











華人導演Patrick Wang在克利夫蘭

   【本報訊】近日來自紐約的華人導演Patrick Wang.帶着他首部電影“IN THE FAMILY”來克里夫蘭參加首映式,本報記者應John Wu電視製作中心的邀請,零距離採訪這位年輕有爲的華人導演。
      Patrick Wang.瘦高身材,面帶微笑他不那么熟悉的克里夫蘭城市感到驚訝,您們這里的條件眞不錯,什麼都很齊全,他贊賞John Wu電視製作中心設備齊全。
     “IN THE FAMILY”是Patrick Wang.第一部拍攝的電影,他自己是這部電影的作者導演又擔任演員。他對他的處女作表示:作爲獨立製片是一個吃力不討好又有很大風險,尤其我們這部影片全部用的都是新人,要上市場是有一定的難度,但做什麼事都需要從頭開始。Patrick Wang開誠佈公的吿訴本報記者這部影片耗資1百萬,電影時間長達169分鐘。
    Patrick Wang 他在MIT上大學的時候,就迷上話劇和舞臺劇,他常常利用自己業餘時間參與排列,在他大學畢業後,還參加了一些電影的製作。現在自己開了電影公司,開拍了第一部電影。Patrick Wang 父母來自台灣,他出生在美國

In the town of Martin, Tennessee, Chip Hines, a precocious six year old, has only known life with his two dads, Cody and Joey. And a good life it is. When Cody dies suddenly in a car accident, Joey and Chip struggle to find their footing again. Just as they begin to, Cody's will reveals that he named his sister as Chip's guardian. The years of Joey's acceptance into the family unravel as Chip is taken away from him. In his now solitary home life, Joey searches for a solution. The law is not on his side, but friends are. Armed with their comfort and inspired by memories of Cody, Joey finds a path to peace with the family and closer to his son.
Press Quotes
"...so morally invigorating you might just feel the world tremble."
-- Rob Humanick, SLANT Magazine
"A beautifully written and performed plea for understanding... the tale recalls the social realism of John Cassavetes... will move many viewers with its dignity and restraint."
-- Richard Kuipers, Variety
"IN THE FAMILY is also one of the most accomplished and undersold directorial debuts this year... One senses that [Wang] is rediscovering the rules of cinema on his own. This is a career to keep an eye on."
-- Paul Brunick, The New York Times
"With an incisive understanding of character, believably naturalistic acting, and lengthy scenes that don't feel stretched out so much as given room to breathe... Wang evinces a keen awareness of the ways in which family members interact, grieve, and open their hearts to one another."
-- Andrew Schenker, The Village Voice
"... will inspire a lot of conversations along the lines of 'who is this guy, and how on earth did he make this movie?' This film is a must-see, an eye-opening debut that deserves to be part of the current film conversation."
-- Dave Boyle, Filmmaker Magazine/HTN









