













Cleveland, Ohio is the Medical Capital of the World


【本報訊】2012年對克里夫蘭來説喜事一件連一件。在5月14日晩上9點,克里夫蘭商業中心(Tower City)俄州第一家賭城Horseshoe Casino開幕,本報記者中午12點就看到有人開始排隊等候開門,這個賭城讓克里夫蘭再度恢復30-40年前的熱鬧。賭城開幕沒有傳統的剪綵儀式,新技術3D的豪華電視頭像照亮Horseshoe Casino照亮克里夫蘭的夜空,克里夫蘭市長Frank Jason説:Horseshoe Casino将給克里夫蘭帶來一个“不夜城”。俄亥俄州是在2009年法律通過了可以開設賭城,據説哥倫布和辛辛那提的賭城也將在明年開幕。

    克利夫蘭文化娛樂在美國也是排名首先,交響樂團和博物館藝術館尤其百姓的生活成本比美國平均水平低12 – 20%此外。百姓在克里夫蘭享受優質生活,這里有世界著名的美國頂級醫院克利夫蘭診所。

    有人斷言克里夫蘭在未來5年一定會重建風采。過去的5年伊利華報連續報道ITM的中國金龍最近也顯喜色,本報記者在5月10日下午5點到了克里夫蘭湖邊機場,在ITM (US) 總裁杰克.克勒瓊三世引見下,認識了來自亞力山那投資者 Mr. Chuck Spencer, 還有本地的一些企業家工程師,他們對未來克里夫蘭的發展有一系列投資計劃,目的是爲繁榮克里夫蘭文化敎育和經濟,尤其杰克.克勒瓊三世準備的5年多的中國龍計劃已進入最後階段,這台中西文化結合的大型藝術舞臺劇將早日搬上世界舞臺。(請見英文文章)
“The Future of Medicine Lies in the History of Nursing”
"As one of the leading healthcare institutions in the world it is our responsibility to share our resources with others," Christopher Manacci, Architect & Manager of Cleveland Clinic Global CCT enterprise.
    Christopher Manacci has recently established the ITM (US) Ltd / Manacci Seraphim Group Ltd. Strategic Alliance. The Alliance focus is to globally market proven programs and initiate new programs relating to human space travel in the fields of Flight Nursing and Critical Care Air Rescue Programs.
   Leader in Development of the First Acute Care Flight Nurse Practitioners Program is Honored
Christopher F. Manacci, MSN, ACNP-C, CCRN, and ITM (US) Ltd / Manacci Seraphim Group Strategic Alliance are pleased to inform you that two world leading institutions located in Cleveland, Ohio have each honored Manacci by inviting him to lead the two programs he has created, implemented, and now represent “The Future of Medicine,” and Cleveland being acknowledged as the “Medical Capital of the World (http://www.manacciseraphimgroup.com/documents/research-supplements-med-cap.pdf)
We are very proud to inform you that the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing (FPB) of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) has invited Christopher F. Manacci to become the Director of the Dorothy Ebersbach Academic Center for Flight Nursing (DE ACFN). Previously, he served as the Architect and Founding Director of the world’s first Acute Care Flight Nurse Practitioners Program.
To accomplish his vision of establishing the world’s first Academic Center for Flight Nursing in Cleveland, Manacci met with Ms. Dorothy Ebersbach, a recent recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal. In late 2011 his dreams for The Future of Medicine were realized. Ms. Ebersbach, shortly before her death this past January, personally issued The First Endowment of $2.5 million to FPB establishing the world’s first Academic Center for Flight Nursing, the Dorothy Ebersbach Academic Center for Flight Nursing.
FPB is a globally recognized leader in nursing education and research, and is home to the nation’s first practice doctorate in nursing, the worlds first acute care nurse practitioner program, and formal university based flight nursing graduate level education program.
Leader in Development of the First Global Critical Care Transport Program is Honored
We are also very proud to inform you that the Cleveland Clinic has appointed Christopher F. Manacci as the Program Director of the world’s first global Advance Practice Transport System. Previously, Manacci served as the Architect and Managing Nurse Practitioner of the Critical Care Transport (CCT) Program of the Cleveland Clinic.
ITM (US) Ltd. / Manacci Seraphim Group Ltd. Strategic Alliance (ITM/MSG SA)
“The Future of Medicine Lies in the History of Nursing:” Let’s share with you a bit of Christopher F. Manacci History and Accomplishments, and insights regarding the ITM/MSG SA before we share a number of very significant Dedications, global accomplishments, medical conferences, and the dual Inaugural Directorship Address regarding “The Future of Medicine” which took place at Burke Lakefront Airport this past Tuesday evening.
In 2010, Manacci, through his association with Medical Security International, LLC, (MSI) who established a successful strategic alliance with ITM (US) Ltd (See ECJ Vol.168 Oct. 31 2010), has now established the ITM/MSG SA (See ECJ Vol.189 Sept. 15, 2011).
Christopher Manacci has redefined the practice and culture of clinical medicine by merging his two primary interests: 1) Enhancing the global field of nursing through academic advancements in graduate level education and research endeavours; 2) Enhancing the global field of clinical practice through commercial application of his academic accomplishments in the field of nursing.
His Inaugural Directors Address brilliantly spelled out how living in the future today fulfills our ability to enhance the human condition around the world tomorrow; The four topics Chris Manacci, Jack Craciun III, and Dr. Moradi are delivering to their global associates and affiliates include: 1) The First University based Graduate Flight Nursing School on Earth; 2) The Cleveland Clinic’s Global Critical Care Transport enterprise; 3) Merging Academia and Commercial Medicine with Interactive Tele-Health Technology; 4) Practical Insights of 4DMC / 4DNU as “The Future of Medicine.”
This global celebration of Manacci’s two new directorships and introduction of “The Future of Medicine” was sponsored by Cleveland Clinic CCT service providers, PHI Air Medical, Inc. (www.phiairmedical.com), Aitheras Aviation, LLC. (www.aitherasaviationgroup.com), and Landmark Aviation, LLC. (www.landmarkaviation.com).
“The Future of Medicine:” Through the ITM/MSG SA, Jack Craciun III, Chair/CEO and Chris Manacci, President, are merging Manacci’s two primary fields of interest with the most sophisticated and clinically relevant Tele-Health Communication Technology of Dr. Ahmad F. Moradi, Chair/CEO, of Maxwell Rand and NetStairs.com.









