












會長: 朱鳳卿

Current Board and Officers Ending January, 2011
主席團 : 2009-2010
President: Judy Fung Chu會長: 朱鳳卿
VP of Program: Theresa Wang王繼瑞
VP of Membership: Grace Lin林麗芳
Treasurer: Susan Yelin
Acting Secretary: Dorina Chu, Betty Hsu, Ann Djung
Supporting Team:
Amy Hope, Doris Yee,Sandy Schwartz, Jane Wang, Li Wong, Lisa Zheng
Financial Advisor:
First Integrity Financial Services
Website Coordinator: Johnny Wu
Honorary Memberships: Margaret Wong


    克里夫蘭婦女聯誼會成立已經十三年,一年一度慶祝國際三八在麗華飯店舉辦,來自社會各界一百多人,大家歡聲笑語歡聚一堂,伊利華報主編浦瑛把美國人收養中國小孩的Jeff 一家六口人也帶來,他們是想讓大家能參與下星期二(3月22日,晩上的晩餐)當晩,他們全家人在浦瑛的介紹後,許多華人當場捐款支持,黃唯律師所的應莉莉女士鼓勵大家有錢出錢有力出力,在場和諧氣氛融合,讓給Jeff全家人十分感動。



一封來自Tammy 的感謝信

Thank you so much to Annie Ying Pu and the Erie Chinese Journal for taking an interest in our story. It is so overwhelming to realize that people who were strangers to us just a short time ago, can be so caring and supportive. We are so grateful to everyone who has made donations and said kind words to us. Thank you for the introduction at Li Wah Restaurant and for letting us tell everyone about our benefit dinner. The kids had a great time and they were very happy that everyone was so nice to them. Jasmine kept saying, "Everyone is giving us presents! I like these friends!" She had a fun time. The food was amazing too!
I can't thank you enough for everything you have done. I look forward to getting together sometime soon.

Tammy Jarrett,
Jeff, Jordan, Jonathan,
Jacob, and Jasmine

March 14, 2010Donation, Door & Raffle Prize Contributors
感謝下列各界捐贈禮金及禮品 :

George 劉先生,黃唯大律師,麗華大酒樓,頂好超市,可口餅屋, 亞州食品,紅袖添香資生堂專賣店,姐妺手飾店, Otani Japan Restaurant, Relaxation Unlimited, Dave Supermarket, Amy Hope, Betty Hsu, Doris Yee, Jane Wong, Lydia Yu, …
感謝下列商家為本會所有會員提供折扣優惠 :
Members of Chinese Women Association will receive discounts from the following businesses: (Members are required to show ID)
1. Li-Wah Restaurant, 216-696-6556
2.Huan East Restaurant, Richmond Hts., 216-381-2266
3. Hunan by the Falls - Chagrin Falls, 440-247-0808
4. Hunan Solon, 440-248-8836
5. Jet Shing Tong Chinese Herb,
6. Anna Beauty Center, 216-574-2288
7. Sister Gift Shop, 216-269-1648
8. Ace Title- $50 off, 330-487-0968
9. Tink Holl Grocery, 216-881-6996
10.Good Harvest Grocery, 216-868-8018

Mission Statement
Our mission is to assist women of Chinese and Asian descent on the issues facing them today, including but not limited to gender discrimination, social injustice, domestic violence, and economic empowerment. We also seek to preserve the exercise of the traditional virtues of Asian culture and the recognition of women’s roles in today’s society while fostering bonds of friendship between women, especially in times of crisis.
We also aim to support other Women’s groups in the Cleveland area.
Visit us at: www. chinesewomencleveland.org
*Membership Fees are considered Donations and are tax deductible for our members.









