













    2010年8月18日上午,張宏武先生在Huron Hospital 由於受到接近心臟處三發槍傷所引起的病發症而與世詳辭。在一週前送外賣歸家的途中,張宏武以及太太鄭冰榕多次無警吿被槍傷。除了丈夫的遇害,張太太的手臂也中了兩槍。
    張宇,據說在其就學的學校有著優異的成績。這對于一個來美國不到一年的年輕人而言,是很大的成就。在過去的這個夏天,自從他參加了亞洲民眾協會組織的夏令營項目來幫助其他年級小的學生課後功課,他的課後輔導老師也看到了他身上巨大的進步。張宇亦入選由紐約人壽及4-H's Youth舉辦的領導才能訓練營,他及其他在俄亥俄州東北部入選的靑少年有機會到華盛頓與州議員會面,學習州政府及聯邦政府如何提倡統治權利。
   請考慮在經濟上資助這個家庭以幫助張家度過這個巨大的難關。萬分感謝任何數額的資金捐助。請將支票寄給“亞洲民 眾協會”並且在備忘記錄上寫明是“寄給張家的資助”。或者,你可以郵寄支票到以下地址:
ASIA, Inc.
c/o Susan Wong
3631 Perkins Ave. #2A-W
Cleveland, OH 44114

A Call for Help

   On the morning of August 18, 2010, Hong Wu Zhang passed away quietly in Huron Hospital, as a result of complications involving three gunshot wounds he received close to the heart. During the previous week while delivering food with his wife on his way back home from work, he and his wife (Bing Rong Zheng) were shot several times without warning. In addition to her husband’s wounds, Ms. Zheng received two bullets in the arm.
    Ten months ago, Mr. Zhang’s teenage son, Yu Zhang, immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio with his mother. Like other immigrant families, members of the Zhang family had been living in different countries for several years in order to find economic opportunities. Their reunification meant that finally Mr. Zhang would have relatives living with him in northeast Ohio. Since 2004, he had been working in a Chinese restaurant in northeast Ohio. Most of the income he had made had been contributing to paying off debt due to relocation. His surviving widow states that only recently this debt had been completely paid off. She is currently unable to work, due to her injuries. Because of these factors, Mr. Zhang’s family is left with very little to live on.
    Yu Zhang is reported to have excelled academically in Cleveland, placing first place in his class at school. It is a great accomplishment for a young man who has been in the United States for less than one year. His after-school program educator had seen great progress in his development this past summer, as he had become involved in mentoring younger students in Asian Services In Action’s summer camp program. He was also selected as a participant in New York Life and 4-H's Youth in Governance Program, where he and other select youth from Northeast Ohio traveled to Washington DC to meet their representative and learn how to advocate at the State and Federal levels.
    Please consider contributing financially to help this family survive the tragedy. Any amount you can give will be deeply appreciated. Please send checks payable to “ASIA, Inc.” and write in the memo line, “Zhang Family Donation”. You may mail checks to the following address:
ASIA, Inc.
c/o Susan Wong
3631 Perkins Ave. #2A-W
Cleveland, OH 44114
    100% of the proceeds will go directly to the family to defray medical costs and to assist the mother and son transition from this very tragic incidence.









