











Shaker Heights孔子課堂學生表演三句半

二零一一年 九月十二日。 Shaker Heights 高中漢語課的學生們參觀了CSU 大學的孔子學院。威喬納, 托馬斯,哈米特和柯瑪特—Shaker Heights孔子課堂的學生—表演了三句半。
過去的四年,我們學習漢語的聽,説,讀和寫。 我們覺得學漢語很有意思 。我們感謝李璐玲,我們的老師。她激勵我們繼續學漢語。我們也覺得學漢語重要,因爲我們可以學習中國的文化和歷史。去年我們四個人也開始了漢語俱樂部。 在漢語俱樂部里,我們吃中國菜和唱京劇,寫書法和讀詩歌,看電影和辦宴會。 因爲我們愛漢語課,所以我們漢語説得很流利。將來,我們想在大學學漢語,也想去中國。謝謝你們讀。
----威喬納, 托馬斯,哈米特, 和 柯瑪特
On September 12, 2011 Shaker Heights High School students went to the Cleveland State University Confucius Institute. Jonah Weinstein, Thomas Greenhalgh –Miller, Emmett Hammer, and Matt Krantz, all of Shaker Heights, performed a traditional Chinese Poem, the San Ju Ban. For the past four years, we have studied Chinese listening, spoken, reading and writing. We think that studying Chinese is very interesting. We would like to thank our teacher, Ms. Raina Li. She has motivated us to continue studying Chinese. We also feel studying Chinese is important, because we have studied Chinese culture and history. This past year we created a Chinese Culture Club. At Chinese Culture Club, we have eaten Chinese food, sang Beijing Opera, wrote Chinese calligraphy, read Chinese poems, watch movies, and celebrate Chinese festivals. Since we love Chinese Class, we have become very fluent. In the future, we hope to study Chinese in college, and visit China. Thank you all for reading.
------- Jonah Weinstein, Thomas Greenhalgh –Miller, Emmett Hammer, and Matt Krantz,

我們四人走上台,Four of us walk on the stage,
歡慶鑼鼓敲起來,Drum and cymbals are played happily.
咱們説點兒什么呢? What we are going to talk about?------
(咣)拜拜! Bye-Bye!
(前三人):還沒開始呢, 怎么就 拜 拜 了? Not start yet, how can we say bye-bye?
(丁)嘿嘿,重來。 Lol~ Start over.

老師同學大家好,Hello, teachers, students and everyone.
中秋即將來 臨了,Mid-autumn is about to be here,
我們幾個湊 熱鬧,We guys want to join for fun----
喊聲好! Call out “good”!

CSU 孔 院有成效,Confucius Institute in CSU has become more popular,
Shaker 孔堂酷斃了, Confucius Classroom in Shaker also extremely Cool!
一年更比一 年好,Getting better every year----
步步高! Step by step higher!

只要學好中國 話,If I can speak Chinese well,
我的朋友遍天下,I will make friends all over the world,
分享歷史和文化 ――― We will share the history and culture----
你!我!他! You! Me! He!

中文項目有今日, Chinese program has today’s success,
全靠大家來支持, has been greatly supported by so many of you,
你我攜手同努 力―――With great effort, you and I will work hard-----

中文老師眞可貴,The Chinese teachers need to be praised,
不叫苦來不喊累,They never complain about their hard jobs
練習作業一大堆―――They give us a lot of exercises and homework
我全會!I can do them all!

爲了辦好聯歡會,In order to have a good get together party,
大家辛苦來準備,Everyone has been working hard to prepare,
希望你們能喜歡―――We hope you all like it---
對!( 哦) 退!Yes! (oh) Off the stage!








