雲集的歌星及影星,爭相與她合影, 儼然成為最受喜愛的童星。
張安麟於2007年以演奏法國作曲家梅西安的鋼琴協奏曲“異國鳥歌”, 獲得最佳獨奏格萊美獎,
是亞裔(包括中國)首次獲得此一榮獎的鋼琴家, 也是美國女鋼琴家首次獲得此一殊榮。 她獲選為2008年世界十大傑出靑年之一。
她獲得約翰霍布金斯大學的音樂藝術博士學位及俄亥俄州立克利夫蘭大學馬歇爾法學博士學位, 是唯一獲得雙料博士學位的音樂家。
獲得聯合國邀請在紐約及尼泊爾舉行慈善演奏鋼琴, 經常應邀到歐洲,亞洲,非洲
於1988年獲中國邀請在北京中央電視台,上海及廈門演奏鋼琴。 自後多次應邀在北京演奏廳,上海大劇院,杭州大劇院,
西安音樂廳演奏鋼琴,並在中央音樂學院, 上海音樂學院, 西安音樂學院, 杭州傳媒大學及廈門大學等地舉行大師班敎授鋼琴。
張安麟的資料詳載她的網站(http://angelinchang.com) 可查網址方便連絡。
In 2007, I became the first Asian and the first American female to
win the GRAMMY Award as a classical pianist. Besides being a moment
of wonderful validation, it opened up to me a new community
dedicated to music, musicians and music education. One had, of
course, heard about the GRAMMY, but I had little idea about what
else this entailed apart from a three-hour television spectacular
once a year.
Of course, the once a year spectacular indeed is spectacular! Every
February, musicians from all over the world go to Los Angeles to
take part in what can be called an annual pilgrimage of the music
world. Musicians, producers, engineers, promoters, music industry
leaders, business moguls and more, gather under one roof to
celebrate each other’s achievements and to generate energy to
continue to serve the cause of music.
What everybody sees on television screens once a year, wonderful as
it is, is only a small part of the annual celebration. For a week,
star-studded events, formal and informal, large and small, go on at
venues throughout the city.
These include the three most sought after and well-attended events.
On Friday of the GRAMMY Week, the music community gets together to
focus on one of their prime values: philanthropy and charity.
Through an auction of memorabilia donated by members and supporters,
impressive amounts are raised to cultivate projects of music
education and welfare of music-makers. If you want a guitar or other
memorabilia autographed by celebrated musicians like Jeff Beck,
Coldplay, Katy Perry or Adele, this is the place to be. This is
followed by a spectacular event to honor the MusiCares Person of the
Year. Over the last few years, this has included such artists as
Luciano Pavarotti, Bono, Aretha Franklin, and Barbra Streisand. This
year it was Paul McCartney. The honored guest performs with friends
and GRAMMY artists for the attendees while gathering for an intimate
sit-down dinner in a charming environment.
On Saturday, Special Merits honors lifetime achievements of
music-makers, technically significant contributions to the recording
field, and all those nominated come together to celebrate and enjoy
the moment at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre. This elegant building,
including its sprawling gardens comes alive with music, food from
four corners of the world, and any libation that a guest may desire.
Soon it is time to catch some sleep, because Sunday is the GRAMMY
day. This is the day of the year where the winners will be
announced. The entrance to the Convention Center and Staples Center
is laid out with red carpet. Thousands of media outfits from around
the globe position themselves to catch the stars as they come out of
their limousines. The moment is electric. Stars dressed in
eye-catching and bold outfits appear determined to make a statement.
The television cameras and entertainment journalists want to make
sure to catch that statement. Fans who throng the roped sidelines
can barely contain their excitement. Cameras are flashing all around
and media interviews in every conceivable language go on within
earshot of each other.
As everyone settles down at the Convention Center and then Staples
Center, the moment all are waiting for begins. This is the place to
see and hear all your favorite music-makers all under one roof. The
moment is truly magical. The anticipation of who will win in this or
that category and performances by world famous musicians on a stage
designed specially for the occasion is truly breathtaking. This is
the part that is accessible all over the world through the
brilliance of live broadcasting.
It is late in the evening by now, but not the time to go home. The
After-Party is just starting across the street. The Convention
Center is transformed into a magical fairyland. Lights, music,
acrobats, and performers are mixed with mountains of food and
fountains of drinks. On the multiple dance floors and relaxing
nooks, you may run into some star that you have only seen on
television or the cover of a magazine. As the party starts to calm
down in the wee-hours, the scramble for party favors has just begun.
After the GRAMMY is behind us, the only question is how to catch up
on lost sleep. Of course, after making up for the sleep deficit, the
hard work of creating music will begin anew, until we all meet again
next year.
The trip this year became an even more memorable one after my 4-year
old niece, Veronica Chang Escopete, asked whether she could go and
walk across the red carpet with me. I didn’t want to break her
little heart and promised to take her along. The moment we started
walking down the red carpet, any apprehensions that her mother may
have had, proved unwarranted. Instantly, she stole the show. From
Oscar winner Tom Hanks to the CEO of Virgin Airlines Richard
Branson, they simply had to focus their attention on Veronica. Then
comes the highlight for Veronica, who happens to be a big fan of
Katy Perry and has been singing her song, Firework, with full lyrics
since the age of 3. Here is Katy Perry walking down the red carpet
with the attention of media and fans on her. Upon seeing Veronica,
she immediately rushes over, kneels down to be at eye level with her
and starts a conversation, exchanging fashion tips about their
matching lace front bowtie dresses, lip gloss and Veronica’s choice
of cool pink sneakers that light up. An onlooker would have thought
that the two are old buddies, perhaps even having been in the same
band creating music together. Well, that day on that red carpet this
4-year old did create magic.
Since winning the GRAMMY, I have become very involved with the
organization, particularly in their efforts to promote music
education, classical music interests, legal issues and cultivation
of opportunities, health and welfare for musicians. I now serve as
an Officer on the Board of Governors and Chair the Classical and
Education Committees from the Chicago Chapter, which represents the
Midwest. The GRAMMYs are known as the most prestigious awards in the
industry, and yet it is so much more!