



   編者按:近日,美國衆院司法委員會六名共和黨議員聯名要求聯邦調查局對趙美心進行調查。來自德州的共和黨議員古登表示,「我認爲,趙美心需要受到挑戰(be called out),我質疑她的忠誠或能力。她與美國主流社會格格不入」。他還説,「我眞的很失望與震驚,像趙美心這種人會獲得安全許可,在FBI調查清楚以前,她不應該有資格參加國會機密會議」。
   趙美心1953年出生於加州。父親是出生在美國的第二代華裔,是參加過第二次世界大戰的退伍軍人。 母親來自中國廣東江門。

UCA Condemns Racist and McCarthyist Attacks on Rep. Chu and Dominic Ng
   United Chinese Americans (UCA) strongly condemns the recent racist and offensive remarks made by Texas Representative Lance Gooden against Representative Judy Chu, Chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and a highly respected leader in Chinese American and AAPI communities. His baseless comments questioning Representative Chu's loyalty to the United States are McCarthyist, racist, and shameful.
   As a respected Member of the United States Congress and a dedicated public servant who has fought tirelessly for her constituents and for the rights of all Americans for decades, Rep. Chu’s loyalty and commitment to this country are beyond question, period! It is shameful that Representative Gooden and other officials would seek to divide and harm our nation with such ugly McCarthyist attacks.
It is no less disturbing and shameful to accuse Dominic Ng, a highly respected Chinese American business and community leader, and President Biden’s pick to represent the United States on the Asia-Pacifc Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2023, of treason to America, based on flimsy and unsubstantiated evidence.
As an organization that advocates for the rights and well-being of Chinese Americans, we stand in solidarity with Representative Chu, Dominic Ng, and all those who have been subjected to discriminatory and xenophobic attacks. We call on all elected officials and organizations to condemn such behavior and to work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful society that values diversity and embraces the contributions of all Americans, regardless of their ethnic background or where they come from.