












         克里夫蘭跳街舞的這群孩子們爲自己的隊起名A-pophasis,成立于2010 年五月,一開始是有九個人組成的亞洲嘻哈舞隊。2011年中國新年,他們在克城和其他城市表演8場, A-pophasis 走上舞臺,作爲一種新興時尙的文化形式和娛樂方式,嘻哈在全世界迅速發展起來。他們將十分幸地運參加6月25日的美國才藝大賽,祝他們獲得好成績!


On March 1st, 2011 A-PoPhasis was invited by Case Western Reserve University's Yi-Hsin Cheng from the Spartan Tappers to perform at the ExtravaDance hosted by the Spartan Tappers themselves. ExtravaDance is a fundraiser for the Cleveland Food Bank that has been held for the past six years now and this year the event took place on Wednesday, April 20th.
Having it lay on a school night of a school day, near the end of the semester, some of the members were not able to go due to the fact of AP exams coming in and other school related reasons. The members present were Raymond Bondad (CSU), Frank Lu and Brian Cleveland (Twinsburg High School), Jane Tang (Solon High School), Anna Yeung (Howland High School), and Judy Ni (Revere High School).
Although we were exhausted from school we still tried to put out our best foot forward during the performance! And to what avail? I was approached by a man named Jay J (last name unknown) who handed me his card. It provided his YouTube channel, his e-mail, and other contact information. So then I thought to myself, “Who is this guy?” Turns out, he is a choreographer and a pretty talented one too. He had a group that was to perform later on that night that we unfortunately weren’t able to watch since it was a school night, but his videos on his YouTube seemed to speak out loud.
Jay-J asked A-PoPhasis to work with him in the summer for June 25th, the audition for America’s Got Talent! He said another person that we will be working with was Justin Bieber’s choreographer, Chris Hartley. Although it was really exciting and uplifting to hear this I also didn’t want to make any rash decisions right away, so I told him that I will get back to him as soon as I can. He told me just to send him an e-mail with our contact information, and to keep in touch. What truly amazed him and his students was that A-PoPhasis was a dance crew formed from long friendship and far distance.









