


Pittsburgh Asian Journal Helping the Asian society to come together in Pittsburgh area

        I have a gallery business my self in Pittsburgh, Lawrenceville area. However, I met the Editor of Erie Chinese Journal, Pu Ying, at the New Year’s celebration gala in 2005. She told me that she’d some difficulties gotten people’s help in expanding her business in Pittsburgh area.
      After a year, I was deeply moved by her great big warm heart in helping people in many areas including Cleveland, Columbus, Chicago, New York and Pittsburgh. Although she’s a very capable woman but her ability to expand her business in other area is not an easy task without other’s help. Therefore, I’ve considered seriously that I’ve to take a responsibility as an Asian living in Pittsburgh area to help her establish a journal that belongs to all Asian and going to benefit all Asian living in Pittsburgh area.

  20世紀有一位成功的畫家叫ANDYWARHOL《伊利華報》預祝楊士釗先生將成爲21世紀的ANDY WARHOL  

