












Christa Acker

When we got married, we entered into our relationship with visions of fairy tales, where the couple lives happily ever after. It didn’t take long when differences in our illusions surfaced. “My way” and “your way” needed to be addressed, but rarely did it turn into “our way.”

We didn’t know how to communicate our true feelings, because we assumed that the other would know instinctively. After all, we loved each other. What we learned over the years is this, we needed help and support from friends and counselors to get over the rough edges of life’s trials in everyday encounters.

We bring into marriage all the values and dynamics of our own childhood which hinder us in our new relationship with another person because deep down there is unresolved pain, insecurities, and domineering traits. What we needed to do was to confront all of these hidden needs and expect healing of the inner person. It’s not easy to discover the truth within, but our faith in a loving God, revealed in Jesus Christ and recorded in the Old and New Testament helped us to heal and become mature persons over time.

Each human being is a miracle of creation by a magnificent God, known in different cultures by many names. This creator God has made us in His image that we might know him by his love for us and for each other. We are spiritual beings with a soul that will return to God when our life on earth is complete. There are no exceptions.
Without the divine law of love that teaches us to love one another as God loves us and to love our neighbor as ourselves, human beingsremain selfish and unsensitive to other people’s needs. This applies to marriage, families and communities and even nations. When we do wrong or hurt each other, we need to forgive and be restored. It’s a daily occurrence. Jesus gave his life on the cross that we might be forgiven for all our wrongdoing. It is the greatest gift for humankind. To live by that is JOY!

In a marital relationship we need that intimacy of touching each other, speaking what is on our mind in a kind and understanding manner, we need to be honest with each other and allow each other space. We need to enjoy activities together, but also foster friendships with others. When we are blessed with children, marriage takes on a new focus of dedication, sacrifice and wonder. Love your children, discipline them with kindness, educate them, listen to them, enjoy them. Gratitude is a major attitude toward all of life ‘s blessings that brings happiness. ?Marriage is not a piece of cake, but very much worth it. The loving support and companionship of two people is all it takes to grow old together and feel totally comfortable with each other. Marriage has been likened to a crucible that refines the gold as it goes through the fire. Here’s to 50 years of marriage and to the future whatever it may bring with the Lord at our side!


    七月23日是Charles Acker和Christa Acker金婚紀念日,五十時間如流水般稍縱即逝,五十年多少風風雨雨,一起走過多少人生坎坷,起伏跌宕 ,相互攙扶,一起承擔一家的重擔,彼此付出了無與倫比的愛,當我問 Christa Acker走過婚姻五十年的秘密:她説;他總是對的。而Charles Acker説:我不知道明天我們還是不是夫妻,我們過好今天。









