











風華少年飆街舞 激流勇進搏未來


      我發現A-PoPhasis這群孩子喜歡跳美國街舞是在去年10月,那是本報舉辦小型的八周年慶祝活動。同時那天我生日,參加當日活動的都是我的新老朋友和本報編輯劉元華還有來自加拿大版面設計BEN 全家人,大家在Yellow Tail 有唱有跳再加豐富的菜肴,那一天也是我第一次看楊曉東弟子張茂昌表演精彩變臉。
       因爲當日是我的生日,我的兒子陸遙給我的生日禮物是他跳街舞,他這一跳當眞讓我下了一大跳,我不知道他從那里學的,什么時候開始喜歡跳這街舞。也許是他跳的不錯,當場A-PoPhasis舞蹈隊負責人Jane Tang她是湯年發先生的二女兒,她們就讓陸遙加入隊伍。

      12月底我帶了A-PoPhasi這群孩子在克里夫蘭政府大廳,他們是當晩的熱點人物,他們的街舞給大家帶快樂。當晩當賓客們無意間與他們圍成一個圓圈,由小到大,最後大家和他們圍成了一個大圈一起共舞。年輕人盡情跳嘻哈舞,賓客們高興,當晩克里夫蘭Frank 市長看着這群亞洲年輕人,和他們一一握手,給予他們極大的鼓勵。
       街舞(Street Dance或Streetdancing)誕生於二十世紀六十年代末,是美國黑人城市貧民的舞蹈,到了七十年代它被歸納爲嘻哈文化(Hip-Hop Culture)的一部分,與塗鴉(Graffiti或Writing)、打碟(DJing)、説唱(MCing)這些同時代産生的黑人地下文化並稱爲嘻哈四大元素。街舞在兩個地方同時誕生,一個地點是美國東海岸城市紐約;另一個地點是美國西海岸的加利福尼亞州,但獨立發展,最後相互影響合而爲一。

      在克里夫蘭跳街舞的這群孩子他們爲自己的隊起名A-pophasis ,正式成立于2010 年五月,一開始是有九個人組成的亞洲嘻哈舞隊。2011年中國新年,他們在克里夫蘭和其他城市表演近8場,遠在芝加哥上大學的Jasmine Ni,連續二個周末做晩間的BUS回克里夫蘭,她的精神感動了我,當她們選喜歡的舞鞋後,那快樂的心情感染了湯年發,Eddie Ni 還有,Eddie Ni的姐姐姐夫,他們紛紛出錢支持我。這就是我喜歡説的當你在幫忙別人的時候最終還是幫忙自己。

Frank Lu

 Hi my name is frank and I am 15 and half years old. My two sports consists of soccer and dance. I pick up dance recently about 6months ago not knowing where it would take me. Turns out that I should have started dancing a long time ago. I like soccer but I love to dance. What I love about dance is unlike soccer where you follow what your coach says, in dance you follow yourself. In dancing you can be creative and passionate and create new and wonderful things for people to see. Even though I haven't been dancing for a long time, I know I love to do it and hope in the future to change the way people feel about dance.

Brian Cleveland
My Name in Brian Lee Cleveland I am 16 years old and I have a passion for dancing. I started dancing in 5th grade when I was about 10 years old. What sparked my mind into start dancing was the 2004 Hip Hop movie You Got Served. I was drawn to the stlye of Hip Hop dancing. Popping, Locking, and breakdancing are full of life and creativity, but also came with risk and dangers, but I loved every minute of it. When I first started the only move I knew was called the windmill, it's a pretty basic breakdance move. When i got into high school i started to get more serious in my dancing, when I met other people that shared the same passion as me to dance it made me want to be the best. As I started to grow so did the the Hip Hop cummunity with shows like America's best dance crew. The session one winners Jabbawockeez blew America's mind with their style of popping, locking and illusions. The more i saw the more I wanted to better my self and become just like them or even better. In August of 2010 I auditioned for a talent search that I heard on the radio. The audition was at Strongsville mall and I call back. From then on they started to prepare me for a huge showcase in Orlando Florida in December, where agents from MTV, Disney, and even broadway would be there. When the showcase finally came it was amazing how much talent I was surrounded by, I learned so much and made many great friends. I Went there not only for dancing but for acting, I placed 3rd in the dance competition, 2nd in the acting competion, and 2nd in modeling. I got accepted into Albany Talent agency and met alot of famous casting dicertors, it was a really great experirence. I dont have as much experperince as other dancers but my passsion for dance burns very bright in my heart and I will never stop trying to be the best.
Hop has become a culturally diverse body language. It is one of the way A-Pophasis Dance Crew communicate. I am Jasmine Ni, a member of A-Pophasis. I go to college in Chicago, but I come back to Cleveland, Ohio several times to perform with my dance crew at important events. Recently, we performed at the Cleveland Asian Town Center, Cleveland Asian Festival, Western Reserve Academy, and even at Yellow Tail, a Japanese Seafood Buffet for Chinese New Year. Our performance contained mostly with Korean Hip-hop, Chinese-hip hop, American Hip-Hop and even Break-dancing. Most performance we had were 30 minutes of non-stop dancing. We also brought a surprise to the stage by grabbing audiences at the end of our performance with free styling and break-dancing. Hip Hop has become alive in our group and implanted into each of our individual’s body. We are a diverse group of teenager from different parts of ethnic backgrounds, dancing to different types of hip hop style, and also meeting different types of other dance groups during the process of performing. We teach, learn, and help each other grow. A-Pophasis will bring more surprises to Cleveland, Ohio in the year of 2011. A-Pophasis Dance Crew would like to thank Erie Newspaper for sponsoring us with the matching shoes and outfits. Thank you for your support. A-Pophasis Dance Crew will continue to strive for less perfection but more human with time.
By Jasmine Ni








