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     身穿中國服裝的Dr. Vilma Seeberg滿面微笑的歡迎我和我的一對兒女,世界太小,我的兒子Frank 一進門就看到他的shaker舞蹈學校的老師,我也看到我的朋友克里夫蘭大學的黃敎授夫婦,我還邀請我的上海老鄉孫一(cmi攻讀鋼琴)和他從加州來的女朋友一起在感恩節的早上感受美國文化。

     在Tom Jacobs和Vilma Seeberg的家里,我認識了許多新的朋友,他們的朋友都十分友好,我還認識了 Vilma Seeberg的91歲的媽媽,她老人家十分健康,她一直和女兒Vilma Seeberg住在一起,一家三代同堂溫馨相處。當我看到Vilma Seeberg和媽媽講德文時,那一瞬間我感受到Vilma Seeberg是一位純樸善良有愛心的人,她吿訴我她的故事:
     Dr.Vilma Seeberg 12歲從德國到美國來讀書,後來她想留在美國繼續深造. 她從事敎育,她在1979年第一次去中國講課,那個時候她就希望能幫助中國,幫助那些偏僻貧窮的孩子受敎育,她在2000年和她的先生夢想成眞,在中國陝西設立了觀蘭奬學金基金會,專門幫助女學生接受敎育。

     Dr.Vilma Seeberg對中國有一份獨特的情懷,她和先生在中國領養了一位女嬰寶寶,15個月把她抱到美國,今天小寶寶已經14歲了,快樂幸福地和她洋爸爸媽媽外婆住在一起.
    Tom Jacobs從1978年就在克里夫蘭3頻道做新聞工作, 他 Managing Partner BZ Media, LLC。同時幫助太太一起管理中國陝西的觀蘭奬學金基金會,在今年我受Tom的委託,在華報上刋登支持中國陝西設立了觀蘭奬學金基金會後,Tom還特意寫了感謝信,説有不少讀者捐款。這里我感謝我們的讀者感謝我們的華人身處異國,心系祖國,關心我們自己同胞的命運。這是中國陝西的觀蘭奬學金基金會網站www.guanlanscholarshipfoundation.org,通過網站,您可以更加瞭解Vilma Seeberg和Tom Jacobs,來 支持中國的敎育事業。

Dr.Vilma Seeberg
I have been a member of the Kent State University community since 1989 as professor for international-multicultural education. I teach courses in international and multicultural education.
I completed my PhD in Comparative International Education at the University Hamburg, Germany, in 1990, which was preceded there by my MA in Education with a minor in Sinology in 1983. Long before that, in 1970, I received my B.S. in Foreign Language Instruction, German and Russian at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Eight years of experience founding and serving as principal and director of a "street academy" (private secondary school) serving middle and high school drop-outs in Madison, WI, had lead me back to academia for advanced studies. This included a year teaching at China University for Science and Technology, and conducting my dissertation research in China. While writing the dissertation, I worked at the World Bank and a think-tank in Washington, D.C., taught in International Studies at the University of South Florida, and foundations of education courses at Cleveland State. I also substitute taught in three districts in the greater Cleveland area.
My interests in education have always been in exploring the inequalities in access to knowledge, whether that be in advanced industrial areas with pockets of poverty, or poor regions and nations with pockets of wealth. In 2000 I founded and continue to lead the Guanlan Scholarship Foundation which sponsors village girls in basic education in a remote region of China.
My primary line of inquiry and publishing has been in education in China using socio-political and anthropological perspectives in order to frame egalitarian and multicultural policy in China. Recently I have been focusing on girls/women’s education in marginal regions cross-culturally and adapting the human development capability approach as an explanatory framework.. I am active in the Comparative International Education Society, and the Human Development and Capabilities Association.








