











Hathaway Brown女子學校隆重舉辦慶龍年新春晩會

組織者(左起)葛愛麗( Emily Gudranson ) 陸穎(Diana Lu) 史可妮 ( Claire Ashmead )

   【本報訊】1月27日,克里夫蘭附近的女子學校Hathaway Brown隆重舉辦了慶祝中國新年活動,這是Hathaway Brown建校一百多年來第一次對外開放舉辦迎接中國新年活動,來自克里夫蘭華人社區的近50位表演者爲大家登台獻藝。在校長 Bill Christ帶着口音的“新年快樂”、“恭喜發財”喜慶聲中,新春晩會吉祥開鑼!

     本次喜迎龍年新春聯歡活動由Hathaway Brown 的Asian Awareness Association主辦、伊利華報協辦。當晩有伊利華報的讀者,Hathaway Brown學校的學生和家長,以及臨近學校的學生,大約200多位觀衆來到現場。大廳里,懸挂着兩個大大的中國紅燈籠,擺滿了各式中國食品和點心,加上演員們五彩繽紛的演出服和一些觀衆身着的中國民族服裝,讓學校里喜氣洋洋。

     免費晩餐之後,文藝演出開始,大家欣賞了中國民族歌舞戲曲、中國功夫、古箏、鋼琴以及街舞和Hip Hop 等精彩的表演,演員們的表演讓觀衆讚不絶口,有人還與演員合影留念, 相關人員和一些觀衆得到了伊利華報贈送的用紙和絹製作的精美的中國龍年挂曆。整個晩上, Hathaway Brown女子學校里洋溢着濃濃地道的中國情。
     演出結束後,一位讀者由衷地對本報記者表達了她的情懷,她説:今天是星期五,我爲了參加這個慶祝活動特意請了兩個小時的假,現在看來太値得了,參加表演的小朋友非常可愛,我們“中華根”更有希望了,這是一件十分値得驕傲的事情,有這么一批年輕人參與,眞是讓人欣慰,太可貴了。她還肯定了Hathaway Brown給華人提供了一個舞臺,讓更多的美國人瞭解並喜歡中國,爲兩個民族的文化交流做出了貢獻。

More than 200 regional high school students and members of the Greater Cleveland Chinese-American community celebrated the Lunar New Year at Hathaway Brown on January 27. A special program arranged by the school’s Asian Awareness Association allowed attendees to ring in the Year of the Dragon in style. Numerous cultural groups showcased their singing, dancing, and martial arts talents, and attendees dined on a delicious array of traditional foods donated by local restaurants and other organizations. At the start of the ceremony, Hathaway Brown’s Head of School Bill Christ welcomed everyone with a heartfelt “Gong Xi Fa Cai!” Upper School students Dianna Lu, Emily Gudbranson, and Claire Ashmead served as program emcees. HB administrators said they were pleased to open the school for this dynamic and important celebration. The school community is representative of the broad cultural diversity found throughout Northeast Ohio, and the HB Center for Global Citizenship gives allows students to expand their horizons and explore countries and cultures different from their own. By the time they graduate, 90 percent of this year’s senior class will have traveled abroad on an HB-sponsored service or educational trip, and in 2013, Upper School students will have the opportunity to travel to China.

Kathleen Osborne
Director of Communication and Outreach








