it was worth the 1.5 hours time we spent there.

IV. 中華聯誼會
I am very happy that this organization is not becoming active. I first attended this orgaization's sponsor event was in 1980 when we just moved into Solon Ohio. I was nice to see all the pictures in this article. They were all my old friends....

My wife and I went to the opening today, We were treated royally from the owner to the waitresses. Since we cannot eat too spice food - doctors order, we order the one we were recommended but with mild spice. Allow me to rate these 5 dishes we ordered.

2 Cold and 3 Hot dishes:
1. 川面x子鷄 - Excellent. No different than the high priced restaurant my Chongqing customers took me earlier this year.
2 川北涼粉- Excellent. Better than what I ate before.
3 魚香蝦 - very good
4 魚香egg plant - good - the egg plants could be more tender.
5. 麻婆豆腐 - Excellent. This dish is quite different than any restaurant that sells this dish in Greater Cleveland area.
The price for this dishes were very reasonable. I have no reservation to recommend others to eat there! However, I must remind you that you must tell the waitress easy on salt and "hotness". You cannot help it with the oil as it is part of Szechuan cousin.
Finally, allow me to congratulate your 10th Anniversary. It is not easy to maintain such quality only Chinese New/Journal in Greater Cleveland. Keep up the hard and excellent work!
Thanks and wishing you the best
Ray Hing, Solon Ohio 印尼出生美籍華人











