











黃唯設立奬學基金 提供移民求學機會


【本報訊】克里夫蘭大律師黃唯于4月7日下午,在黃唯律師樓舉行了隆重的奬學金捐款儀式,她本人捐款$100,000 給克里夫蘭社區學校(Cuyahoga Community College),此奬學金是專門爲移民和移民的子女設立的,稱黃唯奬學基金。
       Cuyahoga Community College是一所兩年制學院。成立于1962年,是歷史悠久、規模最大的Cuyahoga 社區學院。 該學校培養了許多成功人士,黃唯也在該學院做了二十多年的董事會人員,當日黃唯自己表示:自己也是一個60年代的移民,就是因爲敎育,她成了一個好律師,她要給更多的和她一樣的移民及其子女提供機會。

2011年4月7星期六,在克里夫蘭黃唯律師大樓隆重舉行奬學金捐款儀式,黃唯本人捐款$100,000 給克里夫蘭社區學校(Cuyahoga Community College)此奬學金是專門爲移民和移民的子女設立的,稱黃唯奬學基金。
      黃唯自己寫的親身自傳《移民之路》融回憶録、敎科書與生活指南爲一體,展現豐富的人生經驗和智慧,有廣泛的調硏和詳盡的介紹,引領讀者踏上不凡的旅途——回報豐厚、頗具挑戰的美國夢之旅。黃唯和所有來美國的華人移民一樣,從起點開始創人生,圓夢美國,黃唯只要下了決心就一如旣往朝着目標奮鬥,在通向緑卡和美國公民, 在跨越不同的語言、文化和政治的過程中脫穎而出,融入主流。她連續十多年入選全美最佳律師之一;被選入俄亥俄州名人堂及全美最具影響力的職業女性之一;榮獲美國律師界最高榮譽—美國艾利斯島榮譽勛章,成爲當時唯一一位女性華裔獲奬者,並被載入美國國會史冊;其領導的黃唯律師事務所也連續多年獲得美國最具權威的馬丁胡拜爾授予的律師業最高評級(A-V)。
      還記得2010年9月克里夫蘭圖書館爲黃唯舉辦了“向實現夢想的成功者致敬”成功黃唯律師生涯硏討會。事過半年,黃唯她在她勤奮耕耘的律師生涯又上了一層,她要讓她今天的成功與大家分享,黃唯在Cuyahoga Community College任了二十多年的董事會人員,今天她在Cuyahoga Community College設立黃唯奬學基金,她給更多的和她一樣的移民及其子女提供機會。


Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Director Margaret Wong with former nursing student/Tri-C Foundation scholarship recipient Vievara Rosel and current Nursing student, Patrice Rosel.

 Margaret W. Wong Scholarship Fund Established The Cuyahoga Community College Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of the Margaret W. Wong Scholarship Fund for support of immigrant students and their children. The Fund was established with the support of Tri-C Foundation Director Margaret W. Wong, who has served the Foundation for nearly 20 years.
“I have had the opportunity to work with many students throughout my years in practice and am happy to establish this scholarship to assist future immigrant students and the children of immigrants, in attending Cuyahoga Community College, the place where futures begin for so many students,”Wong said.
Wong is founder and managing attorney of Margaret Wong & Associates Co., LPA. Internationally recognized as one of America’s premier immigration law firms, Margaret W. Wong & Associates has successfully represented thousands of employers and individuals for more than 30 years. Their teams specialize in a diverse range of immigration legal services, from the employment context, to family-based immigration, to deportation issues, to citizenship, to litigation. The firm has offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus and New York.

SCuyahoga Community College Foundation to Administer the Fund

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Margaret W. Wong is now making it possible for fellow immigrants to achieve their own version of the American Dream through education.
The internationally recognized immigration lawyer has established the Margaret Wong Scholarship Fund on behalf of immigrant students and their children. The Fund will be administered by the Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) Foundation.
Mrs. Wong, who was born in the then-British Crown Colony of Hong King, came to the U.S. as a young woman. She has served on the Tri-C Foundation board for nearly 20 years.
“When I first came to the United States in 1969, I had full scholarships both for my bachelor’s degree and law school. I could not have not done what I have done for my country, my family, my church and clients without the encouragement of my professors and my on campus jobs. Now is my time to pay back and help the next generation of foreign born students for what Cleveland has given me. Having been on the Board of Directors of the Tri-C Foundation for many years gave me the insight of what a wonderful job Cuyahoga Community College has done on raising the level of experience for our students, “ Mrs. Wong said.
   Upon announcing the establishment of the Margaret Wong Scholarship Fund, Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton, President of Cuyahoga Community College, stated “We appreciate the support that Margaret Wong is providing to students at Cuyahoga Community College. We are pleased to gather here this evening to celebrate the establishment of this fund, which will help to enable education for immigrant students and the children of immigrants.”    
   Shelley Roth, President of Pierre’s Ice Cream, said “Mrs. Wong has served the Tri-C Foundation Board for many years. She understands the need for student scholarships and the importance of providing access to education for those in our community who desire to pursue an education at Tri-C in order to create a better life for themselves and their families. We are fortunate to have her on our Board and to have her support the students of Tri-C.”
   The Margaret Wong Scholarship Fund will help make it possible for recipients to begin or continue their education at Tri-C. Many students work one or two jobs to support themselves and their families while attending classes.
The announcement of the scholarship fund was made last night at the Margaret W. Wong law firm’s offices, 3150 Chester Avenue in Cleveland.Dr. Thornton and Ms. Roth were joined by other Tri-C Foundation Directors, other College officials and guests celebrating the establishment of this scholarship fund.
   As a naturalized citizen, Mrs. Wong is acutely aware of the cultural, linguistic and, most of all, legal hurdles all newcomers face coming to America. Undaunted, Mrs. Wong built her practice and, along the way, touched thousands of lives. In doing so, she earned numerous awards and honors.Local and national legal governing boards have sought her advice on immigration policy. She has attained the highest rating for legal ability and general-ethics standards.    
   Her community activities and philanthropy are widely recognized. In 1998, Mrs. Wong received the coveted Ellis Island Medal of Honor for “outstanding achievements and contributions to the multicultural fabric of the United States.”The author of The Immigrant’s Way, Mrs. Wong now appears weekly on 1170 AM in New York City where she provides legal advice to listeners.   
   Internationally recognized as one of America’s premier immigration law firms, Margaret W. Wong & Associates has successfully represented thousands of employers and individuals for more than 30 years. Besides Cleveland, the firm has offices in Columbus, New York City, Atlanta and Chicago.
   The firm has an AV Preeminent peer-review rating from Martindale-Hubbell, indicating it has attained the highest level of professional excellence. Every resource within the firm is dedicated to providing services of the highest quality and efficiency – services that often require thorough, prompt, and professional response.
   The Cuyahoga Community College Foundation secures funding to provide scholarships and educational program development and enhancement for Cuyahoga Community College to enable students to prepare for the region’s future. The Foundation’s partners contribute to the College’s success and enhance the region’s prospects. The Tri-C Foundation Board of Directors includes 60 business and community leaders.
   For more information, call 216.566.9908 or visit www.imwong.com


Hello everyone and thank you for inviting me. My name is Carol Rommel and I have been a “non-traditional student” here at Tri-C for 2.5 years, commuting from my home in Lodi, Ohio to take classes at Metro and Western campus, while pursuing the dream of dedicating my life to working with the aging and elderly populations. I have just entered the Occupational Therapy program after much competition and perseverance. I am also a Student Ambassador, and a remedial math mentor at Tri-C. As a single mother of 4, including a disabled son, I know the first hand challenges of balancing family and education.
My drive of 40-50 miles one way to get to college, can be wearing on the spirit, as it allows me time to think about burdens and barriers that so man of us students face that can make education seem attainable. There may be daily situations such as: no gasoline to travel, or no money to pay the heating bill. Will I pay for textbooks or rent this month?
Many people who come to the United States to live and improve their children’s lives face similar challenges. My grandparents who were Polynesian migrant farm workers faced challenges with 8 children, including education and language barriers. Several people here may be able to identify with these circumstances.
But these barriers are lifted by the generous support of donors who provide scholarships for success at Tri-C. This financial assistance really makes a difference for students. The special people that form the Tri-C Foundation create financial opportunities that help advance many of us to reach our goals, and make a difference in this world. We learn by example, and the foundation helps us by setting the example of generous gestures.
In the spirit of Dr Rice’s remarks at the 2010 Tri-c Foundation Presidential Scholarship Luncheon: Scholarships can change, will change, and have changed many lives.(pause)
On a final note, I would like to share an exciting and wonderful update, I have just been chosen to attend AAUW The National Conference for College Women Student Leaders in Maryland/Washington, DC.representing Ohio and Cuyahoga Community College. Without the direct guidance from Tri-C, These opportunities would not be available for me.
Thank You foundation and thank all of you for coming.”
If you need me to help with any women’s speeches or encouragement to mentor women, feel free to contact me through this e-mail or the college.

Carol F. Rommel
Student Ambassador/Mentor/STEM science recipient
Cuyahoga Community College








