












右一右二爲小作者:Rena 和MaggieMy

My Blue Moon Chinese After School

I like Blue Moon Chinese after school because I have friends that go there and play with me. I also like to rehearse for Camp Rock 2. We just do that for fun. It is fun when we have chess class. I really like to play with the chess teacher. It’s fun at Kung Fu because the Kung Fu teacher gives us rides on his back, in his hands, and sometimes a piggyback ride. I like when Linda our English teacher goes here to Blue Moon on Friday, because I like to get the coloring sheet out of the coloring book she has. I like to write, we write in English or Chinese, either one the teacher says. I like to celebrate holidays here, like my birthday. Dancing is fun because I like when we do the arm lift while we have to put our legs up and everyone makes a troubled sound. I like to play Chinese checkers, it is very fun. I like to make stuff with the things that are for crafts. I make beds for my warm fuzzes. I make other stuff too. We make telephones, cameras, wallets, purses. But the boys don’t make it and other stuff.(By Rena Ouyang)

My After School

  At my after school we have stickers. If someone gets to 20 stickers you get a gift. We do lots of things around here like dancing, drawing, writing, playing kungfu, chess, and English. In English class we do puzzles, read stories that we write, do word searches, and write sentences on the dry erase board. In chess we return our homework, review things that we learned last class, and playing against someone. In kungfu class we practice fighting moves and test our skills. In writing class we write a story each week to read out loud to the English class in front of the dry erase board. In dancing class everyone should bring a mat to sit on. Fun, Fun, Fun! If you want to have fun at my after school we also watch Chinese episodes on a DVD player. Fun, Fun, Fun! That’s just fun!
(By: Maggie E. Yang)









